Saturday, February 7, 2009

This Book At All , It Only A

This book at all , it only a certain generalization Sufficient experience on which I with confidence lean(base) on that idle time To the reason, that told here is tested first of all on itself and confirmed Experience of people to which I trust. After publication of clause(article) " Three whales Health " I have received many solidary letters with various recipes and , including directed and on clearing. I believe, that friendly efforts of many interested persons it is possible Would be to make without special efforts the whole volume containing set valuable and Even invaluable recommendations. But, I think, creation similar - Problem(Task) highly skilled , which powerful experience not to mine Modest under to become. Tsar-famine We have closely come nearer to conversation on the most universal and Universal way of radical clearing of an organism - to starvation. I shall notice, the truth, that starvation at all does not cancel all different ways , even therefore, for example, that at any of kinds of starvation It is impossible to remove stones from a liver, and in fact a pure(clean) liver - one of Fundamental pillars of the concept of a pure(clean) organism.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

For Centuries And Millenia Severe The Polar Validity

For centuries and millenia severe The polar validity weigh their way, including way of a feed(meal), In the optimum image has adapted to a similar environment. And To stand up for vegetarianism with reference to them would be adequately honourable The inhabitant of the house mad. Yes, adaptive opportunities so Surprising creation of the Nature as the person, are surprisingly great, and the inhabitant The Far North can superb have a rest on any of resorts Black sea, consuming thus mainly peaches and apricots. Precisely As the inhabitant of the African desert can easy try and meat Dishes though a natural feed(meal) for it(him) is the vegetative food, Consisting of exotic fruits for us, and also bean and a different sort Cereal flat cakes. Both those and other inhabitants of the carried zones of our planet can be healthy And flourishing at all the diets. It is curious, that people are much wider in adaptable opportunities, Than plants. The well-known scientist and traveller Iv Cousteau Tells: if a saxaul to water, it(he) perishes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In Our Conditions Of Life - By Means

In our conditions of life - by means of . On the other hand, These repeated washings are capable to bear(take out) away, outside, not only all These(Thus) hardened weights, but also that microflora which is Necessary for realization of a lot of the vital processes. It turns out, that with this terrible dirt it is impossible to be healthy, but also Its(Her) washing away is fraught with disappearance of that microflora in thick intestines, without To which too cannot be healthy. The output(exit), obviously, consists in, that At the beginning nevertheless resolutely to get rid of poisonous coverings, a step for At a walk being released(exempted) from them, and then, after these vigorous measures to pass To periodic cleaning procedures of intestines, much more Superficial, superficial, high-speed, we shall tell directly, Is gentle(Gently)-preventive. I do not find other decision, as microflora all It is restored, and if it(her) in time to not clean(remove), leads To absolutely irreversible consequences connected with a constant poisoning Organism and catastrophic shortage of nutrients.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

When A Case Coincides Simultaneously At Once Two

When a case coincides simultaneously at once two or three critical days (that There are on the average two-rub(-three) times in a year), the person appears capable on Absolutely unpredictable behaviour, its(his) communications(connections) with the world appear Mixed and misinformed. Better, certainly, critical day To foreknow. Similar schedules are made easily enough, but it is necessary To consider, that at multiplication of the lived years we by all means should consider number Days and in leap-years. What pro and contra at these schedules exist? Personally I already enough for a long time use these schedules, for they with Full distinctness allow me to see, when I can raise(increase) loading on Head, and when - on legs(foots). They allow to concern very closely(attentively) also By the periods raised(increased) and to correct(adjust) the behaviour. Should tell, that when I once have backdating calculated day of one of The silliest performances(statements) at assembly which has brought essential harm As to me, and the general(common) situation on work it has appeared, that performance(statement) it Took place in day of the minimal intellectual opportunities and maximal Splash in an emotional condition.