Tuesday, September 11, 2007

With Special Pleasure I Pass To Perspective Conversation

With special pleasure I pass to perspective conversation about an organism by means of the raised(increased) temperatures. Normal ours The temperature +36,6 � With - is result of an optimum combination huge Quantities(Amounts) of the internal processes incorporated chemical and physical Properties of water - the main component of our organism. At higher To temperature separate processes in an organism proceed much more actively, Than at 36,6 � With, but they demand and is disproportionate a greater expense of energy. So, for example, the temperature which has flied up up to 41 � With, devours about ours Two-day power diet. And at the same time - I turn on this(thus) special Attention!-external warming up of an organism, not demanding from it(him) any Own Additional expenses, however, brings the same activization in Course of vital processes, as at internal warming up. Having accented on this thesis your sight, the reader, I shall begin conversation on those Advantages which are given us with regular intensive warming up Organism.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

True, That Small Quantity(amount) Of Products Can Bring

True, that small quantity(amount) of products Can bring satiety immeasurably greater(big), than their significant heap On a plate, absorbed with supersonic speed. Poor children! How many time They had to hear a hail during the childhood: " Eat more quickly! " We prepare for them whether for a gastritis, whether to a stomach ulcer. Installation on that is it is necessary in a benevolent condition and not run, Gives us not only economy of products (and, hence, strengthens ours The family budget), but brings also something more powerful: sensation, feeling Pleasures by fine taste of that natural product, which you up to It(This) did not notice. That is before you opens one more new, Emotionally sated(saturated) party(side) of the validity - extraction of pleasure from Meetings with old which you, appears, did not know. And more That, we shall return mentally to that place of the book where it has been shown how ours Whether admiration of the person, whether a subject increases its(his) power, which, in The turn, this person or a subject sends us.