Thursday, June 19, 2008

And Collective , And Collective Campaigns In A

And collective , and collective campaigns in a sweating room, and installations on which solidary rally all members of this(thus) small Collective and, certainly, as foam petty and vain conflicts wash off all, Arising from time to time in families, and creation of " clubs of health ", Which involve in the orbit of people, and spiritualized Kind uniform interest, - all this is the most remarkable action, Capable to deduce(remove) us on absolutely other horizon - high and joyful Collectivism and to open to us essentially new opportunities. New even in Volume the attitude(relation), that weak the person who never would be solved To be run without a vest in the autumn or in the winter, with pleasure makes behind city Similar run in group of adherents. Lonely, for example, the woman, Which and to a head would not come in itself to gather and go somewhere For lake or on small river, however, gathers, goes together with newly appeared Friends, tests an inexpressible emotional shake-up from an ice font and The subsequent then amicable and cheerful tea drinking; unless its(her) life not Gets new fine colors! And unless familiarizing elderly already The men, having whole "bank" of boring illnesses, to club " walruses ", Which are soared and then bathe in an ice-hole and in the most benevolent form Enrich each other with set of useful advice(councils) concerning elimination , - unless similar dialogue does not correct, and is rather appreciable, all The caved in ceiling of its(his) life?.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And Now We Shall Address To Principles Of

And now we shall address to principles of self-healing of mentality, that is to To the internal means hidden in it(her) and making its(her) mighty Reserve Revival and health. Further an idea : for that To eliminate(erase,remove) a stressful condition, follows by means of the reason To untangle the reasons, its(his) causing, and to try to liquidate them. As Simonov advises Item of Century, it is necessary the exhausting conflict "", similarly to cabbage up to the cabbage stump which should be highlighted at bright Light of own analytical thinking. Health influence not so much emotions, positive or Negative, how many the attitude(relation) of the person to the situations which have generated them. For Me the position which I have gathered in one of old is defining(determining) East books. I shall not approve(confirm), that I shall state it(her) literally, but an essence I shall transfer(transmit) Absolutely precisely: " Allow me, My God, force to change that I can change, Allow calmness to not experience there where nothing depends on me, and give Wisdom to distinguish one from another ".

Monday, June 16, 2008

It Is Noticed, That The Most Devout Walruses

It is noticed, that the most devout walruses Appear people of rather shaky health in the event that they not Carry out requirements of the system approach to the health. Further: by itself it is clear, that the organism which has passed to other range Power opportunities, demands not only other care of self in sense Regular "cleaning" of slags actively torn away from cells(cages), but also transition on Other bases of a feed(meal) about what, certainly, we also shall speak still. Here it is necessary to recollect that returning of the person to To the nature, the approach to it(him,them) as to an essence not only social, but also as to Biosocial makes an essence of the doctrine of the remarkable Russian person, National philosopher Porfiriya Korneevicha Ivanov. In Ivanov's practice and In its(his) theoretical heritage the most essential contains for Restoration and strengthening of our health is a recognition indissoluble Communications(Connections) between internal ecology of the person and ecology surrounding it(him) The nature.