Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Centers For Wide Weights Of The Population.

The centers for wide Weights of the population. These Centers can work can work in a mode as Dispensaries, and sanatoria. In due course the Improving Centers should To form a comprehensive network in territory of our country, where each of The centers works, leaning(basing) on specific features of the district and in Same time for the general(common) for all Centers strategy of health. 2. Fertile influence of the Center is based on the complex approach to To health of the person. In this complex influence taking priority value It is given improvement first of all mentalities and the person, To development in it(him) of the humanistic beginnings. 3. The complex approach assumes work above health of the person in Resonance with powerful forces of the Nature. 4. All employees of the Center should pass(take place) a full rate of improvement, for The fine condition of their health is not only a distinctive sign Prestigious firm, but also one of the major conditions of positive influence The center.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Concept "dialogue" At All Should Not Be

The concept "dialogue" at all should not be reduced to the brisk chatter At a casual meeting on a street crossroads. Under this word first of all It is necessary to understand dialogue of the person with the world surrounding it(him) dependent on it(him), On which and it(he), in turn, very strongly depends. To me it is recollected in This communication(connection) Albert Einstein's turned to rather essential statement To one of the Czech correspondents: " The one who will consider(examine) Human acts primitively, , proceeding only from such The elementary promptings as famine, hatred, desire, will deform(distort) the concept Causality for will overlook motives of social character, so Important from a position of the evolutionary theory ". People lonely, indifferent to another, leading a closed way of life, Quickly worsen the intellectual condition and, as consequence(investigation), physical. The researches lead in the center in the American city Seattle, have shown, that after the age of the person passes for Seventy years, at one patients decrease(reduction) intellectual is shown Abilities, and also deterioration of a physical condition, at others, On the contrary, abilities not only are well enough kept by all of them, but also The reason is not becomes weaker at all.

Monday, January 22, 2007

It(he) Is Expressed In Sharp Spasmodic Increase Physical

It(he) is expressed in sharp spasmodic increase physical Opportunities, outside of and irrespective of the special instruction(indication) of consciousness On development(manufacture) by an organism of this increase. So, for example, what Purposeful messages to the body were given with a brain of the small woman, it(she) not Can raise, say, the bus. However resources in this fragile body Are concealled such, that the same bus it(she) one jerk is capable not only To raise, but also to turn(turn over), if under it(him) there will be its(her) child, - such Cases are fixed in the human annals. Start up they are individual, but they Allow to highlight, similarly to a bright rocket, extremely greater(big), till a time Hidden(Latent), reserves of an organism which can be included at a level Subconsciousness. In "" to us told about, how two fragile girls, Loaded by the heavy backpacks, in a flash one for another have jumped, As grasshoppers, a six-meter precipice when have unexpectedly seen on a track Behind of itself the she-bear caught up them.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

And Really, Unless Is Not Much Easier Any

And really, unless is not much easier Any day to take on a breast a little pasted by a plaster Three-cheap coins, than with weeks to toil from a bronchitis, poisoning besides The organism antibiotics?. In a word, Mother Nature generously offers us the granaries-elements, and Already on ours "" or ignorances will depend, we shall accept them to ourselves in The blessing or we shall indifferently remove in a friendly way stretched hand. Enthusiastic poems of gratitude are deserved, for example, with silver, but in ours Conditions of life is more practical, obviously, again and again to speak about Surprising properties of copper. It is known, that in the past smiths, Copper wire, never were ill(sick) with that now refers to as a radiculitis. Memorably also, that in a time of terrible epidemic of a plague in Astrakhan have remained Healthy those Russian soldiers who carried copper soldier's Crosses, and business not that they carried crosses (weights died , all with the crosses), and that copper possesses, along with Many other things for the present mysterious properties, as well strong Antibacterial ability.