Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Scoring Not Only Raises(increases) The General(common) Crop Green

Scoring not only raises(increases) the general(common) crop Green weight of Lucerne, but also sharply increases its(her) nutritional value. To what I speak all this? As it has appeared, scoring allowed as well To open on leaves of plants the maximal number for absorption Carbonic acids and aerosols(sprays), and also water from air. Research of results of scoring has shown, that leaves of plants perfectly React not only to music, but also on. birds! Written down on Film, it also sharply made active growth and development of plants. Are already created Special systems of scoring with sound signals on frequency six , reminding robins or an ouzel. Similar supervision Are capable to lead us to wide enough conclusions which cover spheres The activity, far falling outside the limits receptions of the raised(increased) crops. As all in the nature so is interconnected, what even the bird's singing by the Vibrations is capable to improve vital signs of plants considerably, Responding them so far as it is possible to assume, as the person, Communicating the nature, receives or a lot such Biophysiological influences which are capable to improve considerably Functional activity of its(his) organism, its(his) mentality.

Monday, February 11, 2008

It(she) Is Sated(saturated) By Salts Of Iodine, ,

It(she) is sated(saturated) by salts of iodine, , sodium, phosphorus, bromine, iron, Magnesium, contains vitamins of group A, B and C in a greater degree, than apricots. It(She) contains a set of that rare carbohydrates which should connect and To deduce(remove) away the heavy metals getting in a human body, in that Number and radioactive substances, for example strontium. Alongside with it(this) action it(she) as we already understand, by virtue of Abundance in it(her) rough is a fine regulator of all functions Intestines and an active feed(meal) for bacteria of our microflora. Absence in It(Her) of fats, amazing , an opportunity to participate in Set of other dishes without the conflict to them - whether it is not enough of it(this) for attraction Our sincere sympathies to it(her), as, under certificates of people, On a regular basis consuming it(her), it(she) noticeably improves memory! And it is no wonder, for It(She) possesses strong antisclerous influence. Soya: the supplier of most ideal of all vegetative fibers, on the to structure of a meat not differing almost from fiber, eggs, milk, But differing them easier(lighter) splitting in an organism.