Thursday, January 11, 2007

With 6 Up To 8 Evenings It(he) Had

With 6 up to 8 Evenings it(he) had dinner with house and afforded for a short while . And with 8 up to 11 Evenings at it(him) the third working day, characteristic proceeded Specificity: reception of numerous visitors, conversations with pupils, acquaintance With press - to put it briefly, this third working day was characterized already The facilitated loading. Despite of advanced years (Vasily Aleksandrovich Has died in the age of for 80 years), despite of a risky and heavy life The professional revolutionary in young years, this person owing to precise To the mode established(installed) by it(him) which it(he) supported(maintained) during many Decades, kept up to the end of the days clear, dialectically sharp reason, Ideal memory and magnificent working capacity. I shall refer and to the modest experience for I also could take advantage In young years features of the warehouse of a lark when it would be desirable To be in time more. Both at school, and in high school I in 5 mornings and up to 8 carried out all Homeworks which on the freshest head were solved with amazing Speed and clearness.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Whether Not Therefore In Last Ten Years More

Whether not therefore in last ten Years more than two hundred has died on a racetrack of a stop Hearts?. All know, that "walruses" catch a cold less often than usual people. However it is not enough Who knows, that their adaptation to a cold causes an atrophy of a liver and falling in Organism of cholesterol much below those values which it would be possible To consider(count) favorable for preventive maintenance of an atherosclerosis. Hence, it is necessary To study(investigate) so-called cross kinds of adaptation. Here that this(thus) such: The structural trace left by one factor of reorganization of an organism, often Pulls behind itself the parts raising(increasing) stability(resistance) of an organism in relation to another To stressful influences. For example, the hardy person to physical activity More quickly gets used to high-mountainous, poor oxygen to air. It also is So-called cross adaptation. Twenty years' experiences above the animals got that refers to, from Fire yes in , have found out, that the branched most out structural trace Leaves the adaptation to lack of oxygen.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

There Were Centuries And Millenia, And Eventually Behind

There were centuries and millenia, and eventually behind that stone to the left of Human dwelling have begun to go already, burning a grass, peace cows. The need(requirement) in perception(recognition) little by little began to disappear, for To the person it(she) any more did not bring practical advantage(benefit), quality did not train And as consequence(investigation) of it(this) is has been lost. But it is lost does not mean It is liquidated. In each of us to some extent potentially it lives Also can be wakened by a life. On my supervision, it is easy(light) enough Can be caused to real activity approximately in everyone the second Women and at each third man that is a lot of. At the others process This goes more difficultly, but also they are not hopeless. All business in, that , Hardly heard signals of subconsciousness have managed to make the way(break through) through powerful a background Consciousness which have so developed at us, intelligence. (as it seems, these(it) Signals make the way the more often and more authentically, than it is more than traumas, and especially Traumas of a head their owner has received, that, as a matter of fact, is not Any rarity.