Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Most Obvious For Us The Factor Of

The Most obvious for Us the factor of existence of space rhythms which it is unconditional All our life and from which to not leave anywhere is subordinated, to leave, is The daily cycle of our ability to live defined(determined) by movement of the Earth around The sun. To this leading rhythm of all our life during millions Years rhythms of all our systems adapted. Cyclicity of these processes, Their conformity to space hours is one of the major bases of ours Health. So we shall not be, operating(working) on motives insignificant in comparison with such Value as firm health, to play about with this chronometer, Adjusted(Set up) on rhythms of the Universe, and any way to force down its(his) course: a payment for it Wilfulness is rather dear(expensive) in the form of not taken place, burdened Illnesses of a life. Having taken advantage of this(thus) indisputable for all the base schedule, I I shall try to show evidently especial necessity to use it(him) Constantly, to not find burdensome frustration, at the same time, secondly, To use individually, to open the optimum opportunities.

To Refuse A Category "is Tasty" Silly And

To refuse a category "is tasty" silly and senselessly. What for to truncate The big sector of the emotional life? All the matter is that "is tasty" not It should be by all means harmful". It is required certain vital Reorientation. I shall afford the analogy admissible in a society of adult people: It is necessary to receive pleasure of love not by means of those "priestesses", which, probably, Will bring to us bright sexual pleasure, however will award also burdensome Illnesses with bad consequences, but in solar and sanguineous love with Women pure(clean) and healthy where will equally triumph and celebrate and Our spirit, and body. , you, dear(expensive) reader, will understand, that this(thus) impudent The analogy in relation to principles of a feed(meal) is absolutely correct. In my opinion, up to a degree of art generalization, up to Significant symbol the dry official report on transition rises Through hot Kara Kum two groups in the summer 1989 the Symbolics here consists In that one group which moved through sand under direction of a With.

Friday, August 22, 2008

To Me It Is Not Known Particularly, Whether

To me It is not known particularly, whether these courageous people have recovered, but I know For certain, that they have considerably prolonged the life and have inhaled feeling Curing hope in hearts of those who about their feat. One more example: the Moscow regional hospital of veterans of war, Branch of doctor Mikhajlovskogo. This doctor together with other Colleagues has developed methods of active mental self-control which give The opportunity to the person almost instantly to leave on leading(leader) mental The installation, allowing to overcome any undesirable physiological Symptoms. Moreover, the children(guys)-Afghans who have been last course of treatment at , Got skills of prevention not only difficult psychological and Physical conditions, but also pains, including in amputated finitenesses, Attacks of an asthma and other illnesses. Moreover, active self-control Mentalities helped(assisted) them to expand borders of the creative opportunities. Limits Self-improvement at seized(taken possession) to these methods were limited only Desire of the person to develop.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Power Model Of A Healthy Organism Is

The power model of a healthy organism is those also. Here it(she), but with reference to the patient: has blown a wind, and Majestic, filled water the gulf has turned in flat The dirty pool which has receded far-is far from coast. Also it has appeared, that all this The naked(exposed) bottom any slovenly crinkles, is covered Chaotically mixed decaying sea , it is covered by huge boulders, Blackening on a background of slanting sandy dunes. Drying boulders are, figuratively Speaking, our bodies deprived of life-giving energy, that in which they were Before disease are completely shipped. Who saw them, who felt them, who In general about them knew before that accident which has fallen upon them in Kind of act of nature? Who knows, who thinks of internal bodies, While they are healthy? Also it is asked: how again to return to initial, To aesthetically fine picture? What to make, that these naked(exposed) boulders not , under Impulses of a changeable wind, that not their indifferent to them The seagull? How to hide them again under water? And it is very simple: it is necessary to fill again Pool of gulf of Finland (suffering organism) enough of water (Energy of all kinds).

It(he) Can Not Concern(touch) At All You, Only

It(he) can not concern(touch) at all you, only To sit nearby. Quite often it appears, that stay in a similar floor(field) already Is a sufficient stimulator that forces dozing in you Have woken up. But we shall admit(allow), have not woken up. Do not despair, for in you it is a lot of and Other talents. As if to the general(common) laws of a feed(meal), about which It is necessary to know, about them further and speech will go at us. For now I shall sum up to our reasonings concerning the first important The law of a healthy feed(meal). If to resort to analogy to flora, That water, for example, is necessary to all trees. But a saxaul, we shall recollect the Willow of Cousteau, Perishes from the bucket of water poured out in its(his) roots for its(his) genetics is calculated on it(her) Extraction from depths repeat hardly probable not on separate molecules, And , on the contrary, it is capable to overtake(drive) for a day from roots in a crone a little Tens buckets. Yes, we, people, are surprisingly widely omnivorous, and in this universality ours Advantage before all other living things, but the dominant in this To almost boundless scale is at each of us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wish To Drink - Drink Apple Juice, Wish

Wish to drink - drink apple juice, wish to eat - drink Apple juice. The important note: this apple juice at you will be not purchased, Not preserved(tinned) at the factories, containing different sorts chemical Additives, but pressed by you with own hand from apples, concerning which You have a confidence of their protogenic cleanliness. Next day - the same mode. In the morning , within day- Joyful consumption of apple juice. If at the person some with Acidity in a stomach it is better to squeeze out juice of sweet apples. I repeat, you Drink apple juice, instead of eat apple . The third day of this diet: since morning again and till nineteen o'clock- Apple juice. What for this time at you should be prepared? A sofa, on which You will lay, a greater(big) hot-water bottle with hot water which you will adhere to To liver a long towel, and under a hot-water bottle enclose(lay) small . At You will be the available wine-glass on which you a line in advance will note volume of three Table spoons of an olive oil, and you will warm up this olive oil Approximately degrees up to thirty five.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Almost 70 % In The Age Of From

Almost 70 % in the age of from 40 till 65 years Complain of stressful conditions on a regular basis tested by them. In opinion The Tokyo psychiatrist Torah , increased for last decade in One and a half with superfluous time number of suicides among persons(faces) of average and elderly Age it is substantially predetermined by stresses, which First of all the forced acceleration of manufacture, aspiration to raise(increase) Rate of yen in relation to the American dollar. The majority of Japanese have in Year no more than week of paid holiday, and, under the certificate of agency , the working day - the usual phenomenon in the majority Banks and the insurance companies. (It is asked, whether that is a public ideal, to To which we should aspire?) Here one more message: Japanese have grasped world(global) leadership in such To sphere which cannot cause in them special delights, - given(data) World The organizations of public health services testify, that Japan by the end of 80th years Has come out on top in the world under charges on medicines per capita.

Strengthening Of Protective Forces Organism In Struggle Against

Strengthening of protective forces Organism in struggle against gradually increasing dozes of bee sting is One of the most salutary ways our organism, it(him) Natural improvement. However we shall come back to by means of heats. The beginning Conversation on it(him) (connected with problems of immunology) was natural, but Only to development(manufacture) of indestructible immunity a role of heats not It is reduced. Unlike - in an ice-hole it is possible and rushly- The ascention on the Olympus should occur(happen) consistently and Gradually. What beauty of a healthy life will open before us thus? I shall conduct conversation with reference to Russian pair bath. Finnish Sauna - business kind, but absence of a broom in it(her) as becomes from the further Statements, considerably its(her) improving effect. For initial Point of an ascention I accept Russian pair bath, amazing The invention of our ancestors of Slavs. Well, I begin transfer of those The magnificent blessings which we in it(her) receive.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

For This Reason Movement Is A Category Which

For this reason movement is a category which is being on crossing Sets of coordinates, each of which in a new fashion defines(determines) its(his) and each of Which are defined(determined) in addition with it. Communication(Connection) of movement with the spiritually-emotional party(side) of our life? Please. Children who start to float earlier than to go, receive It is more, than their contempoparies, signals from an environment, acting from Peripheries of a body in the central nervous system that leads accelerated To development of their abilities, to greater mental stability, to an advancing in Mastering by language (languages), in skill to read, draw. And unless selfless It is caustic fire wood or feverish a kitchen garden does not remove stressful The situations arising, for example, as consequence(investigation) of family conflicts? And unless Overcoming long and superlong, before impossible distances does not bring To the runner of pleasure of self-affirmation? And unless with movement it is not connected Opportunity to test to understand the own person - down to That Gennady Shvets, the special correspondent of " the Komsomol truth ", has changed the on chance to run a supermarathon in 555 km across Sahara? In this run participated twenty four fans(amateurs) from Algeria, France, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, the USSR.