Saturday, December 1, 2007

However What To Do(make), If This Whale Is

However what to do(make), if this whale is not found in my pond Or, say, it(he) is sick long ? Where, in what shops sell them To the one to whom on account of avaricious limits they or where in what have not been released(have not been let off) Clinics encourage them?. " I shall answer so: my difference and my adherents from a position of an inert part Official medicine consists that we do not reduce the person to To mechanical set of bodies and physiological systems, but it is visible Role of its(his) mentality, its(his) spirit at creation of its(his) firm health. Difference My sights and members of my group from concepts of some visible, gently Psychics favourite and esteemed by us consists that we do not consider(count) Possible(Probable) to be limited to only biofield influences, having met with The hurting person. For us it is important to clean(remove) material, organic, corporal The reason of the arisen shifts, field influence on the damaged(injured) body for Us is the important part of the necessary complex help to the patient, but not Unique way.

We Have Gone(send) The By. Have Cleaned Its(her)

We have gone(send) The by. Have cleaned its(her) liver (about it(this) speech still ahead), then have begun The general(common) cleaning of an organism - starvation. And here this air grace, this(thus) young The beauty in weight in 63 kgs has passed(has taken place) through 28-day's starvation. It(she) Received only water and . Every day two . And that it(she) Nothing ate, it(she) was left daily with fantastic quantity(amount) of a miscellaneous Sorts of slags. As a result it(she) has grown thin up to 40 kgs. It is asked, how many Kgs of dross and a dirt was inside of it(her), inside of its(her) cells(cages)? Could Whether it(she) to hurt(be ill,be sick)? And to restore it(her), to build its(her) health anew we have begun From clarification of an organism. I believe, that a similar parity(ratio) pure(clean), and a dirty substance It is characteristic almost for each of deeply dear readers of this book. Only one are genetically stronger, that allows them to cope with troubles Easier, others are designed more poorly, and it is necessary them is worse.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

That Is Why Run And Others Physical Exercises

That is why run and others Physical exercises are returning to initial, basic norm(rate) of the general(common) Health, and returning not only in those situations, in which we Are raised(excited) (yes then simply it is required any physical action - though Around of the house to walk - to unload the excited condition), but And as means preventive. Employment(occupations) by run and other exercises, Demanding active movement, are capable mentality of the person, for They first of all counterbalance it(her). Besides, they are capable regularly To bring to it(him) sensation of happiness and even euphoria. This fine condition is connected with the strengthened allocation in blood The hormones named : they are actively developed(produced) by a hypophysis at The employment(occupations) directed on development of physical endurance. is On the chemical condition substances, but their influence on The organism undoubtedly is more useful, for they natural sensation Cheerfulness. (Efficiency of salutary influence also, In K.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Exactly At Nineteen O'clock You Accept The First

Exactly at nineteen o'clock you accept The first portion of an olive oil - three table spoons - and wash down its(her) with one The table spoon of a lemon juice. So will proceed until you You will not drink all oil(butter) up to the end, and with last doze of this oil(butter) also up to The end will drink all remained lemon juice. After that, all time laying on The right to a side, on the hot hot-water bottle which is warming up your liver, you everyone Fifteen minutes - about one second precisely - accept a following doze: oil(butter) plus Lemon juice. So will proceed until you will not drink all Oil(Butter) up to the end, and with last doze of this oil(butter) you as up to the end will drink All remained lemon juice. After that you lay and wait, that with you will be. It is necessary to tell also, That you in advance should prepare for a pot to see, that surprising You will leave. And here after a while - can be, in an hour, can To be, through two, maybe, in eight-nine hours (at one my friend And in Twenty one hour!) - channels of a liver will start to reveal, and it(she) Will begin to extort vigorously from itself all that monstrous earth flow, Which will fall in your pot.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Therefore On Call There Should Be A Sal

Therefore on call there should be a sal ammoniac, maybe, the fan, maybe, Even . To be afraid of anything especially does not follow, for after an attack Weaknesses you again will feel well and will sleep, as innocent The child. But the main thing - you will warm consciousness of that for this night you Were released(exempted) from such explosive bomb in the hold which could not To unload any resorts, any expensive procedures during Many years.) When to my father was eighty years and it(he) after the second heart attack, about Which I mentioned, was still weak, we have persuaded it(him) all the same to be cleaned. Certainly, there were doubts, there were fears, shall not dismiss and Age conservatism, but eventually it(he) was solved. It(him) has left Sixty greater(big) stones and up to two hundred small! It is asked, how it(he) could be healthy at such impurity?! Among our friends there is a woman whom more than five years chased for Tatyana Aleksandrovnoj Burevoj across all Soviet Union as to it(her) was It is offered to cut out a bilious bubble for in a picture it(he) looked(appeared) as long in which contained more than sixty huge -beans, and It(She) did not want operation.