Monday, December 29, 2008

It Seems, The Story About Curative Principles Here

It seems, the story about curative principles here will be pertinent Japanese "antisauna". Instead of an oven - a deep-freezer, instead of dry hot Pair plus hundred twenty - air in temperature a minus 120 � S.Antarktida in Comparison with this chilling, practically space icy cold it seems hardly probable Not the Yalta coast in July! And nevertheless from interested persons in "Antisauna" does not have a release. Procedure borrows(occupies) very few(not enough,very poorly) time. Nude people Spend some seconds in "waiting room" where the temperature is equal a minus 26 � With, and then pass no more than to three minutes in "sweating room" with temperature Minus hundred twenty, then again in a waiting room with temperature a minus 26 � S.Sportzal, a series of gymnastic exercises and - kind disappearance Rheumatic pains in joints. Three months of regular visitings similar "Baths" allows to expel rheumatism without the rest. What occurs(happens)? All business In that our body is covered by a thin layer concerning warm air, Which can blow off even a weak breeze.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Illnesses Leaning On The Pensioners, Not Found

The illnesses leaning on The pensioners, not found to itself after leaving(care) on deserved, as they Consider(Count), rest, are illnesses of the weakened mentality, first of all, it Full demobilization of the Joint Staff and, as consequence(investigation), disorder and anarchy In all without exception the divisions, deprived the general(common) management(manual). Conversation about , about reserves of health in an old age, which It is impossible to miss, - business, certainly, kind, but we shall address to more general(common) theme: To value sew active mentality for our healing from illnesses, Tormenting person (and in fact it is rare whom they do not pursue). Hardly there is someone from those who is interested in problems Recovery of healt who does not know tragical and at the same time Heroic history of rebirth our remarkable , The Olympic champion in the past, nowadays writer Jury Vlasova. It is a lot of for Recover have given it(him) formulas inspiring it(him) of active autohypnosis, Spirit on overcoming of illness and on a victory.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Let's Hope, That The Economic Order For Health

Let's hope, that the economic order for health in the near future Will receive and at us a powerful impulse and will find acknowledgement(confirmation) in corresponding(meeting) The social mechanism. Then neither to the person, nor a society it will not be favourable Its(His) illness. Yes, movement as health as a whole, is in multilayered Interlacing of causes and effects - that only with it(him) is not connected! We Shall take, to To the example, so necessary for us everywhere and hourly a voice. In fact Condition of a throat as in a drop of water, reflects a condition of all organism, and Feedback: when vocal chords publish sounds, internal bodies: Muscles, skeleton, cavities of a nasopharynx, a skull, a thorax, a diaphragm, a stomach(belly) - All of them resound, and everyone in own way, and it is curious, that patients Bodies behave thus not how healthy. Therefore not only quality Voices depends on our health, but also our health depends from only, that Refers to as the complete set.

This Walk Is Possible(probable), It Is Pleasant, Brings

This walk is possible(probable), It is pleasant, brings aesthetic pleasure - a panorama what! - but, on Trouble, not so health of tourists considerably(much) strengthens. In everyone Case it is much less, than independent rise to the same Elbrus, we shall tell. I wish to conceal nothing, but I believe, that uniform, not dependent on a floor, Age and a condition of spirit, the general(common) for all a concrete technique of influence on The health is not present and cannot be. In this book laying before you it is a lot of Places it is given to the statement of necessity of an individual approach to itself - with Support on certain really fundamental laws of health. As readers have accepted this book about mighty whales, in the subsequent Books of this series I shall tell about some other efficiency duties, Promoting maintenance in norm(rate) of systems of health. While the first answer on All questions and inquiries in occasion of techniques, instructions and individual cases Sounds so: re-read not hurrying up this book again and pass to practice.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sergeev But As Its(his) Book Is A Rare Book,

Sergeev but as its(his) book is a rare book, So far as theoretically messages have remained as a monument to a celebration so Named pure(clean) science which " on a tip of a feather " is capable to predict(forecast) That subsequently will be opened(open) is already direct in a practical life. (However, the schedule of A.Sergeeva is a little bit more complex(difficult) L.Y.Glybina's than schedule As, on its(his) data, it is necessary to speak about a uniform sheaf of rhythms on Extent not one, but each two day). However we shall leave in the party(side) scientific nuances and we be asked by a simple question: and That, as a matter of fact, concrete and useful gives us by way of ours Health schedule - ? First of all, if we want with The maximal accuracy to correspond(meet) to rhythms of own organism, we Should assign the maximal loadings to it(him) in, the period from 5 o'clock till 13 o'clock, When the EFFICIENCY of all without exception of systems of the person is highest, and to send It(Him) on rest to sleep off from 22 one o'clock in the evening till 5 mornings, that is to load it(him) Least when it(he) is least active.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Message " I Drink Pure(clean) Water "

The message " I drink pure(clean) water " (" Physical culture and sports ", 1989, No 7) the author finishes Following words: " the way I use about three years. I feel Recovered (though to me seventy seven years), vigorous and physically got stronger The person as it should be at each person who normally eats and Uses only good-quality water ". Dear reader! And if to us to act(arrive) consistently and in a complex: To take solar water, to create from it(her) thawed (without ) water on , Then to enrich with its(her) ions of silver on , then to take advantage Technique , then ?! What for in general will be necessary Medicines if we can use this life-giving elixir? Besides All other, similar water is surprisingly tasty, and it is refined, gentle The taste, granted to it(her) all salutary forces of the Earth and the Sky. In reply to repeatedly asked question, whether it is possible to prepare on thawed To water, I answer: the tea received at a level of " a white key ", causes admiration At experts of this area of knowledge.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ability To Play The Fool - All These

Ability To play the fool - all these qualities possess medical value. Time negative Emotions are capable to lead to disease, whether that reasonably to assume, that Positive emotions are capable to help(assist) to recover to an organism? " It was naturally asked by a question: why, getting tired from an emotional pressure(voltage) Or even with boredom, you do not feel weariness if employment(occupation) carries away you?. How it should affect(influence) our representations about intimate diseases? Unless it is impossible to assume, that when all this will be understood, at treatment Illnesses of heart to a sincere spirit it will be given, at least, such Value, as well as to medicines? Whether It is impossible to assume, that such illnesses, As or even a hypertension, will be successfully treated not only chemically, But also first of all emotionally and spiritually? has carried in the sense that with it(him) in partnership with the big hunting The professional doctor, which during its(his) stay in hospital has entered To time has not let know, that finds questions of patients on the mechanism of recover Importunate, on the contrary, if considered(counted), that the patient offered reasonable things, Without hesitation agreed with it(him).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To Put It Briefly, It(he) Has Shown, That

To put it briefly, it(he) has shown, that with 5 up to 6 o'clock in the morning, with 11 up to 12, with 16 up to 17, with 20 up to 21, with up to an hour for the person is Characteristic condition of rise of its(his) physiological functions. On the contrary: with 2 up to 3 nights, with 9 till 10 mornings, with 2 up to 3, with 6 up to 7 and with 10 till 11 evenings of its(his) function Are characterized by recession of parameters. Newspapers have informed, that some academicians of Academy of medical sciences of the USSR Have noted basic theoretical novelty of work of L.Glybina, that it(him) Data are capable to bring serious advantage(benefit) for the practical organization Many and many parties(sides) of our validity (the same newspapers, however, Have presented opinions and other authorities which aspire to deny The arguments factual, system of well fulfilled spells). I would like to give the information(inquiry) here: the schedule of human activity in Dependences on activity space were published in the beginning of 70th years with A.

Cooper's Opinion, It Is Connected With Allocation In Blood

Cooper's opinion, it is connected with allocation in blood . Many years Chineses used as anesthetic in Time of operations, including even operations on the open heart!) After the intense physical activity increase in a level Reaches(Achieves) the fivefold sizes as it has been registered in big Series of experiences by the Italian experts. By the way speaking, a level Tends to raise(increase) especially sharply during sorts. It, possibly, and Explains, why the woman is capable to transfer(carry) without serious consequences unpleasant Sensations during pregnancy or the strong sufferings connected with sorts. With Other party(side), psychiatrists have paid attention that at depression a level it appears abnormally low, and, hence, in such Situations physical activity has especially great value for their rise Level and overcoming of a depression. Thus, physical Exercises are the best, created by the nature physiological Tranquilizer. What from this strictly follows? That the person, On a regular basis engaged physical exercises, certainly, mentally , than that which physical activity is weak.

Monday, December 15, 2008

To Tell Hardly Costs(stands), How Much(as Far As)

To tell hardly costs(stands), how much(as far as) this illness is amazing and It is unpleasant. It is not so chronic tonsillitis, and simply physical inability any. Sight has sat down. Has written out glasses(spots) +0,75, however to read could not any more, as earlier, Day. 15 minutes - and full maladjustment. With notes - the same. Has achieved Removals(Distances) . It became better not. Without validol did not leave any more, and from it(him) in To mouth all is burnt also a teeth decay. Has stopped to smoke and began to upholster a threshold of a department Cultures. The work-record card chubby - for work to take do not want. Through six Months all the same have taken pity. Have given an employment in to the House Cultures. I and now there work. , and has lit(smoked) that wife to not tease. No, And on everyones there tea drinking under . But in general all Decently. I go as a duck, I roll over, to put on I try become warmer, Appetite even during illness. With the physiognomy it was coped.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

As To "Normal" People Only Three Persons From

As to "Normal" people only three persons from them have managed to overcome all Route. One participant has been removed(has been taken off), and two men have been compelled(forced) because of Bad state of health a part of a route to pass by the machine(car). At all at them The raised(increased) blood pressure, the speeded up pulse even in rest was marked(celebrated), The suppressed mood and bad state of health. It seems to me, that comments to this conclusion it is not required. These(it) Four days if to look at them under a microscope of an analytical idea, Are quite equal to that estimation which to a way of life of each of us puts The whole life during decades. I can return here to most To the beginning of this chapter(head). I spoke about close dependence of character of a feed(meal) and Character of diseases, in particular, about communication(connection) of such illness, as an alcoholism, with The use first of all dead food. It appears, not only bent for to alcohol, not only schizophrenia It is provoked by her(it), but is has proved recorded transition - and The general(common) instability of mentality, falling of strong-willed elasticity, propensity to To panic.

Also Ate Alive Food On Rational, Really To

also ate alive food on rational, really To method natural to the person, represents small, unfortunately, Part of mankind. Other group which in this transition consumed in all that represents a subject of desire of any of inhabitants, Showed a collective portrait of an overwhelming part of mankind. These(it) Gourmets-cheerful persons (by what they are represented themselves, though as it appears, them Love to a life at all not mutual) have typed(collected) with itself everything that wanted: Meat and fish canned food, meat, cubes, canned food, Concentrate of a mashed potatoes, puddings chocolate and rice, albuminous, Cookies, cocoa, dry juices and is not enough dried apricots and walnuts - only To emphasize power of the high-calorific food rich Fibers, sugar, fat and salt. Total on the person it was necessary at them 4100 - it is a lot of kcals. Daily consumption of water on everyone The participant of this group was up to 10 litres. That concerned(touched) groups Experimental at it(her) caloric content did not exceed 1000 kcals in Day, and waters in day there drank(saw) women about 2 litres, men - up to 2,5 Litre, and not waters, and hot green tea.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

In Other Case All Is Done(made) For Activization

In other case All is done(made) for activization of character, including even by means of and Auto-training, and conscious installation. Practice shows, that people, The influences informed on power meaningly adjusted Mentalities on the major vital signs, achieve greater(big) successes. From among Persevering applicants for a heart attack they safely get over in gold Fund of the mankind, enjoying health. In the big clinical case of self-control of spirit human most And mysterious for a foreign eye the branch is effective under The name the "Auto-training", in turn numbering set of chambers - on To number of its(his) various kinds. Certainly, not my business now to substitute all manuals in this area. I believe, that everyone, who It is seriously anxious by a condition of the mental health, will manage to find For itself the suitable literature. It can be and " Epistolary psychology " Vladimir Levi, and " Complex system of mental self-control " Century of Century and of Y.Vaver. It can be systems , And.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pear: A Fruit Containing Glucose And Fructose And,

Pear: a fruit containing glucose and fructose and, hence, being Power substance for ability to live of muscles; a product with greater(big) Quantity(Amount) , and consequently, means for an organism, So necessary for it(him) in opposition with acid, aging it(him) Internal environments. (I am sorry that I do not mention flavouring pleasure which We receive at consumption of vegetables and fruit. It seems to me, I already enough Has clearly expressed meaning that taste of natural products is that Protogenic taste which is capable to bring to us true protogenic Pleasure). a mountain ash: berry not simply containing vitamins, is the whole Polyvitaminic with the list of contained(contents) so diverse, that it(he) not Would hold on the unique recipe. Among other advantages one Unique: strengthening blood vessels. It is curious, that medical Properties mountain ashes (it is Greek " advantage(benefit) ") not Are lost at processing. Certainly, to overeat it(her), as well as all other on Light, does not follow, for excessive Strengthening of vessels because of is capable to lead to a thrombosis of these vessels.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

With 9 Up To 15 Went School, And

With 9 up to 15 went school, and then and student's Employment(Occupations), and then - from 15 o'clock till 22 o'clock - in my life reigned Delightful freedom. I could in be engaged in favourite business, which Me attracted, whether it be sports, dialogue, public work, romantic Adventures, work for earnings, greedy development of culture - on all this There was, in essence, a whole working day! And if it is truly told, that The original riches of a society are measured by quantity(amount) of its(his) free time Members I lived then truly as , daily on hours Being selflessly given the rough hobbies - all at once. But the main thing- Pawned thus bases of the future adult life, which, naturally, After similar sharp start could not move subsequently already in Dozing, languid rate. I know examples and other sort. To me words of one were absolutely clear The taxi driver to whom we talked somehow in its(his) machine(car) that it(he) from Year in a year constantly asks to put it(him) on evening-night shift, - in these(it) Hours at it(him) both the mood is better, and reaction is sharper.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Reasons It(her) Name Set: It And Noise,

The reasons it(her) name Set: it and noise, it and a mad rhythm of a modern life, it and peaks Stressful situations and so forth and so forth But unless not the main reason is "Phase lag"? Displacement, and chronic, at some o'clock from norm(rate), to us from a century, in the name of TV, - easier speaking, For the sake of various ways of consumption of pleasures from the outside? And unless it Whether dimensionless consumption of the information forgotten for the next day assimilates Already to a habit to senseless sunflower seeds on a zavalinka? This steady Shift, this constant failures of time of a withdrawal to a dream leads to that Start to accept somnolent. Moreover, somnolent have started to give already and To children of Moscow and Petersburg who long could not fall asleep after evident Shown horrors of the criminal telechronicle which they it is obligatory Should receive in " 600 seconds " in catastrophically later for itself Time - about 22 hours. Somnolent eventually becomes already so habitual, that The person cannot win this second nature.

. The Careful Reader Will Impatiently Ask Me: And

. The careful reader will impatiently ask me: and for myself I use Whether I swappings of magnetic energy by means of a miracle-? I shall answer: and What for? Kohl soon I start to feel a certain vague anxiety, shortage Something essential to that while also names are not present, I run in park, in a wood, for City, on lake and there in plenty and with pleasure I bathe in such huge and Powerful waves near to which any pumpings and swappings are Pity . And is better to not wait feelings of this shortage and with To start to dive into depth of universal Ocean, finding time from daily Vanities for a meeting with it(him). About often and on a regular basis to dive into its(his) depths - like as From a pier. It is an image, certainly, not the best. It(he) suits a private(an individual) situation, For example for regular improving employment(occupations), but in a principle it is necessary To understand, that we from a century are already shipped in its(his) thickness and our main task- To not be fenced off to itself on death from its(his) salutary influences.

But Here By Means Of Cleaning All From

But here by means of cleaning all from within have expelled, Has done without operation. As a result we have looked younger, ruddy, at all For the pension years the looking(appearing) woman. There is also other, softer way of cleaning. If for someone are available Relatives sick of a gastritis, which not in a condition so long to drink Apple juice they should act(arrive) differently: at observance of all clearing apple juice can be accepted for one day less. What means? The first day to drink juice the same as it is usual. And on the second reception of apple juice It starts to be accompanied already by the procedures promoting acceleration of disclosing Channels of a liver. In seven mornings on a liver put a linen bag with steamed out Linen seed also hold till thirteen o'clock. From thirteen up to fourteen Hours - a break, rest. From fourteen o'clock in the same bag, having cleaned(removed) therefrom Linen seed, put the steamed out camomile and hold on a liver down to Nineteen hours when already regular procedure with reception begins Olive oil.

Monday, December 8, 2008

More Salty Became For Same Time Bread, Macaroni,

More salty became For same time bread, macaroni, food concentrates. And one more factor: salt use for struggle against ice, in the some people Cities on square meter of asphalt pour out one winter prior to 2 kgs of salt, Which filters into reservoirs in the spring, and happens, that after a thawing weather The maintenance(contents) salt in our potable water in 10 times above, than usually. About, Civilization!. Thus, totally we consider(count), for last 45 years Consumption salt has increased up to 4 times. What results? The world distribution of hypertonic illness And an atherosclerosis, a heart attack of a myocardium and a brain insult, diseases of kidneys and Osteochondrosis: what delightful ! The moderate consumption of table salt, certainly, physiologically It is necessary - and for maintenance of constant osmotic pressure and plasma Blood and in fabric liquids, and for work of nervous cells(cages), and for preservation ????�??�-alkaline balance. But superfluous? It is curious, that Japanese, which Hold on consumption salt world(global) superiority(championship) - about 40 grams day,- Keep also world(global) superiority(championship) on number of hypertensive persons.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

And In The Whole If The Father Space

And in The whole if the father Space has got(started) our daily hours thus, That most fine to live under this clockwork. The example with the daily schedule of a dream and wakefulness was, in my opinion, It is evident enough, but in fact influence of the Sun by it(this) is far not It is settled(exhausted). I had to communicate with remarkable achievements Chelyabinsk, nowadays Krasnodar doctor- Sergey Nikolaevichem and to read its(his) lectures. In my opinion, its(his) level of understanding of an organism As the most complicated system interconnected with an environment, with its(her) daily allowances, Monthly and seasonal fluctuations, it is those, to which while it is possible only To aspire as to to dream, even even for most The advanced part of therapists. I have no neither the rights, nor opportunities A little in detail to stop on its(his) theory and an expert(a practice), I want only To tell, that, on its(his) supervision, those or other active points in human Organism work on reception of only 40 minutes in day - everyone in due time - and Their these minutes it is possible and it is necessary to stimulate, for during Influence on them or will not give other 23 hours of 20 minutes maximal Result, or even will bring a negative effect.

For This Reason Concepts Of A Breakfast At

For this reason concepts of a breakfast at me Does not exist almost or it(he) is reduced to a minimum. Further: as and in Day time time I aspire to work not less actively, as instead of Burdensome dinner I prefer something a lung, insignificant on To volume a portion any alive : or it is two fine apples (Outside of any combinations for the apple does not suffer(bear) any companies in commonwealth With itself, at least, during an hour), or it is any vegetables, Either nuts, or bread with cheese. It can be and tea with jam and so forth Should tell about quite comic horror which was displayed on Persons(Faces) of employees of publishing house when from my sanction they have made somehow Examination of my day time diet containing in the bottom left box of the worker Table. " And this all? And where sandwiches with sausage? And how meat? And when You eat soup and the second?. " I have directly asked them, whether I am similar on ; As I am dense enough the man, has received, naturally, The negative answer.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

As Have Revealed Researches Of The Healthy Feed(meal)

As have revealed researches of the healthy feed(meal) possessing curing Mentality influence, within day there are more 10 % of the calories consumed The person, can be "empty". It means, that 90 % of consumed calories Should enter into an organism as alive, natural, not processed chemical In the way products and then at sick people bent for to consumption will decrease Alcohol. I hope, the reader still remembers the diet which has allowed group With. to keep forces, and the main thing, sincere vivacity in extreme Circumstances! And now compare it(him) to recommendations of those foreign Experts in narcology who aspire to prevent illness or to cure mental Deviations(Rejections) at the person. In their fair opinion, basic products, Containing active substances in greater(big) dozes, are: honey, citrus, Cranberry, cowberry, apples, especially , sea-buckthorn berries, a sauerkraut, Fresh and dry greens, onions(bow) and garlic. The sea kale contains 39 Microcells. Flower pollen represents the whole pantry Vitamins, microcells and amino acids also it is used as additional Means in psychiatry, at .

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some Boxes With Ready For A Press(seal) Manuscripts,

Some boxes with ready for a press(seal) Manuscripts, with reports of experiences, with sketches of scientific ideas and calculations Also have got lost completely. This person after many years of an imprisonment for the first time There was without an escort on street only in 1950 It(He) has been dressed in an old pea jacket and Torn boots, long beard hid its(his) person(face), but in a bag behind shoulders Tables of new calculations laid. This member of many foreign academies, To which went then fifty third, has begun to restore the mark Scientific life also has started to recollect, where it is necessary to search for its(his) works and books, where It is possible to find those or its(his) other tables and publications. Together with the wife, Last the same tests, they have found and have restored, maybe, only 20-30 % from all number of the documents concerning to its(his) scientific Activity, but from among establishing(basic), fortunately. This surprising person entirely betraid to a science, and in camps Was engaged in research work - in rescue of people from a typhus to it(him) was It is allowed to work with a microscope.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

From Cells(cages) , Instead Of It(him) Sodium Is

From cells(cages) , instead of it(him) sodium is deduced(removed) from intercellular space inside of cells(cages) Gets - in it(this) . Yes, reserves of a life at all alive are extremely great. The case is known with The dog who has got in a blockage on time of earthquake who has lived without food Hundred three days while it(her) have not released(exempted). But, maybe, it is already enough about Animals, we shall address to starvation at people? There is an extensive literature, Summarizing the experience reached(achieved) by mankind in this fine way Updatings of the health. Works of Item , A.Suvorina, Y.Nikolaeva is Only the beginning of the remarkable list. Remarkable, but completely not simple For studying and following to its(his) installations. The one who will plunge in its(his) bowels, Certainly, will collide(face) with a lot of opposite recommendations: - Starve only in clinical conditions - is not present, starve, not changing Habitual way of life. - Any during starvation - is not present, without your organism Will receive a poisoning.

Above Absolutely Material Bases Of Mentality, Natural Selection,

Above absolutely material bases of mentality, natural Selection, gradually and naturally arises a majestic building of emotions, Connected with feeling of individual love. By the way speaking, on supervision of the professor of anthropology Colombian University Ralfa Soletski spent excavation in the well-known cave (the Iraq Kurdistan), neanderthal men were much closer to us on the Morals, than we considered(counted) before. Botanical research of remains of plants, Found in neanderthal burial places, has shown, that ancient buried The dead men or on a box from colors(flowers), or in garlands from colors(flowers). Emotional and the inner world " neanderthal men was, thus, much More human, than it was supposed before careful researches. Humanity, kindness, the knightly attitude(relation) to women, old men, children, Aspiration to knowledge - here properties which inevitably developed under Action of natural selection also entered into fund of hereditary attributes The person. Altruistic emotions were fixed under laws social Continuity, but there were they on a genetic basis.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

When It(him) In A Feed(meal) Added Coffee, Poor

When it(him) in A feed(meal) added coffee, poor animals it is even more to To alcohol. So, abusing the refined carbohydrates, sugar, white Bread, rolls, sweets and . The item leads to sharp fluctuation of a level Sugar in blood, causes functional . This broken(disturbed) The metabolism creates biological need(requirement) for alcohol. Pathological The metabolism of sugar can decay for many years, before a fire Will flash in shape of an alcoholism. It occurs(happens) from too plenty Insulin which is allocated with a pancreas in reply to fast rise Quantities(Amounts) of the sugar circulating in blood. The caffeine containing in coffee, Chocolate, drinks of type of coca-cola, alongside with nicotine also promotes To development functional . As a result, on American data, In the USA it has been registered about 100 million the persons(faces) inclined to an alcoholism. Their treatment basically was based on medicines, on psychological Suggestion, even on an electroshock, but in fact to eliminate(erase,remove) it is necessary first of all The reasons, instead of consequences(investigations)! To include a strong-willed impulse and to cause at The decision to stop to drink, it is necessary to change the alcoholic first of all chemical The balance of an organism, and is not so much medicines, how many by means of Normal diet.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Example With Sergey, 31 Years Which Should

The example with Sergey, 31 years which should does not leave memory To pass(take place) through exclusively dangerous operation of removal(distance) of a considerable part (the size In some centimeters) the aorta which have almost lost passableness For blood, - it(her) should replace with a vessel taken from its(his) hip. When Sergey has learned(has found out), that percent(interest) of survival rate after operation of a similar sort not Exceeds 30, it(he), naturally, has not run into special enthusiasm. Being in Similar depressing condition, it(he) also has asked it(him) . When Has examined it(him) with all possible(probable) indelicacy has told to it(him), that this Fatally dangerous operation in its(his) life in essence will not replace anything, for Vessels represent it(him), in my opinion far from politeness, Foul place on which poor heart with huge work overtakes from a place on The place all rubbish to not be expressed more roughly. It is necessary not got littered Detail to change, and all system.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Every Possible Clearing Of Internal Bodies, About Which

Every possible Clearing of internal bodies, about which further in due time and in the place Speech will go at us, are the most effective means irritated from within People. The dear reader! If you have seriously thought of how to adjust The mental health do not regret any hours or even days for To lead "inventory" of the, probably, latent defects- Certainly, for their consecutive elimination. Annoying traumas, displacement about which the person even can and not To assume, an inflammation of a trigeminal nerve of the person(face), displacement and defects backs and a cervical part of a backbone, traces of the last infections and . Item and . .-all this the internal reasons for a depression of soul, for Irritability, for pessimism. The output(exit) here is simple and clear - eliminating(erasing,removing) The reason to consult thus and with consequences. Defects of mentality can be generated by any infringements hormonal Or even genetic character. The statistics of the reasons here is boundlessly great, And it testifies only that carriers(bearers) of our spirit have Material basis which should be repaired first of all with The help knowing, skilful, to us of doctors.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is, As They Say, To What To Compare.

Is, as they say, to what to compare. So, on 7-th Put I has started to eat. Has bought nuts, honey, groats, juices, Vegetables any. Oil(butter) and sugar has decided to withdraw from the reference(manipulation). Water - only Glacial. In general, it was long fitted, subtilized. Has now understood: to watch(keep up) for The condition it is necessary to study all life. In a month has approximately passed(has approximately taken place) Euphoria. For the fifth day of starvation the desire wonderfully was gone To smoke, on costing(standing) since morning at a beer stall of men began to look as on Abnormal. In general, has grown proud. Has bought trousers on the size, has taken in old, with Braces has said goodbye. There was a thirst of activity. In the grown hateful shops Began to go with pleasure. There was a desire to study, has collected documents (that was for me earlier In business inconceivable), began to be engaged, has bought textbooks, . In Institute Culture, however, has not passed(has not taken place) - has done mistakes(errors) in the composition (it is too self-confident Was).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Proud Inhabitants Of Albion On General Meeting Have

Proud inhabitants of Albion on general meeting have decided To dump(reset) ton of excess weight for a month is faster. Really, a level of thinking of these overseas peasants on kind The historical epoch is advanced with a world outlook level of our journalist! What turns out? On the one hand, we possess enormous Internal resources. So, the world(global) press was bypassed with the message that Japanese has lead twenty Six days in a mountain precipice. It(she) made an ascention on one of tops, When has suddenly lost consciousness. Having come in herself, it(she) has understood, that is in Precipices. has lived almost month without food, only drank water from Stream. Monthly starvation was not reflected on its(her) health. It on the one hand. With another - there is an abundance of people with huge, sometimes excess weight, Of which they pretty often are proud as the proof of the " Health " though consequence(investigation) of their this "vagueness" is the whole bouquet Illnesses, and in its(her) basis lays , similar on symptoms with an alcoholism.

The Second Group Are A Carbohydrates, Different Kinds

The second group are a carbohydrates, different Kinds of sugar and starch which are digested mainly alkalis, Allocated salivary . The third group are those alive, mainly Phytogenesis products which comprise simultaneously and Nutrients, and enzymes for their splitting. So, a melon and an apple - independent dishes. In a combination to others Products it(she) can ferment in a stomach; used Independently, they give also a fine power feed(meal), and promote Active, purposeful, to necessary clearing of intestines. Very simply, without special complexities and detailed tables, which already Exist, it is possible to imagine the scheme(plan) of a combination of products. In left To column we shall place all albuminous products. In right - carbohydrates. In the middle Between them we shall place greens. Further all is very evident: extreme columns Are perfectly combined with average, but essentially "are not friends" among themselves. Here and all, as a matter of fact, knowledge. Subtleties Further begin, Which should be studied(investigated) already at that stage when we have organized the A feed(meal) is rational basically, when our health sharply and evidently Has improved.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Especially It Concerns(touches) That Situation When Viruses Becomes

Especially it concerns(touches) that situation when viruses becomes much. The quantity(amount) addresses in quality. They drive before themselves a powerful field shaft, Which can be assimilated to a demonic shock wave, Arising after explosion of the nuclear or thermonuclear device. The weakened(easied) person, maybe, also was not in touch with virus carriers Flu, but was ill under influence fields of a virus. With AIDS All will be immeasurably more terrible, than at a flu, because it(him) The rolled field approaching on us in hundred is more malicious and All other pathogenic fields. I am not assured completely not that everyone, even Chaste, the person can be quiet from this party(side) for the health. Under threat of are not only members of group " raised(increased) risk ", alas, no! If the person is weakened(easied) not only , but mainly spiritually, After a while at it(him), unfortunately, can begin rather serious Troubles. It is not necessary to wait, while years later by means of devices and Analyses will find out and will confirm about what here it is spoken, - itself sad The validity will outstrip instrument indications.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hence, For A Feed(meal) For Us Are Necessary

Hence, for a feed(meal) for us are necessary not only fibers and fats, carbohydrates, Vitamins and mineral salts, but also such structuring substances, which Induce all these major components of our feed(meal) to function in that Ideal mode which provides the faultless order in all Systems of an organism. It means and in its(his) nervous system, and in To system, and in a smooth and cross-section-striped muscular fabric, in various Internal bodies. Such substances, as antioxidants, , radio oils(butters), pectins, Organic acids, vegetative hormones, normalize execution(performance) of all Functions of an organism even at these rather insignificant quantities(amounts) Substances in a feed(meal). In communication(connection) with told I would like to raise the question about necessity Varieties of our feed(meal). As set of various kinds of movement Trains various adaptive systems of our organism, and all Kinds of a feed(meal) represent a basis for uninterrupted sufficient Functioning of various physiological systems of an organism and, Hence, all organism as a whole.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

For An Explanation Of This Phenomenon I Shall

For an explanation of this phenomenon I shall take advantage of development of that. Zolotaryov who destiny has acted not only as the theorist, but And as the direct practical executor theoretical Installations. So, whence it is possible to take superfluous quantity(amount) in emergency cases The energy necessary for the emergency help for an organism? More widely looking: whence it(she) Undertakes when we want, being and in the most safe Circumstances to feel instant salutary emission of heat? Instant, without any additional efforts from central Nervous system! Stop! Here at me the reference(manipulation) to the type-setter of this book follows: I ask to type(collect) the below-mentioned text in the italics that it was exact clearly That who will see a font inconvenient for reading, that here follows brains From excessive efforts. So, the essence has put that natural water consists of molecules and From molecules . At molecules protons of hydrogen rotate in one The party(side), and at molecules they rotate in the different parties(sides).

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And . Item Curious Tests Have Passed(have Taken

and . Item Curious tests have passed(have taken place) medicinal substances at their studying Influences on attention of operators of computers. It was found out, that a smell Lavenders the number of mistakes(errors) reduces by 20 %, aroma of a jasmin - up to 33 %, the champion The lemon is: it(he) reduces number of errors twice! Certainly, all similar effects arise only when grassy Powders, , broths, structures for baths are appointed(nominated) serious experts This business(affairs). It is asked, whether prepares for experts of this structure for the future, in Calculation on prospect our medicine? Something did not hear about it(this). And as It would be desirable to trust, that our remarkable country, like, for example, Egypt, will become covered by the branched out network of the medical items(points) working on the basis of " A green drugstore ", where experts, generation behind generation inheriting Secrets , will help(assist) the patients visiting(attending) them, where doctoring And the pharmacopoeia will not be divided(undressed) by a departmental precipice.

The Doctor S.William In The Book " A

The doctor S.William in the book " a Feed(Meal) Against illness " approves(confirms), that any of those who adheres to rules Balanced diet, never became the alcoholic. Doctor William together with The employees has put a number(line) of experiments all on the same Distressful rats also has shown, that the "human" diet even them is capable To make alcoholics. Sixteen weeks experiment with thirty proceeded Rats. One group fed with food with the high maintenance(contents) of carbohydrates, another To group of rats gave the same food, but with addition of vitamins and mineral Salts, experimental animals were in the third group on diverse To healthy diet. What results of these experiments? The rats received It is a lot of carbohydrates when to them offered on a choice water or ten-percentage Solution of ethyl spirit, chose it(him) and drank on the average on 50 Milliliters of spirit that is an equivalent of one litre of whisky in day for The adult person. What added vitamins and mineral salts, Used alcohol three times less, and experimental which received The balanced food, preferred simple water.

Exists Already Considerable Mathematical Statistics Of Interrelation Of

Exists already considerable Mathematical statistics of interrelation of the diseases tested by the person, with Date of its(his) birth. Moreover, my group skilled (on itself, certainly, First of all) by it was possible , that practised by us of clearing of those or Other internal bodies or systems are most effectively carried out not in Any season, but in optimum for them. Remains only To hope (and to aspire to that), that in the foreseeable future serious doctors and Leading clinics will address for introduction positions on treatment of that or Other ill to regular , or, in an old fashion, to To experts-astrologists. It would be desirable to trust, that greater(big) medicine authentically Will study(investigate), for example, inflow and cardiovascular diseases, Connected with seasonal fluctuations of the nature (more precisely speaking, will not study(investigate), As such data already are available, and will begin with them), in Name of preventive maintenance of ischemic illness at those who is on the account in occasion of hearts.

Friday, November 7, 2008

II. The Qualitative Originality Of A Zone Of

II. The Qualitative originality of a zone of the Improving Center. 1. By present(true) time there are ways not only for definition, but also For liquidation of soil and other biopathogenic zones. territories The improving Center in a zone active positive from the Earth Is one of the major factors of improvement for its(his) all inhabitants. 2. such constructive in architecture of a building The center which will allow it(him) to become , that is it is maximal Favorable for recharging influences on the person from surrounding us Infinite space, also will serve as means of serious strengthening Mental and physical health of patients of the Center. 3. Saturation of walls in premises(rooms) of the Center biopower, the person plane devices, accommodation in halls The plants creating general(common) background especially toning up the person, also will allow To clients considerably to increase the and, hence, It is essential to promote on a way of overcoming of illnesses. 4. Constant hydroionization in premises(rooms) of the Center with target Differentiation - too necessary and important means for transformation of all Volume of the Center in a temple of Absolute Health.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

And How To Not Admit(allow)? Using What Mechanisms

And how To not admit(allow)? Using what mechanisms to correct? The matter is that already Hundred thousand years inside of a human body strictly operates(works) The mechanism of the adequate answer to excitation: the bark of adrenal glands throws out in Blood secretion of adrenaline which promotes increase impellent Opportunities of the person. And, means, at nervous excitation it(he) should sharply To increase movement for since the most ancient times any excitation was Signal about the danger threatening to a life. Danger could be overcome this Only physical actions: whether to run on the mammoth, whether to run from The mammoth. Have passed(Have taken place) millions years, we already, as a rule, do not run from animals, but a life We neither behind a desk, nor behind the milling machine tool became quieter not: Sources of excitation, sources of probable danger to us, for ours Advantages, for our well-being now at all it is less, than in Antiquities. However the adrenaline thrown out in blood does not find realization, and in The answer to a nervous situation we do not clamber on a tree, not darts and not We raise a cudgel, no, we sit on a chair, and as result - intimate Diseases, destructions of cardiovascular system.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Biologically Active Substances In Plants Cause Their Original

Biologically active substances in plants Cause their original taste and aroma, which curative value while It is still insufficiently opened. As to , it(she) - not empty Ballast, and, on the contrary, the most valuable element of a feed(meal). Owing to greater juiciness The vegetative food satisfies thirst, interferes with adiposity, normalizes ????�??�-alkaline balance. Let's make fluent, absolutely any review of that contains in " Our external " also that, certainly, should become " our internal ". Here the cabbage, a vegetable accessible to all, capable to grow Even behind Polar circle and possessing remarkable, up to hundred tons from hectare, Productivity. Yes, certainly, other kinds of cabbage bring additional Shades in treasures of a cabbage empire, but we shall address, however, to most Known and habitual for us to a product. What does it(he) give us? Remarkable Quantity(Amount) of vitamin C first of all. It is curious, that vitamin C in the person Updatings arises at cabbage, and not only arises, but also Increases in it(her) in comparison with its(her) fresh kind! About what avitaminosis, about What ageing (vitamin C - one of the most effective antioxidants) can To go speech, so far as we consume a sauerkraut? Opportunities of this remarkable vegetable induce me, a little Having broken(disturbed) logic of a narration to address here to fundamental To opening of academician A.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where Similar At Us? Unfortunately, Even Its(his) Books

Where similar at us? Unfortunately, even its(his) books at us long were not translated, and disputes on it(him) The doctrine were(be) conducted(ordered) only at such level: " approves(confirms), that a sandwich, Consisting of a roll with sausage, it is physiologically harmful! " The argument - in Exclamation mark which, obviously, should stimulate hostility The Soviet readers to . The essence, the sense of a separate feed(meal) and on a , and on it(him) To predecessors and followers consists in not inducing Bodies of a digestive path simultaneously to allocate both acid, and alkaline Elements, for according to laws of chemistry an acid and alkali at Interaction will be neutralized, . And as an organism for Millions years of the existence became so complex(difficult) system, that, as Only you look at any product, at you those are already allocated Enzymes which should split it(him) so far as it is not necessary to prepare those Dishes which cause simultaneously inflow and acids and alkalis.

. To Put It Briefly, This Elements Is Diverse

. To put it briefly, this elements is diverse so, that I now not I dare to allocate in it(her) the person of aspect dominating over health. I act As follows: I pass to next of themes, our conversation about To power and when we begin to understand principles of creation faultlessly The tempered organism possessing as much as possible ample opportunities Adaptations to adverse influences from the outside, accent(stress) in the given theme Let's put on surprising properties of water. Powerful forces or How to include in the body neutron Reactor What is the training and for what it(she) is necessary? If, avoiding special Terms to tell simply it is skill of the basic systems of an organism to To normal work even under abnormal external circumstances, differently(otherwise) Speaking, this expansion of opportunities of our viability. Here arises Curious aspect: expansion of adaptive skills to adverse External (including extreme) to influences noticeably improves Functioning of an organism and in usual conditions, power Its(His) opportunities noticeably increase.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

- "" - It Is Necessary To Concern

- "" - it is necessary to concern to its(his) lessons, its(his) system with all Possible(Probable) attention and respect for in it(her) experience complex is concentrated The approach to improvement by means of salutary mental changes in Consciousness of the person, and also by means of regular and transition to To noticeably reduced diet with regular starvations. Appeared in press I consider(count) sneers at the verbal form of its(his) precepts and hymns unworthy. On the other hand, I would like to express the in the most delicate form Disagreement with that spirit of violent fanaticism which I sometimes meet, Communicating with Porfiriya Korneevicha Ivanov's some followers. Fanaticism, Which severe self-restriction is similar to thoughtless religious ecstasy, Itself only formulas and the horizons established(installed) "", necessarily Forces to recollect wise saying " do not create to itself an idol ". The assumption of that development of a looking human idea comes to an end in Twelve items(points) "", at any sane person can cause Disagreement.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Willingly I Trust, That Once It(she) Helped(assisted) Ancient

Willingly I trust, that once it(she) helped(assisted) ancient inhabitants of mountains, on that they and . They in fact did not have an aspirin, and now it(him), as they say, in To any drugstore ". In my opinion, the similar feuilleton - truly classics of that level Representations about principles of health, which already the whole generations. By the way speaking, classics is also the self-portrait of the feuilletonist, which it(he) At all is not ashamed: corpulent, inactive, finished smoking up to a bronchitis The person, so in the four walls what to expel from them it(him) The "ferial(vegetarian)" smell of restaurant is capable only. It is curious, that the same newspaper two months earlier has informed, that inhabitants Two small villages - one in England, another to the USA - spend "Transatlantic" competitions on growing thin. In two "commands(teams)" approximately On hundred eighty the person. Englishmen have learned(have found out) from newspapers, that Americans of all Village for three months intend to grow thin for the whole ton (more than five Kgs everyone).

It Seems, Everyone Know About Schedules Of Biorhythms

It seems, everyone know about schedules of biorhythms which in listings it is enough Are widely widespread and where readout of rhythms begins with own day Birthes of the user. In what sense of this schedule? In the beginning of XX century doctors Herman Svoboda, Wilhelm Klejst and it is independent from each other Have come to conclusion on the basis of the big statistics received at supervision For patients, that the person lives according to three various Schedules. One of them of-physical opportunities - is equal to 23 days. The second- Emotional condition - it is equal to 28 days. The third - intellectual Opportunities it-is equal to 33 days. According to their supervision, all schedules join Immediately after a birth of the person also last during its(his) all life under laws Sinusoids. It means the following: first half of schedule - positive, Active condition of this or that function; second half - its(her) decline. Day Transition of the schedule from a condition in a condition is critical, that is Capable to lead the person and inadequacy of reactions.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Movement - A Pulsing Core Of Life Probably,

Movement - a pulsing core of life Probably, now we steal up already closely to a power core Our second whale - to concept "movement". What is such? It at all on kitchen(cuisine), even it(she) also proceeded all the day or the whole life. It And not slow walk together-three together, accompanied by heart-to-heart talk. It even not any physical work, let and added by moving Weights, as, for example, carry by the postman of the bag filled by newspapers and Magazines. For all that, as kitchen cares, and walks, and Delivery of press - all this absolutely necessary elements in our life, Accompanied by moving to space, movement these(thus) and numerous Other actions(shares) similar to them are true named cannot be. Movement is such physical activity taken by us up, At which speeded up rhythm the pulse corresponding(meeting) 120-140 reductions Hearts in a minute, enters into some extent in time, instead of Designates disposable splash. Perfectly I understand an opportunity of the whole squall logical Attacks to this quite not logic definition.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hundred Fine Principles Of Breath, Or " Where

Hundred fine principles of breath, or " Where to the poor peasant To move? " With firm confidence it is possible to approve(confirm), that there is no more important, process in our life, than breath, for without meal the person It is capable to live tens day, without water - some days, and without air- Few minutes. No movement, a life are possible(probable) without breath. And At the same time not less confidently it is possible to approve(confirm), that the overwhelming majority The population about any correct systems of breath has not heard and lives in it(this) The attitude(relation) as is, breathes as it is breathed. Similar - the condition promotes premature To withering of an organism, on the one hand, with another - to the slowed down recover in Those cases when it is necessary to win illness. And the reason that the nature Has cut out us in this respect with surprising safety factor: consuming Only 1 % of oxygen from that maximum which we are capable to take the Lungs, we, nevertheless, not only exist, but also we manage to go on Work to be engaged in public work, vigorously to discuss at beer Stall all news internal and foreign policy, and during remained time even To be interested in family problems.

Friday, October 24, 2008

If Still(even) To Add, That In Cabbage It

If still(even) to add, that in cabbage it is a lot of the enzymes adjusting(regulating) an exchange Fats, that in it(her) practically are not present some starch and not a lot of fructose becomes Clear, that is a product to which the prices are not present for diabetics. The cabbage contains , and we already spoke about them in connection with a problem of ordering The information processes going in an organism. And unless it is little significant, that caloric content of cabbage at all it(her) biologically Active properties it is extremely small? It means, that people with excess weight With its(her) help quickly enough can find grace necessary for them and beauty Figures. Whether also it is possible to bypass and such question, as salutary properties of leaves The cabbage, capable to heal external ulcers, wounds, bruises, , pains at joints and crises, at burns and ? As they say, etc., and . Item Certainly, not the smaller right to a similar greater(big) poem in prose have and Apples.

A.Burevoj, A Selfless Life To Which I With Love

A.Burevoj, a selfless life To which I with love have devoted the greater(big) story " New ". I shall be To start with experience and others , and also from fine results, Reached(Achieved) in Army medical college in St.-Petersburg. I shall proceed, At last, from that already considerable experience which is saved up(collected) by me and my friends. For the beginning I shall tell, that I repeatedly had to collide(face) with Furious and categorical refutations from doctors in occasion of Presence of any other stones in channels of a liver, besides . Really, stones, which approximately in 4 % of cases from Total of these stones, according to the Medical encyclopedia, are In a liver, can be taken from it(her) only operative by. But It is asked, what for to subject to resections of 96 % , . . Practically all mankind, so far as liberation from them can To be made so-called conservative by, i.e. without intervention Knife, not on an operational table? When for the first time I could pass(take place) clearing of a liver at Tatyana and it(she) has combined left of me green and brown Stones- in mayonnaise to bank (they have filled it(her) more than half), I Has gone to the academic polyclinic on island Vasilevym in Leningrad, Where then was on service, and has asked a question to doctors, Supervised my health: - What is such? - we do not know, - there was a direct and fair answer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

But, It Appears, It Is Possible To Receive

But, it appears, it is possible to receive water even more qualitative, than that, Which arises at all to this complex procedure! In what image? Engineer- Alexey Labza advises during process of freezing Waters to interfere with it(him) to remove from water those small dozes Heavy water harmful to the person () which contains approximately 150 milligrams in one litre. As heavy water freezes at +3,8 � With at artificial freezing in a freezer it(she) freezes the first. It(her) Ice on walls and at the bottom of a vessel and besides forms thin Openwork plates an ice in all volume of cooled water. Specifies: if freezing occurs(happens) slowly it is possible without difficulties To trace a phase of formation(education) of crystals of an ice and to pour yet water In intermediate capacity. The ice which has remained on walls of heavy water to kindle In any way and to send in the water drain. In released(exempted) from Ice utensils it is necessary to return water and repeatedly to establish(install) it(her) in Deep-freezer, this time finished already freezing.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

). A Cabinet(study) Of Balneotherapy. A Cabinet(study) Of Mud

). A cabinet(study) of balneotherapy. A cabinet(study) of mud cure. Swimming pools: for adults, for children. Training to navigation. 4. The block for massage of all kinds, including first of all . Application at massage "" A.Derjabin and . A cabinet(study) all kinds. A beauty shop. 5. The block for diverse simulators and halls of struggle. 6. The block for all kinds of medical breath. A special hall in it(him) for (Up to 3,5 km above sea level). 7. The block for clearing by natural methods of a liver and a bilious bubble, Kidneys, for clearing joints of salts, for updating a lymph, for .

In Usual Condition In Water One Quarter Of

In usual Condition in water one quarter of molecules and three contains approximately Quarters of molecules . This condition, we shall tell so, starting, Natural, natural, and for an organism of the person - comfortable for Courses of vital processes. At any disease first of all Molecules "are spent". The American scientists have developed even the theory " an estimation of a state of health of the person ". It is necessary to notice, that under Influence of magnetic impulses on water one of protons of hydrogen in molecules instantly changes the condition, and they turn to molecules , thus it is instantly allocated significant quantities(amounts) of heat- As consequence(investigation) of transition of protons of hydrogen on other, new level. Knowing work received impact of reflex arches, since Hypodermic receptors in all internal bodies, we is clear enough We understand, whence there is this internal heat about zones of irritation at Douche by cold water. Interestingly, the water is colder, the will more be allocated Heat! Knowledge of transformation of molecules of water at influence on them magnetic Impulses as consequence(investigation) of the electric impulses arising in Reflex arches (as outside, and inside of the vital bodies The person), allows to understand the reasons of occurrence of a plenty Internal heat, or, using our analogy, and Returnings of enough of water to gulf of Finland, allowing with Head to cover the boulders which have found out at the bottom.

Friday, October 10, 2008

And It(he) Has Created There The Monography "

And it(he) has created there the monography " Structural The analysis of moving blood ". Alexander Chizhevsky is, obviously, The unique prisoner in history, in reply to the decree about clearing Asked the chief of camp to prolong to it(him) term before the termination(ending) Experimental work on a theme of that research in which it(he) was engaged in Name of rescue of other people. The great award, the destiny sent to it(him), became That it(he) has lived before the first flight in Jury Gagarin's Space, has waited the beginnings Space age in history of mankind. Whether Space influences a life? - this The problem by the end of its(his) life was replaced by another, demanded practical The answer to a question: " What space factors influence it(her)?. " And here sense of its(his) answer: first of the most important factors is Influence of the Sun. Being the artist, Alexander Chizhevsky has written many pictures, in which There is a Sun. In the beginning of 20th years it(he) has offered Soviet To the government to support(maintain) a new science - , in other words, To start studying influence of the Nature on behaviour as separate people, so And mankinds as a whole.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

More And More Time: What Dogmas If One

More and more time: what dogmas if one person requires in can be The strengthened receipt of iron in blood, and for others any surplus of iron- Trouble? If one need the raised(increased) quantity(amount) of fiber in food, and at others Surplus of fiber in a feed(meal) conducts to a sharp aggravation allergic Diseases! If the raised(increased) quantity(amount) fat is extremely necessary for one Acids, and it causes a double atherosclerosis in others!, etc. and . Item The main thing - to receive all necessary variety of elements in the ratio and Sequences, to your separate and special organism! Structurally looking forward, I meaningly bypass now a problem Scarcity of a choice in our shops. For me it(she) is in the same Planes, as other uglinesses of ours a sociality, its(her) decision Depends finally not on any kind uncle, and from ours Total activity. There is no it(her) is and to complain there is nobody and there is nobody, except for as On itself! So, the main thing is an authenticity of a feed(meal) of the individuality.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

. For The Third Day, Already Knowing The Shortest

. For the third day, already knowing the shortest way upward, I have run on Traditions barefoot, but it is carefree and to move could not in any way: even on The most wild tracks there were splinters of beaten bottle glass. And I have thought: that it for a civilization which destroys our spiritual The essence, cynically changes system of the main values, when instead of awe and Pleasures the person(face) of the eternal, immense and wise nature the person meaningly Transforms itself into the fool poisoned by alcohol?. But unless similar conditions characterizes only your blessed Republic? At you it is still much better, than in other places! At us in Leningrad, For example, in that central area where branches of the Union are located Writers and correspondent item(point) of " the Literary newspaper ", gaugings of air Have shown excess of quantity(amount) of lead in air against norm(rate) a hundred times!. My friend, member of the Supreme body of the USSR, has lead under own initiative Ecological researches in the center of Russia - in Yaroslavl.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Further Diverse Ways Of Self-adjustment Enter A Course:

Further Diverse ways of self-adjustment enter a course: or by means of Verbal formulas, or by means of poetic images of the harmonious nature. But in all cases this adjustment(option) leads us to desirable calm and To finding of that condition or that strong-willed spirit which is necessary for us. There is a fine technique of training of mood of the actor And. by means of actor's gymnastics of harmonious perfection. Engaged by this technique study any way to cause in itself various Emotional conditions, accompanying with their corresponding(meeting) mimicry and gestures. And It - a condition - really comes to the person after certain Simulating grimaces or actions. So, for example, you can cause a condition Kind smile and laughter, having raised up tips of lips, having created cheerful in corners of eyes and slightly having wrinkled a nose. Keeping this expression, we shall present, that the person(face) is shined(covered) with warm beams Light. We shall close eyes and shall recollect any of the joyful moments of the Lives.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I For A Long Time It Was Convinced

I for a long time It was convinced of that the more you adjoin to the present(true) life, the It is more in you most than this life ". Its(His) surprising interview comes to an end with words: " So a life only Begins!. " To train the brain constant loadings and riches of emotions Follows since young years. Our well-known physicist, academician Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa, has put forward the formula of " creative disobedience ". If the person searches new Also it does not wish to be reconciled with routine for it(she) does not satisfy it(him) it is clear, that Disobedience is one of the radical properties shown in the person, looking And creating new in a science, art, the literature and philosophy. " The basic The stimulus of any creativity is a discontent existing. The observer It is dissatisfied with existing processes and thinks out new, the scientist is dissatisfied Existing terms also searches more perfect(absolute), etc. ", it(he) wrote. With. To Khruschev in April, 1954 Hence, than more abruptly scope of contradictions, with With which the scientist, the writer, the artist, the inventor, that above collides(faces) The schedule of its(his) creative activity, by that above its(his) activity is raised, Vigorous spirit of its(his) intellectual and emotional system.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Similar Examples For Last Years I Could Result(bring)

Similar Examples for last years I could result(bring) not one and not two. In what an essence of an offered way and on what it(he) is based? I shall dare to offer a certain physical substantiation. Who can, let Will deny and will offer, covering those plural facts, on Which we lean(base). So, any body, except for being at To temperature of absolute zero, radiates those or other fluctuations on certain Waves. They are radiated with that chair on which you sit, they are radiated with that apple, On which your look now falls, they are radiated by you. If fluctuations of those Products with which you are going to eat, go to a resonance with those fluctuations, Which are radiated by you this product will increase your power. If Yours with it(him) fluctuations are in an antiphase, that, having used it(him), you should A certain shred of the energy will direct on, that a this(an it) product in the consent with your substance, and I am not assured(confident), that it always It can certainly be carried out.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Already Does Not Leave Any Doubts That Conclusion

Already does not leave any doubts that conclusion of a science, that set The illnesses, being the reason of death of people, substantially It is generated thus lives in which basis lays rich Caloric content in a combination to small mobility, characteristic for so The named civilized person preferring movement on Transport to all other ways natural - in space. The mankind suffers cardiovascular diseases, oncology All kinds (French professor Anri Zhuajo considers(counts), that up to 50 % of all Cancer diseases is consequence(investigation) of a wrong feed(meal)), Diseases of a pancreas in connection with abundance of the food sated(saturated) Different sort sugars. Immense consumption of fats and smoked products, salts and spices, coffee and Alcohol - all this generation , directed exclusively On satisfaction of flavouring sensations outside of care of normal functioning The nature. Ability to starvation is ability to rise not Only above weakness of the spirit, but also above insidiousness of the life enticing Us, testing us temptations of a different sort of excesses as it appears, The excesses fatally dangerous literally of this word.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

. " I Also Do Not Speak That Any

. " I also do not speak that any action(share) especially so fundamental And the major for the general(common) state of health, as clearing of a liver, for example, Demands the benevolent and competent assistant-observer ready and Capable at any moment to help and support(assist and support,help and maintain,assist and maintain) you. That is why I shall refrain from concrete advice(councils). Really, the general(common) Curing principle is only the all-round, complex approach to To the health. So complex, that it(he) assumes even Significant strengthening(amplification) of our joint social activity. And if first my advice(council) was from true words to pass to correct To understood practice the second sounds so: search colleagues, Adherents, . I explain this idea. We with relatives to me people have gathered many ideas (and, having modified, with Success realized(have realized)) at excellent authors, whose books were widely published and Are published abroad. He is Walker - " Treatment by juices " (by the way, Walker Has made the next child in the age of is more senior than hundred years, and in its(his) book, In section "", the technique of clearing of a lymph citrus) contains; It is Item - "" (the Russian physician who has appeared in the twentieth years in The USA and the work which has published there which has generalized huge experience Russian national Medicine; in it(him) contains along with many other things advice(councils) and Way of clearing of a liver); it and other our compatriot - A.

Monday, September 22, 2008

As If To Definition By The Person Most

As if to definition by the person most close to it(him), so To tell, , jewels, minerals and metals, then without Biolocations to not manage in any way, for given (astrologies) in The given case rather , are capable to pass important individual Features of the concrete person. But about a biolocation as agreed, In brief we shall talk in the following chapter(head). On circulation of elements in that order which has been offered Wise men- of an antiquity, metal is followed with water, great and Many-sided, kind and severe, mysterious elements without which cannot be Lives for the person. When it will be a question of a normal feed(meal), whether it will be possible To do without problems of drink, that is water? If conversation will go about , whether we think it(he) without a theme of water? Kohl soon we address to To principles and receptions of calm of nerves, to normalization of mentality, whether it is possible To pass section of so-called water procedures, and in particular The most salutary influence of a strong jet from a poppyhead(cupola) along a back ridge? Two-rub(-three) minutes of such stream of water daily directed from top to down Pleasant temperature are capable to create in days truly miracles with Ours !.

Friday, September 19, 2008

There Was A Set Of Serious Researches. The

There was a set of serious researches. The statistics shows, that risk Defeats by this or that disease caused by mental shift, Depends substantially on type of mentality of people. In comparison with people Counterbalanced approximately twice there are more than heart attacks of that reacts On event especially roughly, selflessly, who comes to strong excitation on To occasion of any difficulty arising before it(him). But it is curious, that also in Four times there are more than heart attacks, than at people quiet, it is totaled and at those, Who , is passive, works languidly, on love to the business. In what sense of this capital statistics? In foreign countries already The conclusion about importance is made and accepted to strict practical execution(performance) Essential reorganization of the character a basis of recommendations of the psychologist. In one case the person meaningly aside Steadiness also apply for this purpose a lot of effective measures, in that Number from sphere of auto-training about which speech now will go.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let's Return, However, To Leonid Sergeevicha's Individual Schedules,

Let's return, however, to Leonid Sergeevicha's individual schedules, which Have testified(certified) solidarity of its(his) original person with requirements Night star. Only for a year the general(common) condition of its(his) organism has risen with 65 % of an optimum of the opportunities released(let off) to it(him) up to 90 %, capacity(power) of heart - with 71 up to 92 %, the general(common) power of an organism - with 53 up to 83 %, digesting ability Gastroenteric path - with 26 up to 83 %, working capacity of a liver - with 64 up to 92 %, working capacity of kidneys - with 72 up to 95 %, working capacity Systems - with 69 up to 94 %, protection of an organism - with 67 up to 95 %, Sexual potentiality - with 44 up to 65 %, working capacity of a pancreas - with 54 up to 93 %, etc., and . I saw item H.p. prior to the beginning of phase A feed(meal). It was elderly, is far not the healthy person. I saw it(him) and after How it(he) a year has lived, consistently carrying out the experiment with A feed(meal).

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

However, If To Judge On That Statistics Written

However, if to judge on that statistics written Responses to clause(article) " Three whales of health " which I already resulted(brought) The overwhelming majority of readers - - it(him) already knows 98 %. In fact only 2 % were Are anxious by a condition of the power resources from what it was possible to draw a conclusion, That all other correspondents were not disturbed in the marked occasion. Well Well, give the God! (It is recollected, the truth, full conviction of the reader and in that, That at it(him) with a condition of spirit vigorous and kind too everything is all right, that business(affairs) Are even better, than with power.) I Can be glad(pleased) only for them To this circumstance, for as to me, that, soberly and self-critically Estimating(Appreciating) own situation, I do not dare to boast of that my personal Practice in the given attitude(relation) already really completely corresponds(meets) to that Theories which allows the person to possess as much as possible high EFFICIENCY.

Monday, September 15, 2008

And Arises Small-small : And Who Is Capable

And Arises small-small : and who is capable it(her) for us To define(determine)? Like we live according to a saying: " That into a mouth has got, and It is useful ", it is not strongly complained. How here you learn(you find out), what - yours, what - another's? I already mentioned, that in the Tadjik book " Wisdom of centuries " are generalized Thousand-year supervision about a feed(meal) acute, clever, not connected on To hands and legs(foots) any instructions of Ministry of Health of our generations Predecessors with reference to structural features human Organism. In vastly developed tables, in which on hundreds and hundreds Pages concrete definitions of compatibility truly all are stated on Light of products with that or other type of a human body, wise men Have forgotten, the truth to give(allow) such "trifle", as a key to definition of what Type of an organism you possess, the reader. I believe, that in this Forgetfulness considerable wisdom which was also contains The millenium ago that feature of ancient people, that the letter was not It is widespread also high trues the person could receive only orally from the teacher And only in the event that it(he) as the pupil has been internally prepared to To that these data to apprehend.

Friday, September 12, 2008

As If To Tsar Of Animals And Other

As if to tsar of animals and other predators, they Live or in loneliness, or marriage pairs, and, as is known, girlfriends The at all do not tire love . Coming from work home - and it happens to hours to six-seven, - I with Pleasure I eat already more dense meal (any of vegetative soups Or a ragout from vegetable marrows, potatoes, the Bulgarian pepper and . Item) and with all Possible(Probable) frankness I inform: if I will want to have a bite something Hours per ten evenings I on a hand shall not put, and it can be Fried eggs, it can be a baked potato, etc. Why baked? Yes therefore, That between a peel and a body of a potato contains thin a layer created specially to help(assist) to mastering Potato in a human body. And just - I do not speak this layer About a peel rich with mineral substances, - 99,9 % of mistresses cut off and Throw out on a forage to pigs to that those are rather grateful. And meanwhile to bake Potato in an oven or in the heated salt does not represent any special Technical difficulties.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Can To Tell, That These Days You

I can To tell, that these days you do not test any feeling of famine, for The marked citron juice - moreover on thawed snow - enormous . Then it is quiet, not hurrying up it is possible to pass to lungs , on A normal feed(meal). I, the truth, after end of citrus with huge Pleasure I pass to full long starvation: from dispersal I go down in It(Him) as with on a sled - it is possible to be dispersed and long-long to go Forward on to a path. Such cleaning it is necessary to do(make) time in a year, better In January-February when citrus simultaneously are delivered to all of us. It is those Walker's technique, the person who has developed the whole doctrine about treatment by juices. It(He) knew about existence of tangerines, but into practice has entered Grapefruits, lemons and oranges. Therefore it is better than any deviations(rejections) from given Compounding to not suppose. Attention: it is necessary to prepare for a liquid every day Anew, that it(she) was fresh since morning. This procedure is recommended to be spent after you have already cleaned The liver to avoid even a hint on an allergy citrus.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It, In Turn, Created Conditions For Liberation Of

It, in turn, created conditions For Liberation of abilities of younger relatives ". Tracing ethics from positions of evolutionary genetics of the person, the professor Century approves(confirms): there are bases to consider(count), that in hereditary To human nature something attracting it(him) to validity is incorporated, To self-sacrifice, feats in the name of others. Ideologists of fascism from a leather(skin) Climb, proving, that representation about congenital human egoism Leans(Bases) on the darvinian theory of natural selection: all unable to To self-preservation should die, giving a up the place that who by all means Wins. The worst lie is an incomplete truth. In fact and in flight of monkeys There are such features, as heroic protection of posterity and care about It(Him), mutual assistance in danger, self-denying protection and so forth. When we mean already the person with its(his) slow growth head Brain term of care of posterity kinds are extended, become complicated Cooperation in a tribe, selflessness of parents amplifies.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

It(she) Was It Is Calculated On That The

It(she) was It is calculated on that the prisoner has lived two-rub(-three) months and after that from Exhaustions has died. That is one thousand kcals is the diet directed on Death for famine and fast a human body. But here Paradox: I ate and whenever possible I eat proceeding from the same approximately Norms(Rates) in one thousand kcals day during already long of some years, at It(This) I make every morning jogs up to 10 kilometers, and on Saturdays and To Sundays much longer, especially if it is a question of skis. Actively I carry out all human functions and I afford such Long-term violation of an organism, as a life without holidays. And Anything, I live normally, even it is healthy. Let's recollect, that group under direction of the same With. has done almost run at a daily diet In 1000-1100 kcals, while control group professional, Let's tell so, , ran on a diet of 4,5-5 thousand kcals in day. That is curious, experienced everyone have been compelled(forced) of 15 kilometers To accept top dressing and, running a daily stage, fell as knocked down.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Leaving(care) Of Such Quantity(amount) Of Heat Noticeably Cools

Leaving(care) of such quantity(amount) of heat Noticeably cools a leather(skin) and stimulates raised(increased) . Regular Training does(makes) this process automatic: ablution of a leather(skin) by hot water Gives instant reaction to development(manufacture) by an organism of additional heat. As hot rubdown repeats repeatedly, the leather(skin) is not in time To overcool and a new portion of warm water there and then warms it(her). Such The image, occurs(happens) process of expansion of adaptive opportunities Systems , it is carried out an organism. Exists, the truth, some danger of imperceptible overcooling. To avoid it(him), Konstantin Viktorovich recommends badly tempered, Weakened(Easied), to older persons to begin hot rubdown gradually, say, with Rubdowns of hands up to an elbow or up to shoulders. After a while it is possible to expand The area of rubdown. At all it is not necessary to lead up itself to sensation Fever, and after procedure it is necessary to be pounded by a towel dry.

Physiognomy Impudent And Self-satisfied - Such Saw, Such

Physiognomy impudent and self-satisfied - such saw, such has tested, such I know, about what Anybody also does not suspect. To army to go it is not necessary - well simply succeeding, The highly experienced young man. However annual in a clinic two times in Year have soon bored, have adjusted(have set up) me on sad . " Look, - spoke me Stars, - it is necessary to you to smell only a fuse, - it will appear in hospital! " Well . And I began to drink essentially. The capacity proved also pleasure Received. On third ten I feel - something is not pleasant to me. Furs to stretch(drag out) Has bothered, the salary small, has got confused with , uphill To rise hard, half of teeth rotten, hair climb, eyes, as at The rabbit. The stomach(belly) any more selected all time. Breasts of steel, as at the woman. In a bath And on a beach I already to go was afraid. That a beard I shall release(I shall let off), moustaches - result all The same. It is necessary to change a way of life! Also has changed.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What To Speak About An Ecological Condition Our

What to speak about an ecological condition Our atmosphere? It is conversation special. To struggle for ecological cleanliness Atmospheres it is necessary forces of the public and the state. But whether it is obligatory To involve the public in struggle for cleanliness of that individual air, Which ourselves it is(are) poisoned, inhaling nicotine? Yes, I could hear opinions Such smokers who directly and in plain terms declare: " Here if at us on To example of the USA will start to dismiss, fine or on manufacture Smokers I, needless to say, immediately to smoke I shall cease ". The output(exit) is prompted our directing bodies radical, but I not It is assured(confident) of that they to it(him,them) listen, - it is too much at them others Cares. But, maybe, it is meaningful also to everyone to think over, whence Goes and in what this narcotic habit results(brings). Smoking as a way of life is caused by need(requirement) of reception certain Satisfactions from the outside (or illusions of satisfaction).

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Most Obvious For Us The Factor Of

The Most obvious for Us the factor of existence of space rhythms which it is unconditional All our life and from which to not leave anywhere is subordinated, to leave, is The daily cycle of our ability to live defined(determined) by movement of the Earth around The sun. To this leading rhythm of all our life during millions Years rhythms of all our systems adapted. Cyclicity of these processes, Their conformity to space hours is one of the major bases of ours Health. So we shall not be, operating(working) on motives insignificant in comparison with such Value as firm health, to play about with this chronometer, Adjusted(Set up) on rhythms of the Universe, and any way to force down its(his) course: a payment for it Wilfulness is rather dear(expensive) in the form of not taken place, burdened Illnesses of a life. Having taken advantage of this(thus) indisputable for all the base schedule, I I shall try to show evidently especial necessity to use it(him) Constantly, to not find burdensome frustration, at the same time, secondly, To use individually, to open the optimum opportunities.

To Refuse A Category "is Tasty" Silly And

To refuse a category "is tasty" silly and senselessly. What for to truncate The big sector of the emotional life? All the matter is that "is tasty" not It should be by all means harmful". It is required certain vital Reorientation. I shall afford the analogy admissible in a society of adult people: It is necessary to receive pleasure of love not by means of those "priestesses", which, probably, Will bring to us bright sexual pleasure, however will award also burdensome Illnesses with bad consequences, but in solar and sanguineous love with Women pure(clean) and healthy where will equally triumph and celebrate and Our spirit, and body. , you, dear(expensive) reader, will understand, that this(thus) impudent The analogy in relation to principles of a feed(meal) is absolutely correct. In my opinion, up to a degree of art generalization, up to Significant symbol the dry official report on transition rises Through hot Kara Kum two groups in the summer 1989 the Symbolics here consists In that one group which moved through sand under direction of a With.

Friday, August 22, 2008

To Me It Is Not Known Particularly, Whether

To me It is not known particularly, whether these courageous people have recovered, but I know For certain, that they have considerably prolonged the life and have inhaled feeling Curing hope in hearts of those who about their feat. One more example: the Moscow regional hospital of veterans of war, Branch of doctor Mikhajlovskogo. This doctor together with other Colleagues has developed methods of active mental self-control which give The opportunity to the person almost instantly to leave on leading(leader) mental The installation, allowing to overcome any undesirable physiological Symptoms. Moreover, the children(guys)-Afghans who have been last course of treatment at , Got skills of prevention not only difficult psychological and Physical conditions, but also pains, including in amputated finitenesses, Attacks of an asthma and other illnesses. Moreover, active self-control Mentalities helped(assisted) them to expand borders of the creative opportunities. Limits Self-improvement at seized(taken possession) to these methods were limited only Desire of the person to develop.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Power Model Of A Healthy Organism Is

The power model of a healthy organism is those also. Here it(she), but with reference to the patient: has blown a wind, and Majestic, filled water the gulf has turned in flat The dirty pool which has receded far-is far from coast. Also it has appeared, that all this The naked(exposed) bottom any slovenly crinkles, is covered Chaotically mixed decaying sea , it is covered by huge boulders, Blackening on a background of slanting sandy dunes. Drying boulders are, figuratively Speaking, our bodies deprived of life-giving energy, that in which they were Before disease are completely shipped. Who saw them, who felt them, who In general about them knew before that accident which has fallen upon them in Kind of act of nature? Who knows, who thinks of internal bodies, While they are healthy? Also it is asked: how again to return to initial, To aesthetically fine picture? What to make, that these naked(exposed) boulders not , under Impulses of a changeable wind, that not their indifferent to them The seagull? How to hide them again under water? And it is very simple: it is necessary to fill again Pool of gulf of Finland (suffering organism) enough of water (Energy of all kinds).

It(he) Can Not Concern(touch) At All You, Only

It(he) can not concern(touch) at all you, only To sit nearby. Quite often it appears, that stay in a similar floor(field) already Is a sufficient stimulator that forces dozing in you Have woken up. But we shall admit(allow), have not woken up. Do not despair, for in you it is a lot of and Other talents. As if to the general(common) laws of a feed(meal), about which It is necessary to know, about them further and speech will go at us. For now I shall sum up to our reasonings concerning the first important The law of a healthy feed(meal). If to resort to analogy to flora, That water, for example, is necessary to all trees. But a saxaul, we shall recollect the Willow of Cousteau, Perishes from the bucket of water poured out in its(his) roots for its(his) genetics is calculated on it(her) Extraction from depths repeat hardly probable not on separate molecules, And , on the contrary, it is capable to overtake(drive) for a day from roots in a crone a little Tens buckets. Yes, we, people, are surprisingly widely omnivorous, and in this universality ours Advantage before all other living things, but the dominant in this To almost boundless scale is at each of us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wish To Drink - Drink Apple Juice, Wish

Wish to drink - drink apple juice, wish to eat - drink Apple juice. The important note: this apple juice at you will be not purchased, Not preserved(tinned) at the factories, containing different sorts chemical Additives, but pressed by you with own hand from apples, concerning which You have a confidence of their protogenic cleanliness. Next day - the same mode. In the morning , within day- Joyful consumption of apple juice. If at the person some with Acidity in a stomach it is better to squeeze out juice of sweet apples. I repeat, you Drink apple juice, instead of eat apple . The third day of this diet: since morning again and till nineteen o'clock- Apple juice. What for this time at you should be prepared? A sofa, on which You will lay, a greater(big) hot-water bottle with hot water which you will adhere to To liver a long towel, and under a hot-water bottle enclose(lay) small . At You will be the available wine-glass on which you a line in advance will note volume of three Table spoons of an olive oil, and you will warm up this olive oil Approximately degrees up to thirty five.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Almost 70 % In The Age Of From

Almost 70 % in the age of from 40 till 65 years Complain of stressful conditions on a regular basis tested by them. In opinion The Tokyo psychiatrist Torah , increased for last decade in One and a half with superfluous time number of suicides among persons(faces) of average and elderly Age it is substantially predetermined by stresses, which First of all the forced acceleration of manufacture, aspiration to raise(increase) Rate of yen in relation to the American dollar. The majority of Japanese have in Year no more than week of paid holiday, and, under the certificate of agency , the working day - the usual phenomenon in the majority Banks and the insurance companies. (It is asked, whether that is a public ideal, to To which we should aspire?) Here one more message: Japanese have grasped world(global) leadership in such To sphere which cannot cause in them special delights, - given(data) World The organizations of public health services testify, that Japan by the end of 80th years Has come out on top in the world under charges on medicines per capita.

Strengthening Of Protective Forces Organism In Struggle Against

Strengthening of protective forces Organism in struggle against gradually increasing dozes of bee sting is One of the most salutary ways our organism, it(him) Natural improvement. However we shall come back to by means of heats. The beginning Conversation on it(him) (connected with problems of immunology) was natural, but Only to development(manufacture) of indestructible immunity a role of heats not It is reduced. Unlike - in an ice-hole it is possible and rushly- The ascention on the Olympus should occur(happen) consistently and Gradually. What beauty of a healthy life will open before us thus? I shall conduct conversation with reference to Russian pair bath. Finnish Sauna - business kind, but absence of a broom in it(her) as becomes from the further Statements, considerably its(her) improving effect. For initial Point of an ascention I accept Russian pair bath, amazing The invention of our ancestors of Slavs. Well, I begin transfer of those The magnificent blessings which we in it(her) receive.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

For This Reason Movement Is A Category Which

For this reason movement is a category which is being on crossing Sets of coordinates, each of which in a new fashion defines(determines) its(his) and each of Which are defined(determined) in addition with it. Communication(Connection) of movement with the spiritually-emotional party(side) of our life? Please. Children who start to float earlier than to go, receive It is more, than their contempoparies, signals from an environment, acting from Peripheries of a body in the central nervous system that leads accelerated To development of their abilities, to greater mental stability, to an advancing in Mastering by language (languages), in skill to read, draw. And unless selfless It is caustic fire wood or feverish a kitchen garden does not remove stressful The situations arising, for example, as consequence(investigation) of family conflicts? And unless Overcoming long and superlong, before impossible distances does not bring To the runner of pleasure of self-affirmation? And unless with movement it is not connected Opportunity to test to understand the own person - down to That Gennady Shvets, the special correspondent of " the Komsomol truth ", has changed the on chance to run a supermarathon in 555 km across Sahara? In this run participated twenty four fans(amateurs) from Algeria, France, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, the USSR.

Friday, August 15, 2008

However In Absolutely Motionless To Atmosphere Of A

However in absolutely motionless To atmosphere of a refrigerator this insignificant layer for some seconds Guarantees our safety. Safety, but not warmly. Monstrously low The temperature for short time as though will paralyse our nervous terminations(endings), and, The most important, the cold generates and will mobilize those reserve opportunities Organism at a molecular level about which just there was a speech. Actually Speaking, short-term air influences in "antisauna" Are equivalent to those improving loadings which the person receives at Douche or bathing in an ice-hole. The matter is that at water heat conductivity almost in thirty times more, Than at air, and on subjective sensations air at temperature a minus hundred Twenty are not much colder, than ice water. Than to explain, that Impact of water is safe for any uninitiated within a minute, and Influence of frosty motionless air safely for us during Greater term? An explanation that this difference depends on our system which has some inertia, that is works not Instantly, and later certain time after receipt in "central" Staff, in the central nervous system, signals from external receptors.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Their Food, Which They Accepted Two Times A

Their food, which they Accepted two times a day, consisted of the products which have kept Biochemical properties, that is comprised a solar energy and a straight line The solar information: for a breakfast the raisin, almonds, a filbert, is a little honey - and " All ". The dinner which ate in the evening, consisted from small Quantities(Amounts) of rice soup with from fennel, a parsley, sea kale, Caraway seeds and . And as the desert has regarded distinction in a feed(meal) of those and others, and on mine Sight, distinction in the mentality? The certificate(act) about tests of people by desert, To be exact, the validity, signed director All-Union Research institute of physical training of Item of A.Vinogradovym, The rector of Turkmen state institute of physical culture And. M. , says, that for four day all participants experimental Groups have passed(have taken place) a route at excellent(different) state of health, fine physical Working capacity and in vigorous mood. A level of a blood pressure and Pulse rate did not leave for norm(rate) of the healthy person.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

But, My God, What It A Little, How

But, my God, what it a little, how much(as far as) nevertheless we are still alien Space consciousness and comprehension of by children of the Earth, children of the Universe! We We know, for example, that some kinds of butterflies are capable to find The kind for kilometers and kilometers. If they go on a smell, quantity(amount) Molecules of aromatic substance it is estimated in literally units on The cubic metre of space, and this quantity(amount) cannot be caught and It is apprehended by absolutely any devices - except for an alive organism! Knowing it and Admiring with similar properties of the colleagues on a planet as we can To believe, as if our own - tsar of the nature! - biodevices are capable Just to this nature to not react? For example, the nearest satellite of ours Planets the moon in the rotation around of us causes behind itself a tidal wave Up to six meters. So powerful influence of an attraction bending terrestrial , yet really it does not influence at all all ours Structures? Being the formed accomplices of scientific and technical revolution, Possessing knowledge mechanisms, perfectly imagining, however(as) Huge mechanical or electric forces can be started By means of absolutely insignificant, incommensurable to the given capacities(powers) Signals as we not in condition to understand, that constants though almost Intangible signals influencing us from infinitely far planets so Or otherwise form course in us active mental or Physiological processes? Our predecessors on a life on this planet, proceeding from criteria Repeatability and experts, already have very long time ago established(installed) complex(difficult) interrelations Between the world of planets and the world of people, also I believe, that not far off revival Really scientific approach to an astrology presently and at us.

It Seems, I Have Convincingly Enough Shown, That

It seems, I have convincingly enough shown, that a choice of a feed(meal) at all Neutral business, that its(his) character far is not indifferent for corporal and for Mental our condition. That this idea has not disappeared from your field, The reader, I shall stimulate from time to time it(her) further: that the instruction(indication) on Communication(Connection) of an incorrect feed(meal) with oncology, with an atherosclerosis, with others "Pleasures" of a life. And now, it is enough having encouraged your attention, I pass to Concrete definitions of the main thing, to those general(common) laws, which, however, Allow us to move in their limits according to the nature and own To understanding. Whether there are such laws? Certainly. First of them is Wide, even very wide selection of products, suitable for a feed(meal) The person among which it is necessary to be able to choose the most suitable for Itself. The nature with all the heart has generously awarded us with ability to . It is enough to look at a human teeth - though inhabitants of Kirghizia, though Inhabitants of Ukraine, though Frenchmen, though .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It(he) Can Every Day To Clean A Teeth,

It(he) can Every day to clean a teeth, to wash a neck, but it(he) is polluted from within, and it Internal all becomes heavier than its(his) organism and more densely with Each year. And already further business especially individual at whom what will be Consequences from this "dirt" at whom that will turn out. One falls ill , another becomes , the third will be allergies and . . To put it briefly, at whom that is weaker, that and will be ill with that. I repeat: Illness number of one mankind is the general(common) internal Human body. Here we (me and my "collective farm") had to collide(face) with a case, Which has simply amazed(struck) us. When we became known enough, to us have begun To address for the help in heavy or in very heavy cases. Here once The woman of average years has visited(attended) us - speaks, that doctors promised its(her) daughter already In a week a lethal outcome. Cries. We come to it(her) home, we look. A daughter, As hardly dismissed , a gentle beauty of seventeen years.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Business In Volume, That The Soviet Geologists At

Business in Volume, that the Soviet geologists at prospecting drilling oil have found out on To the bottom Volga huge stocks of a mineral . Applying concentrated Brine of this mineral for preparation of a boring solution, they have turned Attention to that at its(his) hit on a body the pain in joints disappeared, Backbone, waist. It has appeared, that this product of crystallization of salts from Waters of the ancient Perm sea-biologically active connection containing A plenty of bromine, iodine, , the calcium, more than twenty Microcells. Unfortunately, " goes-once will be ". If a preparation Doctors of Crowd have already started to make commercially, ours "Figures" do not hurry up to introduce this outstanding herb, this The gift, presented to people a planet. Treatment is spent in handicraft scales, and that owing to To enthusiasm of one of its(his) pathbreakers of M. . Yes here state farm "Lobachevsky" of the Rostov area somehow has quietly declared(announced) sale In half-liter bottles.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Further, The Truth, Already On A Society Depends,

Further, the truth, Already on a society depends, whether it begins to struggle with similar and Diligently to reduce its(his) heretical life, or uses it(him) The uncommon potential, and in that case its(his) mighty intelligence is The serious guarantor of its(his) health-th blessing to its(his) people and all mankind. The important practical aspect of the law of increase in all our vital forces Through constant congestion of a brain the judgement about basic is those pensioners who believe as if their old age is only Object of care of other people and societies as a whole. On the contrary, it is necessary to expand Circle of the duties and obligations before by itself and a society, before Close and distant people. Grandmothers, which in the name of the pleasure and Rest refuse work to foster the grandsons and to help(assist) children, Lose it is much more, than their children, - they prematurely grow old, for from a life not only difficulties, but also the highest pleasure, Which can be, - dialogue with young showers(souls).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

" Contempt For Failures Is Boundless Belief In

" Contempt for failures is Boundless belief in which generates mighty mental processes, and Behind them healthy activity of an organism. It is readiness of spirit for any To tests. And all this refers to " art to live " - so concludes The biographic story significantly named " the Formula of will: to trust ", Jury Vlasov. I think, as a world famous feat of Valentine Dikulya, Come back from full physical inability to record performances(statements) in circus, Confirms this formula. Certainly, energy of spirit was main The reason of that Nikolay Nikolaevich Lomtev, director of children's combine, Which has rushed to rescue(save) and has shattered cervical , also Has overcome the full immovability. And unless not will, not character have rescueed(saved) Lyudmila Rogovu who was ill not on a verdict of medicine illness - a multiple sclerosis in the age of Hardly twenty years? Any effective technique of struggle against this disease at Medicine while are not present. It is possible to tell, that Lyudmila has won an illness due to Its(His) strong-willed overcoming.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

But There Is Also A Third Level: This

But there is also a third level: this influence on course Material processes outside of itself. No, I speak now not about hypnosis, to To which I concern with the big vigilance, and about the phenomena of other plan. As a matter of fact, we enter into area of evangelical miracles. In fine To the book yoga " the Life of the Christ in a view of occult sciences " it is quiet It is stated, that those actions which were shown by Jesus Christ, quite on To forces to the person, possessing sensitive abilities above averages, after Passages of the certain curriculum. One person can give Fertile message to another even on distance, even without the knowledge of that, and at that Health, mood, any personal quality will improve. This message Can be turned not only to the separate person, but to set Circumstances. A special question on which we already stopped, - whether always It is necessary to do(make) it? And a question of questions: about morals of the one who the The message sends in the world.