Thursday, October 4, 2007

Much Of Us It Is Memorable, As Space

Much of us it is memorable, as space mission hardly has not stopped Huge, expensive station " -7 " of that insignificant on To size the gauge of one of batteries has appeared faulty: it(he) showed on Full charge of batteries when they have not been charged. As a result The equipment of all station has ceased to work - was absent . The station became , to freeze. To cosmonauts to Vladimir Dzhanibekovu and To Victor Savinykh, arrived for repair in Space, it was necessary to show the present Courage. In the heaviest conditions with high carefulness they have lead all Operations on restoration of station (that cost, for example, fear Concerning durability of the designs which have tested temperatures, close to To absolute zero!). Eventually insignificant malfunction which could To lead to catastrophic consequences for the enormous ship, was It is found out and eliminated(erased,removed). I have resulted(brought) this example, meaning(keeping in mind) an organism of the person, As analogy to show, what insignificant sometimes the reasons Conduct to tragical consequences in scales of the whole system.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

That Is Why Careful Finding-out The Come(stepped) Troubles

That is why Careful finding-out the come(stepped) troubles should be begun From consultations at professionals of a high hand. And having eliminated(erased,removed), or having replaced The unusable "gauge", failed "detail", we have an opportunity for Normal functioning of all floors of our supercomplex(superdifficult) device. Pretty often, however, there are and so, as genetically we "Are faultless", and damages special are not present, and a morbid depression, despondency, depression Or, on the contrary, hypererethism, whether with aggression accompany hardly Not each our step. To me there were in the scientific literature data that up to 80 % of all people are in a condition of chronic stress, that is Emotional . And, hence, liquidation of this it is constant Spoiling deformation of our person there is a problem(task) for strengthening and revival Psychological, so, and physical health. About it(this) now and Let's talk at a level quite practical: in what hospitals accept on Treatment of the first, most important of whales? First about the central clinic under the name "Movement".

Monday, October 1, 2007

I Understand, That The Given Thesis Will Cause

I understand, that the given thesis will cause a wide derisive smile on persons(faces) at Those readers who immediately will recollect also quantity(amount) of the wars accompanied To mankind during its(his) fixed and unstable history, Quantity(Amount) of cases of cruelty and the vandalism, known to everyone. In a word, To deny these regulations about of humanity as basic tendency human History as if will not make the big work, especially in conditions Present revelry of cruelty. However we shall not hurry up. We shall consider the problem In scales of larger, than the facts laying on a surface. In foreign Philosophies as is wished can be counted proceedings, in which much It is proved, that the person has adopted from the biological predecessors Aggression, the cruelty, constantly aspiring to prove held down Sexual energy, etc. But in fact it is known also, that natural selection Has generated processes and other order, connected with care of all communities about Young growth, with collective protection against dangers of a different sort, with signals about To a coming nearer trouble.

In The Same Plan - By Way Of

In the same plan - by way of Attempts of some decoding and other ancient symbols, I shall try To continue this conversation on our communication(connection) with other elements with which gives Us our planet. And so far as we speak about a successful practice, again and again Let's emphasize, that one of its(her) major conditions is the belief In close, indissoluble communication(connection) of all bodies among themselves and all of them together with The Universe which has generated them. As though it would be desirable, that these ideas material Unities of the person and the Universe, idea of dynamic balance of all Functional systems of a human body and their communications(connections) with processes in The installed steel leading tendencies and modern medicine. Whether become Ever for us supervising regulations about application of medicines, Made of natural raw material, instead of synthesized from chemical The products, differing other isotope sign? Whether Is ever Solving for improvement and healing the person the concept Priority influence on it(him) of natural factors? It would be desirable to trust, That in the foreseeable future on change modern another will come, originally The human medicine, capable to see the person in a complex of mutual relations With Wednesday, its(his) generated, and capable to support(maintain) its(his) worthy life in Volume, certainly, a case if it(he), certainly, accepts it(her) .