Friday, November 28, 2008

The Example With Sergey, 31 Years Which Should

The example with Sergey, 31 years which should does not leave memory To pass(take place) through exclusively dangerous operation of removal(distance) of a considerable part (the size In some centimeters) the aorta which have almost lost passableness For blood, - it(her) should replace with a vessel taken from its(his) hip. When Sergey has learned(has found out), that percent(interest) of survival rate after operation of a similar sort not Exceeds 30, it(he), naturally, has not run into special enthusiasm. Being in Similar depressing condition, it(he) also has asked it(him) . When Has examined it(him) with all possible(probable) indelicacy has told to it(him), that this Fatally dangerous operation in its(his) life in essence will not replace anything, for Vessels represent it(him), in my opinion far from politeness, Foul place on which poor heart with huge work overtakes from a place on The place all rubbish to not be expressed more roughly. It is necessary not got littered Detail to change, and all system.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Every Possible Clearing Of Internal Bodies, About Which

Every possible Clearing of internal bodies, about which further in due time and in the place Speech will go at us, are the most effective means irritated from within People. The dear reader! If you have seriously thought of how to adjust The mental health do not regret any hours or even days for To lead "inventory" of the, probably, latent defects- Certainly, for their consecutive elimination. Annoying traumas, displacement about which the person even can and not To assume, an inflammation of a trigeminal nerve of the person(face), displacement and defects backs and a cervical part of a backbone, traces of the last infections and . Item and . .-all this the internal reasons for a depression of soul, for Irritability, for pessimism. The output(exit) here is simple and clear - eliminating(erasing,removing) The reason to consult thus and with consequences. Defects of mentality can be generated by any infringements hormonal Or even genetic character. The statistics of the reasons here is boundlessly great, And it testifies only that carriers(bearers) of our spirit have Material basis which should be repaired first of all with The help knowing, skilful, to us of doctors.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is, As They Say, To What To Compare.

Is, as they say, to what to compare. So, on 7-th Put I has started to eat. Has bought nuts, honey, groats, juices, Vegetables any. Oil(butter) and sugar has decided to withdraw from the reference(manipulation). Water - only Glacial. In general, it was long fitted, subtilized. Has now understood: to watch(keep up) for The condition it is necessary to study all life. In a month has approximately passed(has approximately taken place) Euphoria. For the fifth day of starvation the desire wonderfully was gone To smoke, on costing(standing) since morning at a beer stall of men began to look as on Abnormal. In general, has grown proud. Has bought trousers on the size, has taken in old, with Braces has said goodbye. There was a thirst of activity. In the grown hateful shops Began to go with pleasure. There was a desire to study, has collected documents (that was for me earlier In business inconceivable), began to be engaged, has bought textbooks, . In Institute Culture, however, has not passed(has not taken place) - has done mistakes(errors) in the composition (it is too self-confident Was).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Proud Inhabitants Of Albion On General Meeting Have

Proud inhabitants of Albion on general meeting have decided To dump(reset) ton of excess weight for a month is faster. Really, a level of thinking of these overseas peasants on kind The historical epoch is advanced with a world outlook level of our journalist! What turns out? On the one hand, we possess enormous Internal resources. So, the world(global) press was bypassed with the message that Japanese has lead twenty Six days in a mountain precipice. It(she) made an ascention on one of tops, When has suddenly lost consciousness. Having come in herself, it(she) has understood, that is in Precipices. has lived almost month without food, only drank water from Stream. Monthly starvation was not reflected on its(her) health. It on the one hand. With another - there is an abundance of people with huge, sometimes excess weight, Of which they pretty often are proud as the proof of the " Health " though consequence(investigation) of their this "vagueness" is the whole bouquet Illnesses, and in its(her) basis lays , similar on symptoms with an alcoholism.

The Second Group Are A Carbohydrates, Different Kinds

The second group are a carbohydrates, different Kinds of sugar and starch which are digested mainly alkalis, Allocated salivary . The third group are those alive, mainly Phytogenesis products which comprise simultaneously and Nutrients, and enzymes for their splitting. So, a melon and an apple - independent dishes. In a combination to others Products it(she) can ferment in a stomach; used Independently, they give also a fine power feed(meal), and promote Active, purposeful, to necessary clearing of intestines. Very simply, without special complexities and detailed tables, which already Exist, it is possible to imagine the scheme(plan) of a combination of products. In left To column we shall place all albuminous products. In right - carbohydrates. In the middle Between them we shall place greens. Further all is very evident: extreme columns Are perfectly combined with average, but essentially "are not friends" among themselves. Here and all, as a matter of fact, knowledge. Subtleties Further begin, Which should be studied(investigated) already at that stage when we have organized the A feed(meal) is rational basically, when our health sharply and evidently Has improved.