Friday, March 27, 2009

Check Has Shown: When Both Parts Of A

Check has shown: when both parts of a sinusoid are connected, to such water and The prices are not present. It is rather medical water and if at someone exist Any disorders in a gastroenteric path it(she) for it(him) is Medicine. Simple, without chemistry, water is a medicine! Certainly, There is the certain fuss connected with its(her) manufacturing, but game costs(stands) , and the prices to this product truly are not present. However and this water it is possible to improve still! Works of the academician of the Academy of sciences Ukraine, the honored worker of a science and technics(technical equipment) of professor L.A.Kulskogo, Generalized both much advanced the theory and practice of dissolution In water of silver in the form of a microcell necessary for normal Functioning of our organism, the set of useful recommendations is received. Silver water possesses not only high bactericidal properties, but also Fine influence on the central nervous system. Hence, if We by means of simple the device shall receive absolutely Small doze of silver water - tiny! - which we shall pour in in a vessel, Intended for realization of full figure of a sinusoid, Really sacred water without any inverted commas.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

However, Once Again: Free The Will, Rescueed(saved) -

However, once again: free the will, rescueed(saved) - paradise. And who wants , what for to it(him) to stir(prevent)? Itself big and clever. Finishing this conversation about Principles of starvation, I, not being afraid to bore recurrence, shall modestly emphasize: and Here too we were convinced, how in conversation on a feed(meal) in general, about health In general, that quite especially individual realization is Not which general(common) law. The conclusion TO NEW HORIZONS The typical letter sent from a typical life and published without denominations and Comments Jury Andreevich! Yours " Three whales of health " have affected(influenced) my life so certain In the image, that seems to me simply dishonest to not respond to your "Answer", Printed in the twelfth number of "Neva" for 1988 I was born in 1947 From the first class constantly hurted(was ill,was sick) . Still up to Schools was fitted to play on an accordion so also fault(wine) has tried(tasted). In the fifth Class has started to smoke.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It Is Curious, That, Having Got Used To

It is curious, that, having got used to to a diet, - from 2 up to 5 grams of salt In day, - the person in due course with pleasure starts to eat Food which is medical-improving for diseases of heart and Vessels. But, as a matter of fact, why it is necessary to wait, while at us happens The heart attack of a myocardium or will come(step) an atherosclerosis of brain vessels, why, Beforehand having passed from carrion to an alive feed(meal) to not warn Similar to " pleasure of a life "? Consuming rich quantities(amounts) of salt (for taste!), we by inertia We are born(carried) in that, alas, an extending and gaining in strength stream, which It is created by public opinion, the general(common) habit, in turn, generated Wildness(Absurdity) of our "civilization". Here still the information for reflection on the same Theme: according to Doctor of Chemistry K.A.Makarova, in the majority The developed countries the consumed quantity(amount) of fat exceeds a rational level On 35-40 %. What as a result? The cells(cages) overloaded by fat start to give Surpluses of fat in the form of fat acids, increasing their concentration in blood.