Saturday, May 19, 2007

All, Absolutely All In Our Natural Device Is

All, Absolutely all in our natural device is adapted to accept Space vibrations. conceiving anatomists consider(examine) ours Greater(Big) bones and bones of a shin exclusively from the point of view of ; what the design - is capable to sustain loading in longitudinal Direction up to 1200 kg! But, maybe, it is meaningful to look at these bones in Their diameter and how on extremely complex(difficult) devices of type of aerials? And if So, they accept what signals, on what frequencies work? And if so, That, maybe, harmfully to block deathly deaf(indistinct) synthetics of receipt To them of the signals sent by it(him) Nature? And we shall peer- into a lobby Part of a skull: unless its(his) design frankly does not remind us with all The cavities and chambers not which forward part extremely complex(difficult) The radar-tracking aerial? Kohl soon it so, which waves this The aerial is capable to accept? And to transfer(transmit)? But unless only our bone fabrics Are capable to play a role of compilers or receivers, unless numerous Vessels and liquid systems of our organism are not some kind of The oscillatory contours, capable to perceive The information from the world surrounding us? (and, hence, than more purely(cleanly) they, than Their condition, the richer scale of received signals, the is better more authentically The information, but here I, however, a little bit prematurely appeal to the competence The third whale).

When Chairman Of The American Public Organization "

When chairman of the American public organization " Runners of the world " Dan Dryu has arrived to Moscow for participation in the International marathon of the world, In the beginning it(he) shared the concrete techniques, judgements about system Trainings. It(he) friendly specified, for example, that for running at the beginning The distance, but only time of run is important not: thirty minutes - it is good, sixty - Perfectly. It(he) has shared curious data that in America now It is not fashionable, as it was in recent times, to gather for dialogue in houses- To sit-chat behind a cup of coffee or tea, - but more and more affirms such Way of dialogue with friends, as walk in rate or run, or sports Walkings. And many other things was told by it(him), in particular, that in the USA on starts Various marathons in a year there is approximately 180 thousand person. But then in conversation with correspondents of " the Soviet sports " this the doctor, the father of the big family from small town Jasper in staff(state) Indiana, has told the main thing: it(he) has informed, that the society " Runners of the world " pursues First of all the humanitarian purposes, that its(his) members became fighters for the world and Disarmament.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Moreover, This Part Of Lecture Even Has Been

Moreover, this part of lecture even has been published almost without mistakes(errors) In one of magazines - without the reference(link), the truth, on the soundtrack which has got to the author Publications. Whether my fault that other of those who has accepted these recommendations As the guide to action, have rather carelessly heard got to them Rewritings. So, for example, firmly and resolutely in the performance(statement) in camp Borzovka I have declared, that clearing of joints of salts and procedure On updating a lymph should pass(take place) only after clearing a liver. It was It is told categorically and unequivocally! Nevertheless, there was also such episode, when The unfamiliar woman in a hysterics has called on a home telephone number and has promised To my wife to prosecute me, to write on me to KGB and in the Supreme body for That its(her) husband, applying heard, obviously, in the tenth rewriting with the first Film, a technique of clearing of a lymph citrus, all has turned yellow.

In My Opinion, This Ingenious Opening Costs(stands) All

In my opinion, this ingenious opening costs(stands) all other opening in Areas owing to the universality and intensity, Which can be adjusted(regulated) on very wide scale. As acts competent after it(he) will originally sit and on a shelf? It(he) Keeps within on a back and first of all starts to study stops, That, as we already know, stirs up activity of all bar none Internal bodies. Hence, we, studying two brooms two up legs(foots) simultaneously and moving from stop to To joints, not only it is increased , but also it is superb stimulated Work of all points and all channels located on a way of burning influence Pair. Study of hands from fingers up to a shoulder, the deepest warming up of a stomach(belly) and Waists, study of a breast (in last turn of area of heart) leads To that revive under influence of these powerful temperature impulses All without exception our internal systems which, we shall agree, is impossible Simultaneously to stimulate with any acupuncture. Certainly, it will be fine, if your associates on a shelf (yes This pun will say goodbye to me) will take advantage of yours a condition for To lead full massage of your finitenesses and, most important, Your backbone.