Saturday, September 1, 2007

It Is Really Terrible Poison. The Severe Experimenters

It is really terrible poison. The severe experimenters who have poured out it(her) in Cabbage and fed this cabbage to a goat, have led an experimental animal Painful death. Other goat, much more hardy, has lost after Similar "meal" a wool which was showered from it(her) by pieces. Thus, cleaning(removing) on a regular basis poisons from the blood, we promote not Only to its(her) regular clearing, but also appreciable simplification of an operating mode of ours a liver - it is as though substituted to it(her) crutches. About that, how much(as far as) For a condition of all organism business the care of a liver is grateful, The remarkable opening, concerning(touching) unexpected function testify Liver. The term " portal heart ", existing in the literature, registers(records) That fact, that vascular system of a liver is important additional The pump of blood system (the main pump is, as is known, Heart), pumping over blood from the basic bodies of a belly cavity in the general(common) Venous channel.

Now Owing To We Have An Opportunity To

Now owing to we have an opportunity to leave on understanding That ancient united in uniform elements "metal". - The mineral, and its(his) example deduces(removes) us on open spaces practically vast and Extremely fine theme: curing influence precious, Semiprecious and simple stones, the most various minerals and metals, Which pretty often live in the natural kind unseparably, Mutually interwining (nuggets, that is separate ore formations(educations), Meet infrequently). The eyes I saw healing chronically not Grown fistula after unsuccessful operation on a throat: the fistula has disappeared in Few hours under salutary influence suspended near to it(him) on a cornelian. I think, not far off that time when will appear Again also will be serious works about surprising attitudes(relations) of people and Stones, people and metals. And I, and my near repeatedly used Copper or copper coins of release up to 1961, that To remove(take off) consequences of a bruise, to clean(remove) any inflammation, say, on a gum or To dip a beginning cold.

Friday, August 31, 2007

It Is Possible(probable) And Compromise Way, Which My

It is possible(probable) and Compromise way, which my close comrades: first Three-five day of dry starvation, then transition to starvation with Consumption of water. Personally I, notwithstanding what possess experience enough Long starvations (about thirty two day), to dry starvation not It is adapted in connection with full confidence in young years to official To medicine when to me have been removed in view of frequent , and shortage Secret greasing to a drink, simply speaking, causes at absence of water The present(true) tortures, certainly, excessive for this procedure. Can be and other individual differences. So, for example, devout starve on a regular basis from a supper on Friday till a breakfast on Sunday, There are 36-42 hours. And the most advance from them add also starvation on To environments, and anything, feel excellently. It speaks that them Internal bodies during absence of meal in a stomach are on vacation, on Repair, on preventive maintenance. I emphasize: starvation not is a diet, it is absence of meal, and Therefore it is terminologically incorrect to name this word, say, yours Stay on juices, on curdled milk or kefir or on any other mode The limited feed(meal).

Repeatedly And Regularly Having Tested This Influence Of

Repeatedly and regularly having tested this influence of ice water on To itself, observing the same effect at familiar and unfamiliar, at those who and Without preliminary training ventures to jump in an ice-hole (and it is fast Leaves it(her)) or pours out on itself with small intervals one behind another Two buckets of cold water, or for a short while in a bath with cold water, I I proceed as from absolute and a unbiased fact, that all these procedures Come to the end with significant emissions of internal heat. Moreover, heat Such quality which is capable to cure a various sort illnesses, and At all only character. I offer in the form of " information for reflection " original, documentary The fixed(recorded) case from this of some. Tested symptoms catastrophic Poisonings during following in train No 184 Mariupol - Leningrad, The popular writer and the fighter for a natural way of life, radio engineer Jury Georgievich Zolotaryov who completely has been weakened(has been grown weak) by shock pains, nevertheless Has refused urgent offer of the doctor to land on the nearest Stations and immediately to be hospitalized.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

2. The Eyes Usually Inflamed, - In Normal

2. The eyes usually inflamed, - in normal The condition, new sensation of heat in centuries. 3. Became less in Premise(Room). 4. There was a sensation of flexibility and greater endurance in joints And muscles. 5. Yesterday before a dream some small weight in temples. 6. The uncertainty connected with absence of lavatories in public has disappeared Places. Pleasant sensation in a stomach(belly). On March, 5th. 5-th day: Time of wakefulness has sharply increased. Time of a dream was reduced till 5 o'clock Instead of former 12-14 hours per day. Especially good state of health during Movements or it is simple findings in the street. Feeling of fear before possible(probable) Fatal consequences of starvation was gone. Calmness, more truly, self-control Has got constant character. The hearing has improved, sight was restored up to Normal. Have ceased hands and legs(foots). A stomach(belly) soft. Sensation of heat In internal bodies. Attacks of appetite considerably much less Painful, than in usual days.

Should Tell, That Our Group Managed To Find

Should tell, that our group managed to find that key to definition The physiological type about which in ancient manuscripts it was recommended " To ask the teacher ". I am not going to do(make) a secret from this surprising Key. I shall tell only, that mastering and using it(him) has some complexities, Overcome at presence of the certain endowments and a certain experience. But we Have gone(Send) further: in fact there will be no each time at a meeting with a new product, To catch at the thick book in searches of advice(council), as any circulations This rare book you will not save enough on all population of globe. Especially you will not become, as the same dish today in the morning to you goes, and By the evening already is not present - in the slightest degree . An essence of our method that we If necessary we have an opportunity there and then on a place to define(determine), Whether this or that meal approaches(suits) us or it is better to manage another. Here about what Wonderful ability of the person connected with a biolocation, now also will go Speech.

On The Contrary, At Splitting A Cereal Porridge

On the contrary, at splitting a cereal porridge It(She) allocates repeatedly more calories, than it is necessary for it(her) Digestion. Hence, a mechanical alignment on a calorie for an alive organism It appears unsuitable for it does not consider specific to us Properties of that product which we consume. I ask each of dear(expensive) Readers to recollect what drowsiness attacked it(him) as stuck together Its(His) eyes and as it(he) would like "to press down" hour or so-other(-another,-others) on a sofa after Plentiful, diverse, nourishing, celebratory meal. And really, The organism has no superresources simultaneously to spend energy On active wakefulness, on physical and Brainwork and on Digestion of those extremely dishes, with which with all the heart Hospitable owners treated us. Well all right, holidays happen seldom, it is possible Somehow and to be interrupted in these extreme circumstances of times in a quarter or in Half a year. Well and if these force majeure, that is , or, Let's tell more softly, , last years, are system, a way of life? Then it is asked, where in scales of the term released(let off) to us leaves The significant part of internal energy of an organism, on what it(she) is directed? Probably, rich the last century with deep bewilderment Would look at present television competitions of beauty: high, long-legged, With a thin waist of the girl in any way did not answer its(his) representations about beauty.