Friday, March 14, 2008

As It Is Possible To Act(arrive) In Similar

As it is possible to act(arrive) in Similar case? Output(Exit) the first: to curtail(turn) a head that it(he) did not bother and not Disturbed. An output(exit) of the second: to take reasonable measures to liquidation of gas and To airing of mine(shaft). And so, when we start to notice any disturbing signals, Submitted by our organism, maybe, then it is meaningful to not suppress(stop) them Different sort chemical medicines (to turn off a head) but to accept Appropriate measures that have disappeared not symptoms, but first of all The reasons which have generated them? And if any illness is the certificate of shortage Energy in an organism, maybe, the most reasonable way is a way Findings of this(thus) so necessary for us for normal, healthy, happy Lives of energy?. The chapter(head) the fourth THE CONCEPT OF THE PURE(CLEAN) ORGANISM Why and rats become alcoholics, or As on wide To scale of food stuffs precisely to define(determine) the site The big and difficult conversation on our feed(meal) to me was to be begun with Such here pictures.

And Points Such - More , And Everyone

And points such - more , and everyone lives not only on individual to daily allowances To the schedule, but also demands the day and month. I speak about it(this) not to emphasize obvious insufficiency Preparations of those our homebrew which receive the Diplomas after two months of employment(occupations) on short-term rates, and for that, That more and more time to emphasize, be however great achievements can in Areas of healing in the event that doctors will help(assist) an organism in Conformity with those real laws on which it(he) lives, entering the Actions in those concrete, really existing rhythms which define(determine) it(him) Ability to live. While actions of physicians can be compared not so much with Superneat, sniper shooting where the necessary effect is reached(achieved) all Only one shot from a rifle, with a mighty cannonade from tens The large-caliber trunks, brought down(collapsed) on the area in many hectares. Certainly, There is a chance to amaze(strike) the foe, but it is much more than chances to sweep into smithereens that, That any danger does not represent.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

.) And I Mean Not Those Record Achievements Which

.) and I mean not those Record achievements which are carried out in the big sports and result(bring) them Carriers(Bearers), as a rule, in the subsequent to crash and to accident, to physical inability In connection with unreasonable in the beginning operation of all six hundred hearts at once, and Then to their full switching-off from any loading. No, I have in To kind of those people which have appeared capable to leave on valid Optimum level incorporated in them and to support(maintain) this Level within a decade after a decade. Here it is exact not Fantasy! I have enough examples but to not block up yours Memory, the reader, I shall result(bring) most, in my opinion, impressing. The city dweller of Nikolaev George Vsevolodovich Chajkovsky in 1988 Has finished the marathon run in due course at three hours. The result, seemed , not the highest but the matter is that to George Vsevolodovichu it was executed in That year of 75 years. At growth of 173 sm its(his) weight of 57 kg, pulse of 37-40 impacts a minute, And pressure of 110/70 mm.

Monday, March 10, 2008

However, And Eclipses From Time To Time Appear

However, and eclipses from time to time appear Useful. However eclipses-holidays, thank God, are rare the same as are rare and Inoculations which are received by our children as the weakened(easied) infection that To develop(produce) their ability to resistance, and in the basis to us follows To adhere all the same to the general scheme(plan) of compatibility or incompatibility Products about which it is above already told. Whenever possible always, even on feasts, It is necessary to avoid, however, so widespread custom, as acceptance Sweet, tasty drink at once after meal. The matter is that sweet Liquids, is an independent meal which should be accepted not earlier than Through an hour after the basic meal, after all other forces of a stomach and Salivary have already been thrown on break and have executed everything, that from them It was required. Why? Yes therefore, first, that gastric juices of different type on Digestion peep, which has got in our stomach, was allocated so much And in such consistence, which and for its(her) splitting, Dissolution, digestion.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Look: Come Or Scientists From Long Voyage, Where

Look: come or scientists from long voyage, where them Feed "". And they, young still children(guys), are burdened already by all Diseases what are inherent deeply in advanced age, and, forgive, they As it is not enough man to what are suitable. And what it is necessary for people? And it is necessary to know laws of a separate feed(meal), That from Products it is related it is combined, and that with what is physiological The antagonist. And whenever possible it is necessary to eat according to Natural laws of an own organism which reflect Natural laws of the nature. Century in the book " Secrets of your vivacity ", I.Litvina in the book " Three Advantage(Benefit) ", the doctor of the medical sciences, the deserved inventor of RSFSR And. and a number(line) of other authors with convincing accuracy, with a support on many Modern and old sources approve(confirm) and supplement those principles A separate feed(meal) which in the clearest form have been formulated Herbert Sheltonom. But in fact not only formulated these principles, But on their basis carried out treatment of people in powerful improving Complexes.