Friday, November 7, 2008

II. The Qualitative Originality Of A Zone Of

II. The Qualitative originality of a zone of the Improving Center. 1. By present(true) time there are ways not only for definition, but also For liquidation of soil and other biopathogenic zones. territories The improving Center in a zone active positive from the Earth Is one of the major factors of improvement for its(his) all inhabitants. 2. such constructive in architecture of a building The center which will allow it(him) to become , that is it is maximal Favorable for recharging influences on the person from surrounding us Infinite space, also will serve as means of serious strengthening Mental and physical health of patients of the Center. 3. Saturation of walls in premises(rooms) of the Center biopower, the person plane devices, accommodation in halls The plants creating general(common) background especially toning up the person, also will allow To clients considerably to increase the and, hence, It is essential to promote on a way of overcoming of illnesses. 4. Constant hydroionization in premises(rooms) of the Center with target Differentiation - too necessary and important means for transformation of all Volume of the Center in a temple of Absolute Health.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

And How To Not Admit(allow)? Using What Mechanisms

And how To not admit(allow)? Using what mechanisms to correct? The matter is that already Hundred thousand years inside of a human body strictly operates(works) The mechanism of the adequate answer to excitation: the bark of adrenal glands throws out in Blood secretion of adrenaline which promotes increase impellent Opportunities of the person. And, means, at nervous excitation it(he) should sharply To increase movement for since the most ancient times any excitation was Signal about the danger threatening to a life. Danger could be overcome this Only physical actions: whether to run on the mammoth, whether to run from The mammoth. Have passed(Have taken place) millions years, we already, as a rule, do not run from animals, but a life We neither behind a desk, nor behind the milling machine tool became quieter not: Sources of excitation, sources of probable danger to us, for ours Advantages, for our well-being now at all it is less, than in Antiquities. However the adrenaline thrown out in blood does not find realization, and in The answer to a nervous situation we do not clamber on a tree, not darts and not We raise a cudgel, no, we sit on a chair, and as result - intimate Diseases, destructions of cardiovascular system.