Saturday, January 31, 2009

Search Of A Ultraviolet By The Nature Differs

Search of a ultraviolet by the nature differs nothing from any another it is more than aspiration. It(he) has the same mental reason, as , as later laying, as aspiration to dimensionless To magnetic top dressing as perennial plants, and favourite. And Proves only that greed in what it(she) acted shape, is The phenomenon punishable. It is More than anything. In fact in the normal sizes , Solar irradiation - warmly universal fire - as vitally It is necessary that on a long chain of causes and effects in ours Organism vitamin D has started to be synthesized. For what it(he) is necessary? Element the calcium which is a part of our skeleton - and a skeleton, and Teeth, - constantly participates during an endocellular exchange. Quantity(amount) It(Him) should be in blood strictly certain. Uniformity of this work and It is adjusted(regulated) by vitamin D. There will be no it(him), and the rickets, and at people will begin at children Mature age - a softening of bones, a scoliosis, a different sort arthritises.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Certainly, It Not Teeth Of Predators. Let Everyone

Certainly, it not Teeth of predators. Let everyone will imagine a mouth of a lion or a tiger, And if not these terrible animals, then a mouth house or Grin , doing not wish to admit(allow) you on territory protected by it(him) not for Fear, and for conscience of a summer residence. We in a mouth have at all this set the daggers called and created to tear off Pieces a flesh from ink of the plunged extraction and to swallow them without chewing. Elementary anatomic research of intestines also confirms that Idea, that we own absolutely other gastroenteric path, with others, Than at predators, submissions on a course of promotion digested Food. Our teeth is much closer on the device to a teeth . They Possess wide platforms for , Vegetative food. But at the same time our digestive path essentially Differs from by what the cow is allocated, and our teeth if them to increase Till the size, for example, , or, moreover, , will show and The important distinctive features: presence on flat chewing Surfaces of some specific .

(however, Probably, And To Worsen - In Fact

(however, probably, And to worsen - in fact it is known, that many cores badly perceive The neighbourhood of pine woods). The experiences lead by commonwealth of my associates under the help engineer Alexey Georgievicha Staritsyna, have shown, that everyone The person is better or worse, positively or negatively, especially individually Reacts to those or other trees, bushes, flowers. From this fact a lot of practical conclusions: having established(installed) (by means of receptions Biolocations) positive mutual relations of such concrete person with Such concrete breeds of trees, we in the name of curing influence Offer this person if to not live in the log hut which has been cut down from trees, In the best way resounding in with its(his) own fluctuations (in Conditions of our "civilization" it is unattainable dream), then To build a table or a chair from this tree or even to put boards from it(him) Under the mattress (certainly, not synthetic). We recommend it(him) to hang up on This tree for the night a bottle with water and then to drink this water in the afternoon, and It is possible to recommend much-many other things in the name of strengthening health The person whom inherently as it is grateful it is capable to respond on Influence of neighbours on a life, as garden plants on birds.

Surplus Of Fat Acids In Blood Brakes Liberation

Surplus of fat acids in blood brakes liberation of energy from glucose, Promoting its(her) transformation into new superfluous quantities(amounts) of fat. It would seem, consumption of the skim products is the great blessing for The person, for from the point of view of chemistry necessary for a healthy organism The quantity(amount) of fat makes approximately 1-1,5 grams on kg of weight of the person And, hence, daily need(requirement) for fat at the person with weight of a body 70 Kgs approximately 70-105 grams a day (and with increase in age Consumption of fats and in general should decrease). Nevertheless to departments More favourably and to sell to us the sausages consisting almost from 100 % of fat, Milk with immensely lifted level of fat content, the pork consisting almost On 3/4 from lard. About, a civilization! The theme rich, is more exact than superfluous consumption of fats is only a superfluous feed(meal) in general. Already some times on a course of a statement I Mentioned that people who eat alive food, can manage rather Its(Her) small quantities(amounts), unusual and even indecent for those who on To the standard installation considers(counts) as satiety weight of a overflown belly, Who piously follows sciences about caloric content.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

. I Sum Up: Give Essentially To Divide(share) Products

. I Sum up: give Essentially to divide(share) products on alive and dead. And that's it we also consume carrion in unprecedented and is perfect(absolute) Quantities(Amounts) unnecessary us. Why? Yes because it(her) it is tasty produce(make). However in fact it is possible to eat it is tasty also natural products! When your taste Will come in itself and will come round, you realize, will feel, how much(as far as) Natural products are really tasty. How much more pleasantly, for example, than Fat eclair, leaf(sheet) gentle the cabbage, greased by honey and curtailed(turned) In a tubule: this cake of surprising internal beauty, and it bears(carries) in itself Not only taste, but also advantage(benefit) and to these(it,this) sharply differs from those products, in Which are rolled up, three kinds of " white death ": white sugar, white Salt, white flour(torment). Completely refined, that is cleared of all , the combination from three " white death " also is offered to us more often In total as the refined entertainment.

In The Middle Of 80th Years Some Scientific

In the middle of 80th years some scientific and popular editions have stated sense The daily schedule, according to(agree) which as it has appeared, ours Organism. These rhythms on the basis of capital statistics has deduced(removed) Vladivostok doctor L.Y.Glybin. This candidate of medical sciences has found out During one day five rises and as much recessions in Functioning of a human body. How it(he) has deduced(removed) this law? Having rummaged set of archives of the GAI which have registered failures(accidents), and also archives Hospitals, having imposed with mountains of cards with extracts from illnesses, it(he) has passed from The analysis of time of an aggravation of illness to the reasons of occurrence of traumas, Unexpected failures(accidents) also has seen the next sinusoid. After that , already Much knowing, has passed to measurements on healthy people. Ten times during Day it(he) removed at them on sixteen physiological parameters: pulse, Pressure, body temperature, electroskin resistance, a number(line) biochemical Data, etc.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dogs, Cats And Birds, Dialogue Especially Often "register"

Dogs, cats and birds, dialogue especially often "register" with With which helps(assists) at many mental frustration. Since 1983 English owners of the four-footed friends who have been last special medical The control, on a regular basis visit(attend) aged, lonely old men, and also Hospitals where treat the people, suffering nervous diseases. Occurrence Dogs, the Finnish doctors specify also, invariable salutarily affects on Sincere condition of old men and patients, those from them who else recently spent The most part of time in bed or could not leave from the house. Fascinating news act literally from everywhere (and, to our honour, Here the Soviet experts) about those opportunities of treatment, which are in the lead Arise in connection with drawing or a sculpture, to put it briefly, with a method The art-therapy. It is necessary to recollect, how art has been closely merged once with All without exception by the parties(sides) of human life, whether it be war or hunting, The holiday or disaster, birth or death all these events did not manage Without music and dances, without bodies of people and subjects and walls Special images.