Saturday, May 16, 2009

Logic Of Use Magic Forces Of Flora It

Logic of use Magic forces of flora it is faultless: as we live and we are With them in the general(common) inhabitancy, they - quite according to(agree) with laws of unity Lifes - are capable to enrich us with the opportunities. Fine recipes, Containing in lectures and books of Century of A.Ivanchenko, at serious to them The attitude(relation) should be widely taken on arms. It concerns(touches) and curative solutions on in a sweating room, forming Surprising a suspension; it has the direct attitude(relation) and to those To tinctures on grasses and colors(flowers) which well supplement influence and heats, and Colds; it concerns as well to recipes the person various Herbs, and to those or other grasses in footwear, and . . As we see, doctrine , at all not contradicting the doctrine of Ivanov, Is capable to introduce rather useful additional ways in improvement The person as leans(bases) not only on thousand-year experience People of Russia, but also on the newest given, found and got by a science For last years allowing more deeply and more precisely to treat influence Natural factors on an organism of the person.

Instead Of It(this) The Patient Has Asked At

Instead of it(this) the patient has asked at Conductors to get to it(him) two buckets with cold water and to be on duty at transition Between cars No 8 and 9. Having undressed to swimming trunks, at frosty dark night it(he) on To course of a train has entered into tambour and there in roaring darkness has poured over itself with a head These buckets of cold water then has returned to the car already firm Gait of the person which was practically released(exempted) from oppressive it(him) before Extreme pains. By the morning. Zolotaryov was already almost healthy, but on legs(foots) And on hands at itself(himself) it(he) has noticed the small spots(stains) similar to burns of a nettle: so Originally left(abandoned) its(his) illness. To leave with it(her) Finally, next night Jury Georgievich has asked conductors on To parking to allow it(him) to grow lazy, already costing(standing) on the ground, as it has been executed. In the morning after the second night it(he) quite healthy person has gone down with Trains on platform of Vitebsk station in Leningrad.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Shall Remind About Met In The Beginning

I shall remind about met in the beginning of this book the first of firm Postulates of eternal health, we have visited(attended) the Earth Aliens and deciphered by A.Maslennikov: " Our external should become Our internal ". That is that grows around of us that makes The environment of our dwelling, should be a part, structure of our organism, Should, to become(begin) it(him). On inspections of the Soviet gerontologists, from forty thousand the person, Stepped for a seventy-year boundary, 84 % were vegetarians. Proceeding from That, by rough calculations, on the average on the country on one The vegetarian one thousand the person, consuming meat food is necessary, possible To draw a conclusion, that at vegetarians in 80 times more chances to become(begin) Long-livers, than at . If to trust which approved(confirmed), That the food should serve people as a medicine, - and it(he) is absolutely right,- That is necessary to increase in our diet a share of vegetative food, and before In total crude for it(she) contains vitamins necessary for our organism, Mineral substances, including microcells, organic acids, The nonsaturated fat acids opened recently " new vitamins "- and many other things.

I Dare To Object It(This) Categorically To Some

I dare to object It(This) categorically To some postulates of official medicine, and here in what plan. Everyone know, That disease number one as the medicine approves(confirms), the illness which is carrying away Most of all human lives, the oncology (in its(her) various is Variants). The medical statistics shows, that on the second place are Cardiovascular diseases, and on the third place now in connection with Ecological conditions in the world leave allergic diseases. And so, All this at all so. Illness number one is the general(common) pollution Human body. What do I understand as it(this)? Practically, whom you will look, you see Adjournment of salts on joints even at the young men. Whom you will look- At that vessels. Almost whom you will look (from hundred person Ninety seven) - at that a liver hammered by everyone rubbish, "Supported(Maintained)" by stones in a bilious bubble. Practically everyone the second Diagnosed gives signals from kidneys. That is when I accept Similar "pictures", I feel, how much(as far as) the person is polluted from within.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It(this) Has Sufficed Us For Three Weeks Of

It(this) has sufficed us for three weeks of a campaign, and Contrary to all predictions of sceptics we have returned happy(enough), in fine Health, without the slightest attributes of an exhaustion. " It is surprising, why The feuilletonist not " has cut under a nut " this clause(article)? Or did not read the newspaper? By the way speaking, in same clause(article) acknowledgement(confirmation) of a postulate contains about Individual approach to the feed(meal) about which at us speech already went: The candidate of medical sciences of S.Shatalov unlike the majority of physicians Believes, leaning(basing) on the experience, that " it is necessary to eat very little in the morning. I, For example, in general I eat nothing, only I drink a glass of water. In an organism after Energy suffices night dream. During the lunchtime too it is better to not overload an organism. But eat as much as necessary in the evening: till the morning all will have time to be digested. It Denies the settled representations, but I act so ".

But, On The Other Hand (it Was Already

But, on the other hand (it was already Later) when once I went on a certain responsible(crucial) meeting, has looked on The schedule also has seen, that this day shows itself center of three critical The transitive moments, with full clearness about an opportunity of the acts not Has allowed itself in obviously provocative under the attitude(relation) to me of action and In time has reacted a kind doze of humour to insults from the person Drunk and gone, that is spoken, racing. Certainly, it is very useful to build and the total schedule, that is such, in Which making parameters develop or subtracted(deducted) all. It(he) too Allows to judge summary potential, the person for this or that day. I believe, that the person should plan the most important actions(shares) of the life on The period of the maximal rise of own opportunities. There is enough greater(big) statistics confirming the validity The given schedules, but exists as well the considerable statistics which is washing away and Denying conclusions .

Monday, May 11, 2009

It Was Obviously Looked Younger Vigorous Person Who

It was obviously looked younger vigorous person who has forgotten about Diseases. Therefore for me the percent(interests) received and Resulted(Brought) in its(his) tables and schedules, - a reality. And in fact Leonid has individually mastered a life in a resonance while only with one of Possible(Probable) rhythms which are offered us with the Universe which has generated us!. All elements Conversation on a life shipped in space Ocean and concordant with Laws which operate its(his) inflow and , certainly, not It is reduced only to the resonant phenomena of those or other systems of our organism on To the attitude(relation) to near and far Space. In that plan which is selected(elected) here, I would like to designate necessity of kind, solidary attitudes(relations) not only with The big Universe surrounding us, but also with colleagues on a planet, before In total with plants. As a matter of fact, that problem which will be put now, Deduces(Removes) us on direct dialogue with all riches directly surrounding Us the terrestrial nature.

And Here Hello: This Gastric Juice For Some

And here hello: this gastric juice For some reason unexpectedly gets divorced, its(his) concentration sharply falls, for to you, Whether see, it is necessary to receive right after a dinner still something (oh, It ""!). But further - is worse. In fact you have not simply diluted Concentration of digestive juices, in fact you have entered into a stomach and sugar, for That, it is obvious to cause there also fermentation(unrest)?. Believe or check up: The liquid used after a meal with an interval at o'clock, will keep and Will add to you of health so much, how many cannot make it(this) and all yours Monthly holiday with an improving trip on a resort. I ask to notice: I not casually hardly have above entered a theme joyful heart-felt , during which under influence of strong positive emotions All inhuman food fuses even. It has the direct attitude(relation) to reception Peep in general! If it(he) is not accompanied by spiritual rise, pleasure, kind Dialogue the meal substantially loses the sense.