Saturday, January 6, 2007

If You Are Exasperated With Monotony Of Your

If you are exasperated with monotony of your existence and there is a feeling Dissatisfaction and inferiority on work do not avoid The responsibility, and, on the contrary, leave from a sincere bog: when there is no Barriers on a way, are not present also pleasure from their overcoming. If you begin To test though brief instants of a celebration there is a pleasure, Reviving soul and a body. In other words, it is necessary to avoid not passively Every possible vital collisions, but actively to participate in a life, flexibly Reacting to arising problems(tasks). Once again I shall emphasize, that negative emotions Also have a number(line) of the constructive parties(sides) for the anger and discontent are capable To prepare our spirit for struggle, to resistance and when the situation is unloaded, That physiological parameters come to norm(rate) that would not be without a stage Overcomings. Well, all right. There is no business at you though you work fairly and selflessly, Then either change a job, or stop for a while to fight a head about a wall, Leave insuperable at present an obstacle, borrow(occupy) in that to you It is now obviously accessible, and after a while it will appear, that not solved The problem(task) naturally easily is authorized.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

If The Reader Still(even) Remembers, Earlier I Already

If the reader still(even) remembers, earlier I already spoke in occasion of Doctoring by music, about an opportunity of its(her) salutary influences on mentality. Music influences and is direct on harmonization of work of cells(cages), Developing(Producing) enzymes. As it has appeared, the arising resonance promotes To improvement of work, simply speaking, repairs rather thin our systems. Dr.Sci.Biol. A. of Item has collected and surveyed The numerous facts of musical influence on plants. In its(his) book " Music and plants " are collected the facts amazing imagination. Researches Unequivocally show, that on music and on the Indian music of a plant Responded positively: the dry weight of weight of the crop collected then was The greatest, and stalks reached for a source of a sound. But on a rock music or on Continuous drum-type rhythms green music fans answered with sharp weight reduction And a deviation(rejection) away from a source. One of newsletters of the USA in 1985 has informed, that check of the sounded wheaten sprouts has shown, that In them contains in 20 times more vitamin A, five times there is more than vitamin C and B6 In comparison with control.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Further Some Absolutely Practical Principles Will Be Informed

Further some absolutely practical principles will be informed also . But that you, the reader, have begun to apply them, it is necessary all over again To solve for itself, that it is necessary for you, that this business costing(standing), that it is necessary, Perhaps, to test, etc. My text, my statement is first of all Aspiration to give(allow) you psychological installation on necessity , That is on creation and finding of an organism energetically powerful, well Adapted for possible(probable) surprises of the nature, whether it be temperature drops Or atmospheric pressure, influence of magnetic storms, etc. Even more to strengthen influence defining(determining) behaviour Psychological installation, I shall increase pressure directly on a little Your rational centers, the dear reader. Knowing, that you the person Formed, gradually I shall start to pay your attention to messages Theoretical. For example, really it is not interesting to you, whence, from what bowels Organism abundance of "gratuitous" heat after douche cold rises Water? In fact it like would contradict the absolute law of conservation of energy, But nevertheless at rise in temperature we cause reserve " forces The order " by means of cold douches and - it is recovered.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Our Solidary Rallying Extreme It Is Important For

Our solidary rallying Extreme it is important for preservation of a life of many and many people on ours To distressful planet. It seems to me, all necessary for increase of our spirituality of quality: And the high good purpose, both energy, and goodwill - all without exception They merge in the decision of this problem(task), are united in creation of group The adherents, directed on each other, on light and Joyful, originally human dialogue. And if the purpose in creation not sees Only one similar group for itself and close, but many groups, Their whole chain or, moreover, the wide and branched out network? So let There will be as much as possible collectives incorporated by mutual sympathy, Benevolence, mutual goodwill! , if similar The atmosphere yes would absorb in itself all mankind!. Stresses a pool-solder, I repair-! Perfectly I understand the reader who was convinced with my reasonings about Vital importance for health of those qualities which are embodied in the first Whale but which can have such here a reasonable question: " it is good, Let's admit(allow), I have realized importance and necessity of spirit high, active, Benevolent.

Opportunities Thus And Similar To Them , I

Opportunities thus and similar to them , I repeat, phenomenal To abilities of our predecessors on evolution in a circuit alive, such To abilities which do not keep within ordinary measures. Remarkable The rock-climber and climber Victor Markelov repeatedly observed at height from above Seven kilometers (that is in absolutely rarefied air) flights of cranes, Flying with a speed about thirty kilometers at an o'clock at temperature- 40 � S.Esli the crane weighs ten kgs and nevertheless moves this Fair weight in such extreme conditions with very big speed, Means, in an alive organism gigantic forces, which are hidden till a time, Logically arguing, can be included and . From the point of view of Ordinary physics, it is impossible, for example, that the shark wounded by a harpoon has passed(has taken place) Without a stop more than five hundred miles with constant speed fifty units, Almost not having lost thus of weight, however such case is testified(certified) World(Global) statistics. From the point of view of "normal" logic, it is impossible To explain, that the turtle is capable to move actively months without a feed(meal), that Not less it is the fact.

Revival And Maintenance In A High Tone Most

Revival and maintenance in a high tone most systems Our organism - already for the sake of it(this) it would be necessary to visit(attend) on a regular basis a pair bath and Hazardously to process itself a broom. But it(this) a little. In fact strict Ritual of contrast change of temperatures in a bath - from as much as possible high up to As much as possible low - leads to delightful gymnastics of all ours Vessels, to strengthening that flexibility necessary for them and durability, to To training of their that ability which provides to us constant and Normal blood pressure. Its(his) normalization which is carried out not By means of intrusion into an inner sanctum of an organism callous chemical Mercenaries, but by means of similar gymnastics natural to an organism,- Here a true way by a sanguineous and healthy life. I shall not be the pedant. How many items(points) name, all the same will be a little. In fact in the natural way we clear an organism of excessive salts, which Are deduced(removed) from it(him) plentiful ; we find an ideal leather(skin), times Which, having revealed, tear away all dirt hammered them (in fact the leather(skin) is One of the most important our bodies, and its(her) normal ability to live also The mortgage of human health); vigorous work of a hot broom we We split collected in muscles as result of their work a dairy acid.