Friday, March 21, 2008

Doctors Of Many Countries Speak Nowadays About Electric

Doctors of many countries speak nowadays about electric Pollution of an atmosphere which essence consists that thoughtless, Short-sighted our civilization oversaturates an environment sources and Conductors of the electric power and sharply breaks a limit and balance of those Electric forces which normally act on an organism of the person. On them To opinion, this factor plays an essential role in an origin of a lot Cardiovascular, neurologic diseases, including Atherosclerosis. It is already established(installed). I speak that hobby superfluous Dozes -or magnetotherapies is capable to result(bring) those who is unreasonable them Uses, to even more drama consequences, than an allergy or even Ischemic disease: to direct reduction of life expectancy. Here The story about that experience which during three years was spent at my place. Fine long-term flower which name I, unfortunately, do not know, but Which, according to presented it(him) to us of comrades from Botanical institute, Lives and develops within decades, we have started to water on a regular basis water.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

And Here After That Case About Which I

And here after That case about which I have just told, at us has arisen absolutely Tremendous model. Each healthy, alive section of an organism of the person It is similar gentle alive which have lowered(omitted) in a glass with poisonous and Dead black oil. And all organism is a flight in a bucket of black oil. It seems, there is no already such person who would not test on own To skin, that such ecological pollution of environment(Wednesday) in which it(he) lives. But, I believe, almost nobody reflects on ecological pollution of that environment(Wednesday), Which lives in it(him)!. More and more time I shall remind already resulted(brought) Analogy: in relation to the car we carry out all rules Servicings, in time we change oil filters, we fill in in tanks gasoline, instead of solar oil. In time we change rubber, etc., for Greater(Big) money have paid for it(him). And with itself that is done(made)? Never filters We clean, and not that that solar oil instead of gasoline, is even worse - muck We fill in in tanks instead of fuel.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Very Evidently Learns(Teaches): Be Able To See Only

Very evidently Learns(Teaches): be able to see only according to the real facts and do not become The slave to a swift-flowing fashion. Here one of examples of an optimum: Average growth of the person. It is considered to be, that the high person to be beautiful, That the tall person is better looked. At the same time the most appreciable people in Histories of mankind, differing in height of the internal opportunities, as Rule, with height of growth were not allocated. It appears also, that among Long-livers too practically bar none tall people do not meet. The given physiologies of sports explain the reasons of similar correlation. Business in Volume, that for display of endurance in the certain limits favourably Reduction of dimensions of the person, that people of low growth differ more The coordinated(agreeed) work of systems of all organism, hence, more Effective performance of necessary work. Reliability nervous and Hormonal regulation, and also blood circulation, breath and metabolism, Absence of the unproductive resources necessary for maintenance Stability of a powerful bone skeleton, smaller number of inert devices, Designs necessary for strengthening(amplification) which practically do not participate in Metabolism and physiologically are not active, - all this leads to that The organism of people of average growth works more harmoniously, than at high.