Saturday, May 12, 2007

For Certain I Shall Ripen Up To, That

For certain I shall ripen up to, that on final Pages of this book to explain on to an occasion more Definitely. So, what particularly movement gives an alive organism? Why at all To do without it(him)? To carry out eternal dream of idlers - to lie down without Alarms and cares in heat and to satiety - have helped(assisted) eight experimental dogs. Villains-experimenters have created it(him) a corresponding(meeting) mode: dogs could all Time to lay on one side or on a stomach(belly), to receive to a forage so much, how many wanted. Cleanliness in cells(cages) was ideal. Also what? In two day all The major parameters of intimate activity have considerably worsened, and through Two months these changes became so deep and irreversible, that, Being returned after experience in a usual mode mobile Lives, animal could restore only half initial characteristics Hearts. What is is made in connection with movement? Yes, active Movement treats an atherosclerosis, promotes elimination of excess weight (that Is adiposity), etc.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Life Does Not Stop, And Behind Each

The life does not stop, and behind each stage of its(her) development The new coil of a spiral of times follows. In something repeating achievements former, It(He) brings to us and additional knowledge. Deeply and sincerely respecting Korneevicha Ivanov, intimately admiring with all that unusual and Surprising, that it was possible to it(him) to create in its(his) fine life, I dare To consider(count) its(his) precepts as a fine basis for association of the people reviving The health, - such basis which can and should be easy and Benevolently both it is continued, and it is profound, and it is developed according to Spirit of the doctrine of Ivanov about infinity of opportunities of the Nature and the person. Soon we speak Kohl about complex character , to us with all Possible(Probable) it is necessary to look narrowly at eternal experience of our people. The candidate medical, sciences to Valery Ivanchenko posesses a considerable merit in To propagation not only a cold or a heat, not only water or Air, but also by means of herbs.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

To Put It Briefly, The Forces Arising At

To put it briefly, The forces arising at employment(occupations) by physical exercises, address and on Other aspects of a life - they develop(produce) sensation of confidence of, Cheerfulness, they create sensation, that the problems(tasks) earlier seemen Impracticable, quite on a shoulder to the person. Thus, we have reliable levers that by means of Elimination of defects of our somatic systems and by means of regular Loadings to influence increase of a fortress and vivacity of our spirit. Generally speaking, the kind spirit of mentality costs(stands) to borrow(occupy) in it(him) Seriously - both in private life, and in global, common to all mankind scales. Notwithstanding what stress (nervous overexcitation or, on the contrary, oppression) In extreme displays there is a disaster for people and for mankind in The whole, it(he) even is necessary for us in a life for training our stability, if Excitements and mental loadings do not exceed a certain critical level, and Also for development(manufacture) of will and character.