Friday, August 15, 2008

However In Absolutely Motionless To Atmosphere Of A

However in absolutely motionless To atmosphere of a refrigerator this insignificant layer for some seconds Guarantees our safety. Safety, but not warmly. Monstrously low The temperature for short time as though will paralyse our nervous terminations(endings), and, The most important, the cold generates and will mobilize those reserve opportunities Organism at a molecular level about which just there was a speech. Actually Speaking, short-term air influences in "antisauna" Are equivalent to those improving loadings which the person receives at Douche or bathing in an ice-hole. The matter is that at water heat conductivity almost in thirty times more, Than at air, and on subjective sensations air at temperature a minus hundred Twenty are not much colder, than ice water. Than to explain, that Impact of water is safe for any uninitiated within a minute, and Influence of frosty motionless air safely for us during Greater term? An explanation that this difference depends on our system which has some inertia, that is works not Instantly, and later certain time after receipt in "central" Staff, in the central nervous system, signals from external receptors.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Their Food, Which They Accepted Two Times A

Their food, which they Accepted two times a day, consisted of the products which have kept Biochemical properties, that is comprised a solar energy and a straight line The solar information: for a breakfast the raisin, almonds, a filbert, is a little honey - and " All ". The dinner which ate in the evening, consisted from small Quantities(Amounts) of rice soup with from fennel, a parsley, sea kale, Caraway seeds and . And as the desert has regarded distinction in a feed(meal) of those and others, and on mine Sight, distinction in the mentality? The certificate(act) about tests of people by desert, To be exact, the validity, signed director All-Union Research institute of physical training of Item of A.Vinogradovym, The rector of Turkmen state institute of physical culture And. M. , says, that for four day all participants experimental Groups have passed(have taken place) a route at excellent(different) state of health, fine physical Working capacity and in vigorous mood. A level of a blood pressure and Pulse rate did not leave for norm(rate) of the healthy person.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

But, My God, What It A Little, How

But, my God, what it a little, how much(as far as) nevertheless we are still alien Space consciousness and comprehension of by children of the Earth, children of the Universe! We We know, for example, that some kinds of butterflies are capable to find The kind for kilometers and kilometers. If they go on a smell, quantity(amount) Molecules of aromatic substance it is estimated in literally units on The cubic metre of space, and this quantity(amount) cannot be caught and It is apprehended by absolutely any devices - except for an alive organism! Knowing it and Admiring with similar properties of the colleagues on a planet as we can To believe, as if our own - tsar of the nature! - biodevices are capable Just to this nature to not react? For example, the nearest satellite of ours Planets the moon in the rotation around of us causes behind itself a tidal wave Up to six meters. So powerful influence of an attraction bending terrestrial , yet really it does not influence at all all ours Structures? Being the formed accomplices of scientific and technical revolution, Possessing knowledge mechanisms, perfectly imagining, however(as) Huge mechanical or electric forces can be started By means of absolutely insignificant, incommensurable to the given capacities(powers) Signals as we not in condition to understand, that constants though almost Intangible signals influencing us from infinitely far planets so Or otherwise form course in us active mental or Physiological processes? Our predecessors on a life on this planet, proceeding from criteria Repeatability and experts, already have very long time ago established(installed) complex(difficult) interrelations Between the world of planets and the world of people, also I believe, that not far off revival Really scientific approach to an astrology presently and at us.

It Seems, I Have Convincingly Enough Shown, That

It seems, I have convincingly enough shown, that a choice of a feed(meal) at all Neutral business, that its(his) character far is not indifferent for corporal and for Mental our condition. That this idea has not disappeared from your field, The reader, I shall stimulate from time to time it(her) further: that the instruction(indication) on Communication(Connection) of an incorrect feed(meal) with oncology, with an atherosclerosis, with others "Pleasures" of a life. And now, it is enough having encouraged your attention, I pass to Concrete definitions of the main thing, to those general(common) laws, which, however, Allow us to move in their limits according to the nature and own To understanding. Whether there are such laws? Certainly. First of them is Wide, even very wide selection of products, suitable for a feed(meal) The person among which it is necessary to be able to choose the most suitable for Itself. The nature with all the heart has generously awarded us with ability to . It is enough to look at a human teeth - though inhabitants of Kirghizia, though Inhabitants of Ukraine, though Frenchmen, though .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It(he) Can Every Day To Clean A Teeth,

It(he) can Every day to clean a teeth, to wash a neck, but it(he) is polluted from within, and it Internal all becomes heavier than its(his) organism and more densely with Each year. And already further business especially individual at whom what will be Consequences from this "dirt" at whom that will turn out. One falls ill , another becomes , the third will be allergies and . . To put it briefly, at whom that is weaker, that and will be ill with that. I repeat: Illness number of one mankind is the general(common) internal Human body. Here we (me and my "collective farm") had to collide(face) with a case, Which has simply amazed(struck) us. When we became known enough, to us have begun To address for the help in heavy or in very heavy cases. Here once The woman of average years has visited(attended) us - speaks, that doctors promised its(her) daughter already In a week a lethal outcome. Cries. We come to it(her) home, we look. A daughter, As hardly dismissed , a gentle beauty of seventeen years.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Business In Volume, That The Soviet Geologists At

Business in Volume, that the Soviet geologists at prospecting drilling oil have found out on To the bottom Volga huge stocks of a mineral . Applying concentrated Brine of this mineral for preparation of a boring solution, they have turned Attention to that at its(his) hit on a body the pain in joints disappeared, Backbone, waist. It has appeared, that this product of crystallization of salts from Waters of the ancient Perm sea-biologically active connection containing A plenty of bromine, iodine, , the calcium, more than twenty Microcells. Unfortunately, " goes-once will be ". If a preparation Doctors of Crowd have already started to make commercially, ours "Figures" do not hurry up to introduce this outstanding herb, this The gift, presented to people a planet. Treatment is spent in handicraft scales, and that owing to To enthusiasm of one of its(his) pathbreakers of M. . Yes here state farm "Lobachevsky" of the Rostov area somehow has quietly declared(announced) sale In half-liter bottles.