Friday, June 6, 2008

To One Of Natural Products It Is Impossible

To one of natural Products it is impossible to approach(suit) separately. So, me met dietary Manuals in which sharply negative estimation was received with garlic. Probably, Taken separately, it(he) looks(appears) the such robber who only and waits Pretext to make an attack on this or that mucous membrane (and Its(His) smell!). But if to recollect, that garlic - active , Its(His) function and role in a life of an organism will appear extremely important - in Quality of one of active organizers and distributors on all without Exceptions to departments of faultlessly exact command information on how follows It(Him) of a message according to the solar nature of our origin, According to laws of the Nature surrounding us. Here to you and the gangster-single! I would like, that here now, right after reasonings on a role in Our life of alive substances readers have compared, that occurs(happens) to our feed(meal) Really. So, garlic, for example, is unacceptable for a public catering for the reasons Aesthetic, and besides it(he) burns to a drink.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What It Were For Antistressful Principles? First, The

What it were for antistressful principles? First, the use for drink exclusively thawed snow. I shall not become on It(This) to stop in detail as about water already there was a detailed conversation. I shall tell only, that that energy which I would receive from meal, in significant To degree it was delivered me by water. Secondly, as a remarkable power source served for me Regular daily jogs not less than for forty-fifty minutes, in Which time I was literally typed, sated(collected, sated,typed, saturated,collected, saturated) with energy of trees, clouds, Ponds by which ran, a wind power. I understand, that I mention(touch) greater(big) Cardinal theme of power additional charges which it is capable to carry out The person on the structure of the organism, however, as well as overwhelming The majority of all alive on the Earth, also I shall try to express on this theme More definitely, maybe, having devoted to it(her) in view of importance of a problem and special Work. Thirdly, according to practice both , and , I afforded for That water was more pleasant on taste and is better promoted(assisted) deducing(removing) Poisons from an organism, on one and a half-two its(her) litre (it approximately a daily doze Drink) to squeeze out a quarter or third of lemon and to add in a glass a little Drops mints and also on a glass hardly waters some drops Honey.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

However, There Is A Hope, That Canneries In

However, there is a hope, that canneries in due course will understand Necessity of transition to the preservatives of organic type which are not destroying Thin information structure of all drinks. Curiously To notice, that for last years in Germany, for example, traditional beer To power, consumption of juices and other antialcoholic drinks the beginning is sharp To increase, at the same time consumption of beer has started to decrease steadily, and It is time, probably, for death rate from a cirrhosis of a liver began to exceed already there Death rate from cardiovascular diseases. I finish this section: the major law of a healthy feed(meal) is A feed(meal) by alive products, what are capable with love and readiness To transport to us energy created and us, and their Sun. Water - alive and dead And at once resolutely I start new section with words: the major The law of a healthy feed(meal) is the use of life-giving water. It I shall use definition now, certainly, not with reference to To water, but in much wider sense: such, which on structure and To the properties it is favorable to course of vital processes in ours Organism and brain.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

In General It Is Necessary To Specify Some

In general it is necessary to specify some wonderful properties of millet. Not without reason Female quail, small bird who eats mainly millet, Is twice champion among birds: first, this(thus) small lives More than century (if, certainly, it(her) will not hit); secondly, to it(her) belong Absolute records of non-stop flights through oceans - unlike Other birds it(she) can fly, not requiring intermediate finishes. Such Here force, up to the end still biochemists not , is hidden in tiny Kernels of millet. Surprising power - another, the truth, sorts - contains in leaves Bay leaf. There are many various ways of dissolution of salts, Acting on our joints. In my opinion, is most effective, where The basic component is our invaluable . If us Osteochondrosis it is necessary to buy(purchase) some packs of a bay leaf a dosage in 25 grams. In the first day since morning we put half of pack in enameled also it is filled in it(her) three hundred by milliliters of boiled water, we lead up up to Boilings then we boil five more minutes - in rough waters.

And The Only Thing, That Without Them Gnaws,

And the only thing, that without them gnaws, this regret: why, well why this pure(clean) firm The train in which they go, in general is empty? Why so few passengers go With them in other party(side)?. Certainly, processes of ageing, processes of realization incorporated in Organism of the genetic program occur(happen) even in Firm trains which finally will arrive there where move And with chastooshkas. But they will arrive there much later. I have drawn a colourful basten picture in connection with what A feed(meal), and more often and in overwhelming majority of cases and , there is firm, , an absolute value of life The overwhelming majority of inhabitants . And, hence, First of all them, people so cheerfully and purposefully hasten(hurry) to turn in Black fat smoke. Yes, the problems connected with our food , are so obvious, That people first of all with them also interface(integrate) a condition of the health. Not without reason 98 % of percent(interests) of questions in thousand letters, I shall remind, my clause(article) " Three whales of health " in magazine " Neva ", have been directly and directly connected with Various anatomic features of the third whale.