Saturday, July 12, 2008

When It(she) Appears, Start To Be Thrown Out

When it(she) appears, start to be thrown out much and All necessary enzymes, both juices, and a saliva, and food is acquired by the best In the image. Try to live in such mode - and you are convinced in practice in it(him) . Certainly, I understand all: and a uniform lunch break on To all factory, and tradition of family gathering, and the general(common) inertia - them where? Here The way of compromises is possible(probable) - in the general(common) break it is possible to intercept something Alive, brought from the house and to save a chasm of time and nerves on in turn and hasty then not the most healthy soup; from Ritual of family dinners to refuse, certainly, it is not necessary, but they can To get shape not violent (with a sight, at It(This) in the TV), but a kind circle of dialogue, etc. As if to children, in our family custom concerning them Indisputable: you wish to eat - eat, you do not wish to eat - do not eat. In fact yet was not Case, that the child who lives in enough provided conditions, Time or two having passed(missed) the meal has died of famine.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Soviet Anthropologist Of M. N.Budkovskaya Has Studied(investigated)

The Soviet anthropologist of M. N.Budkovskaya has studied(investigated) various kinds of the maximum(supreme) Monkeys, estimating(appreciating) as forms of their behaviour in flight vary in process of Promotions on an evolutionary tree. It was found out, that relative density Aggressions in the total characteristic of behaviour of all primates decreased The more strongly, than the relationship of a primate with the person was closer. In what it has appeared The most important difference of the maximum(supreme) monkeys from more primitive colleagues? The Essence Was in natural and consecutive refusal of a habit to find out the attitude(relation) With relatives by means of fists and nails. " Aggression, - summed up The author, is an archaic form of mutual relations, which in process of Perfection of a group way of life it was superseded by friendliness, trust Members of flight to each other. Even more often leaders became the individuals surpassing Fellow tribesmen reason, instead of force.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Will Prick The Familiar Nurse Antibiotics Two -

Will prick The familiar nurse antibiotics two - and further I live. The paunch grows. I Also has spat upon it - has ceased to be upset for the appearance. To weaken All the same was afraid. Has brought the weight in 32 kg. Somehow I shall push out its(her) time two, yes with dumbbells, yes I shall be run on the sly over highway. Through you will be kneaded, you will start to add loading, and suddenly temperature- Again in bed. A stomach(belly) more increasing(more and more). Has found, that with braces it is more convenient, than with Belt. At date of a birth I was presented with three pairs braces. Here such I Has approached(Has dropped in) to 88- to year: eyes almost without eyelashes, the person(face) , lips Violet, locks with bleedings, all time I blink yes tears I wipe, Constantly cold, legs(foots) and hands eternally . In the end of February has taken so abruptly, that it was necessary to call a doctor: Flu, Qatar, then pneumonia. Hardly it became easier - again on Has pulled hard.