Friday, April 24, 2009

By The Way Speaking, Would Be Then Also

By the way Speaking, would be then also most to ours how much easier and easier To the public health services burdened while the decision excessive by its(his) opportunities Problems(Tasks)!. Many of my correspondents complain of a weak tone, others set Sad questions on quality of products, etc. All is correct, but in fact great Energy is born for great affairs! Let's lift temperature of the Emotions due to association of civil collective aspirations, Creations, for example, communities on cultivation of the vegetables not poisoned by nitrates Or, on the contrary, under the control and on the markets and shops such here Poisonous products for the person. The "collective farms" uniting people, aspiring To health, should and can arise everywhere. Let's shake off from Hibernation of the social opportunities and to not hope to the aid only Whence from the outside, from above, sideways; our wakened initiative should wash away And our own stagnancy, and slackness of on whom concrete steps depend On creation of really healthy way of life in our country.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

At Presence Of Group Well The Prepared, In

At presence of group well The prepared, in common working adherents are reached(achieved) rather Significant results. I repeat, care and here is necessary. It is known fantastic The story, how the butterfly crushed on the Earth complex(difficult) Relationship of cause and effect has led to wreck of a universe in another To galaxy. Writer Bradbury has only simulated in it(him) the most complicated circuit of the reasons And consequences(investigations) in our world. Again and again we are convinced that the care of health not is The end in itself, but is a reliable way for realization incorporated in us wonderful Opportunities, means for approach(approximation) a condition . Temple of health I. The concept of the Improving Center. 1. Economically powerful industrial combines, trade-union The organizations, the joint -foreign enterprises, specialized Establishments of Ministry of Health both others solvent and independent in financial The attitude(relation) of the company can and should, proceeding from social Politicians(Policies,Politics) to borrow(occupy) in creation of the Improving Centers capable not only To render significant curing influence it is direct on clients, But also become original schools of Health for associates.