Friday, October 31, 2008

Biologically Active Substances In Plants Cause Their Original

Biologically active substances in plants Cause their original taste and aroma, which curative value while It is still insufficiently opened. As to , it(she) - not empty Ballast, and, on the contrary, the most valuable element of a feed(meal). Owing to greater juiciness The vegetative food satisfies thirst, interferes with adiposity, normalizes ????�??�-alkaline balance. Let's make fluent, absolutely any review of that contains in " Our external " also that, certainly, should become " our internal ". Here the cabbage, a vegetable accessible to all, capable to grow Even behind Polar circle and possessing remarkable, up to hundred tons from hectare, Productivity. Yes, certainly, other kinds of cabbage bring additional Shades in treasures of a cabbage empire, but we shall address, however, to most Known and habitual for us to a product. What does it(he) give us? Remarkable Quantity(Amount) of vitamin C first of all. It is curious, that vitamin C in the person Updatings arises at cabbage, and not only arises, but also Increases in it(her) in comparison with its(her) fresh kind! About what avitaminosis, about What ageing (vitamin C - one of the most effective antioxidants) can To go speech, so far as we consume a sauerkraut? Opportunities of this remarkable vegetable induce me, a little Having broken(disturbed) logic of a narration to address here to fundamental To opening of academician A.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where Similar At Us? Unfortunately, Even Its(his) Books

Where similar at us? Unfortunately, even its(his) books at us long were not translated, and disputes on it(him) The doctrine were(be) conducted(ordered) only at such level: " approves(confirms), that a sandwich, Consisting of a roll with sausage, it is physiologically harmful! " The argument - in Exclamation mark which, obviously, should stimulate hostility The Soviet readers to . The essence, the sense of a separate feed(meal) and on a , and on it(him) To predecessors and followers consists in not inducing Bodies of a digestive path simultaneously to allocate both acid, and alkaline Elements, for according to laws of chemistry an acid and alkali at Interaction will be neutralized, . And as an organism for Millions years of the existence became so complex(difficult) system, that, as Only you look at any product, at you those are already allocated Enzymes which should split it(him) so far as it is not necessary to prepare those Dishes which cause simultaneously inflow and acids and alkalis.

. To Put It Briefly, This Elements Is Diverse

. To put it briefly, this elements is diverse so, that I now not I dare to allocate in it(her) the person of aspect dominating over health. I act As follows: I pass to next of themes, our conversation about To power and when we begin to understand principles of creation faultlessly The tempered organism possessing as much as possible ample opportunities Adaptations to adverse influences from the outside, accent(stress) in the given theme Let's put on surprising properties of water. Powerful forces or How to include in the body neutron Reactor What is the training and for what it(she) is necessary? If, avoiding special Terms to tell simply it is skill of the basic systems of an organism to To normal work even under abnormal external circumstances, differently(otherwise) Speaking, this expansion of opportunities of our viability. Here arises Curious aspect: expansion of adaptive skills to adverse External (including extreme) to influences noticeably improves Functioning of an organism and in usual conditions, power Its(His) opportunities noticeably increase.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

- "" - It Is Necessary To Concern

- "" - it is necessary to concern to its(his) lessons, its(his) system with all Possible(Probable) attention and respect for in it(her) experience complex is concentrated The approach to improvement by means of salutary mental changes in Consciousness of the person, and also by means of regular and transition to To noticeably reduced diet with regular starvations. Appeared in press I consider(count) sneers at the verbal form of its(his) precepts and hymns unworthy. On the other hand, I would like to express the in the most delicate form Disagreement with that spirit of violent fanaticism which I sometimes meet, Communicating with Porfiriya Korneevicha Ivanov's some followers. Fanaticism, Which severe self-restriction is similar to thoughtless religious ecstasy, Itself only formulas and the horizons established(installed) "", necessarily Forces to recollect wise saying " do not create to itself an idol ". The assumption of that development of a looking human idea comes to an end in Twelve items(points) "", at any sane person can cause Disagreement.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Willingly I Trust, That Once It(she) Helped(assisted) Ancient

Willingly I trust, that once it(she) helped(assisted) ancient inhabitants of mountains, on that they and . They in fact did not have an aspirin, and now it(him), as they say, in To any drugstore ". In my opinion, the similar feuilleton - truly classics of that level Representations about principles of health, which already the whole generations. By the way speaking, classics is also the self-portrait of the feuilletonist, which it(he) At all is not ashamed: corpulent, inactive, finished smoking up to a bronchitis The person, so in the four walls what to expel from them it(him) The "ferial(vegetarian)" smell of restaurant is capable only. It is curious, that the same newspaper two months earlier has informed, that inhabitants Two small villages - one in England, another to the USA - spend "Transatlantic" competitions on growing thin. In two "commands(teams)" approximately On hundred eighty the person. Englishmen have learned(have found out) from newspapers, that Americans of all Village for three months intend to grow thin for the whole ton (more than five Kgs everyone).

It Seems, Everyone Know About Schedules Of Biorhythms

It seems, everyone know about schedules of biorhythms which in listings it is enough Are widely widespread and where readout of rhythms begins with own day Birthes of the user. In what sense of this schedule? In the beginning of XX century doctors Herman Svoboda, Wilhelm Klejst and it is independent from each other Have come to conclusion on the basis of the big statistics received at supervision For patients, that the person lives according to three various Schedules. One of them of-physical opportunities - is equal to 23 days. The second- Emotional condition - it is equal to 28 days. The third - intellectual Opportunities it-is equal to 33 days. According to their supervision, all schedules join Immediately after a birth of the person also last during its(his) all life under laws Sinusoids. It means the following: first half of schedule - positive, Active condition of this or that function; second half - its(her) decline. Day Transition of the schedule from a condition in a condition is critical, that is Capable to lead the person and inadequacy of reactions.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Movement - A Pulsing Core Of Life Probably,

Movement - a pulsing core of life Probably, now we steal up already closely to a power core Our second whale - to concept "movement". What is such? It at all on kitchen(cuisine), even it(she) also proceeded all the day or the whole life. It And not slow walk together-three together, accompanied by heart-to-heart talk. It even not any physical work, let and added by moving Weights, as, for example, carry by the postman of the bag filled by newspapers and Magazines. For all that, as kitchen cares, and walks, and Delivery of press - all this absolutely necessary elements in our life, Accompanied by moving to space, movement these(thus) and numerous Other actions(shares) similar to them are true named cannot be. Movement is such physical activity taken by us up, At which speeded up rhythm the pulse corresponding(meeting) 120-140 reductions Hearts in a minute, enters into some extent in time, instead of Designates disposable splash. Perfectly I understand an opportunity of the whole squall logical Attacks to this quite not logic definition.