Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Given Variant, I Repeat, Allows Weakened(easied) And

The given variant, I repeat, allows weakened(easied) and not Accustomed to to a diet to people to be prepared for clearing for day is faster. There are many variants of clearing of a liver by means of an olive oil. The one who is capable to operate(work) resolutely, can act how mine The spouse: after two-day apple preparation it(she) accepts Oil(Butter) in two portions on 150 grams, each doze popular Pickle - from a nausea. I know, that Konstantin Fedorovich Tomenko from Vsevolozhsk Leningrad region, the doctor of encyclopaedic knowledge possessing abilities in The most various areas of medicine and besides very strong , Preliminary prepares for the patients for clearing a liver soft, ???�?�?�-vegetable diet during ten-fourteen days. (it is known, However, that in relation to itself(himself) it(he) prefers shorter terms Preparations of an organism for clearing.) Knowing, that searches oils(butters) can be tightened(delayed), and a liver in the meantime To help(assist) it is necessary urgently, I can offer tested, more simple, not So radical way allowing a liver is easier to cope Splitting of the poisons containing in an organism.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Verses, Probably, Have Seemed To The Person On

Verses, probably, have seemed to the person on duty strange: ". Rise, wake up! Gray-haired history the girl suddenly to us . To it(her) in fact to not cope hearts. Who has understood it(her) - that The good fellow. " - and in the same sort. It(he) has asked me, whether I have written it. I not Has refused. Then it(he) has dialed the number. Three years after an extract I did not work: it would not be desirable to leave from the house. In those Times grand pianos were cheap. Here my wife also has bought(purchased) for 120 roubles "", That I actually have not gone mad. I also give on it(him) on the sly Yes adjustment(option) to study(investigate). As the musician me still remembered, have sent to me mummy With the girl. The girl studied in the first class . Were required the five and, Hence, the tutor. Now it(she) studies in on choral Branch. Thanks it(her): through it(her) I have got acquainted with the piano literature, Has believed in , now at my place almost all its(his) compositions (here I up to one From whales also has reached).

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Natural, That Is Corresponding(meeting) Laws Of The Nature,

Natural, that is corresponding(meeting) laws of the Nature, a feed(meal) Has allowed Leonid Sergeevichu to improve the health in good age up to a condition of blossoming young years. There is a question: in what image H.p. defined(determined) conformity Or discrepancy of a feed(meal) to this or that phase of the Moon or a season? I can To answer authentically for this Leonid Sergeevich has got acquainted with way, on To its(his) words, under the stenogram of my performance(statement) " Reserves and opportunities Human body " in the Tomsk academgorodok from September, 4th, 1985, Which as it has appeared, went on the Union, has got and to Kamensk. Having screwed up, I shall tell about this version of a biolocation there, where we with You, the reader, we begin to prepare the third whale and closely we shall attend Problems of a feed(meal). And that who will not want to read this book further or at whom Will not go food (happens and so, unfortunately), I would assume To wait an output(exit) of popular grants(manuals) on where it will be detailed It is painted, what products during what times of solar year most approach(suit) To our organism how to correlate to phases of the Moon the behaviour (including Intimate) and in what dependence on what standing planets stay internal Bodies.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What To Do(make) With Manufacturing Soups? We We

What to do(make) with manufacturing soups? We We act as follows: hardly water starts to begin to boil, in it(her) Preparations, any vegetables, , various and are thrown. Item Some minutes of all this have boiled, and the saucepan is removed from fire. In Result fine and alive soup on the nutritious properties turns out. If it is required to you for any your gastronomic reasons Long waters, it is all the same better, if it(she) has passed(has taken place) thawing, so As, I repeat, it has allowed to tear away upward foam, and downwards a deposit, which You beforehand delete, that considerably improving quality peep, Made(Produced) on pure(clean) water. To told it is possible to add and still some practical recommendations, Incorporated around of remarkable properties of thawed snow. Some of readers inform, that they all over again prepare for water On-, and then it(her) freeze and thaw. It it(him) is more convenient on To a number(line) of the reasons, even because freezing can be spent at night, not Being afraid, that in the morning water already also will be not structured.

There Are Natural Questions: And Why Our So

There are natural questions: and why our so accomplished(perfect,absolute) and The multipurpose organism does not possess ability to autopurification? As So it turns out, that if to it(him) to not help(assist), it(he) begins on eyes To be corked and collapse? Where the mother the Nature, looked Wreath of the efforts? The mother looked there where it is necessary, and many millions its(her) years Creations, including the most perfect(absolute) from them - the person, perfectly Coped with difficulties arising inside of them. Till that time, while Owing to the mind(wit)-reason this the baby has not departed at all from All precepts and manuals of the loving(liking) mother. What is became To get up it(he) that it(she) in blind love and could not provide? Whether the mother, that its(her) blood - hunting could think-assume And pleasures for the sake of - will start to fill with the is gentle(gently)-blue, Is gentle-pink pulmonary bags the gray-brown suffocating smoke bearing(carrying) in More than sixty versions of poison gases, including a miscellaneous Sorts of pitches? Whether it(she) could present, that born normal Will start to pour in in itself burning and its(his) interiors and mentality Alcohol? Whether thought, whether guessed, that its(her) child blood in irrepressible aspiration to To pleasures will start to absorb without a measure milk and after will leave from Dairy age, hammering in internal bodies dangerous Slime - result and consequence(investigation) of milk not split up to the end? Yes Whether the essence born for processing and came to it(her) to consciousness, that mainly food vegetative, begins to aspire to To impetuous consumption of food meat, completely to digest which, for small Exception of subpolar people, it not in a condition? Whether yes such imagination, that could place in its(her) head its(her) child blood Yes favourite not only will begin synthetic attires ???????n-be hidden from it(her), but is worse than they be to accept inside uncountable Quantity(Amount) of the synthesized substances, which, being split by an organism Once, then for ever, to the death of the person, will sit in it(him) Gentle internal bodies, similarly to sharp, ruthless splinters? Whether yes could To forces, the person created to seem the dreadful assumption, that The creation it will lift a hand on the creator, having finished a problem Ecological already up to an extreme position, killing and poisoning that air, which Breathes, that water which drinks, and, hence, endlessly polluting all the a full set of emissions of all industrial enterprises?.

Monday, January 14, 2008

To Them Resists Rallied Just Absence Of Appreciable

To them resists rallied just absence of appreciable achievements Clan of theorists which know, that departments in Gastroenteric path it is a lot of and they will understand with all that Variety and mess of meal which we in a stomach shall throw out(shall roll). So, the candidate Medical sciences of M. of M. Gurvich approves(confirms): " When speech comes about digestion, That is necessary to consider enormous reserve opportunities Digestive system. It(she) is capable to digest, and simultaneously, The diverse products, dishes, their every possible combinations. As if to So-called adverse combinations their harmful influence is sharp It is exaggerated by some authors. All depends not on a combination Products as those, and from quantity(amount) eaten and bearableness Concrete product the concrete person ". Further it(he) continues: " That up to Theories of " a separate feed(meal) " it(she) has no under herself serious scientific Substantiations, anyway it is impossible to distribute it(her) to the majority Healthy people ".

) Five Plug-in Nested Dolls I Believe, Much Of

) Five plug-in nested dolls I believe, much of you the episode from those naive acts of the darling is memorable and Omnipotent wizard Khottabycha, when the enormous circus orchestra suddenly head over heels on arena and, on the move promptly decreasing, has turned in Pea. Now, dear(expensive) reader, you should address in . I I shall ask all of you three huge whales on which there is our health, all This book which just has been read through by you, force of the imagination to force Head over heels and on the move to turn - is not present, not in a pea, and in The small-small brightly painted basten nested doll. I expect your bewilderment and I shall try to dispell it(him). Instead of whether you remember That place in this book where I asked you, - prospects for the sake of - to turn special Attention to the major role which plays our life powerful heart Now, at a present level of knowledge about health, but even more important - at Our output(exit) on new horizons of knowledge?. "Conclusion" is aimed by all this on That you did not consider(count) that there are any final limits of ours Knowledge, including about health.

There Is Nothing And Speak, That At Once

There is nothing and speak, that At once after arrival home it(he) has undressed and has poured over itself in bathing to two more Buckets of cold water. All this epopee is described in to the visitors' book with Gratitude to a brigade of train No 184 from April, 26th, 1988, the foreman of a train , conductors M. and Century of M. it is necessary to add M., That the temperature of air those days was about zero of degrees, strewed a snowball. Such here a real case of liquidation of consequences of a poisoning, and One of many. But in what its(his) solution? That for the mechanism defines(determines) so Effective influence of cold water on illness? Here I should state that credo of the general(common) theory of diseases, from which We with adherents proceed. We believe, that illness arises there and Then, where and when the organism has not enough forces with it(her) to consult. To put it briefly, Illness triumphs over lack of power. I shall allow to result(bring) to myself Metaphorical image for the explanatory of this idea: what wonderful show Represents itself gulf of Finland when it(he) is filled ! Along infinite Sandy beaches, going down almost to the water, grow majestic Pines, and water that reflects in the tender smooth surface slowly floating white Clouds worries, sending on coast one angry host for another, as The real sea.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It Would Be Fine, If The Same Solution

It would be fine, if the same solution after Clearing ftoca we have rinsed as well to a drink. The action(share) effective and, the main thing, Effective. Let's go below and we shall understand how we clean a teeth. Experience shows, That in huge number of cases we clean them categorically incorrectly. in which microbes are capable to be hidden, are directed from above Downwards, the majority of people cleans a teeth from left to right. Naturally, it The direction should be changed. A brush it is necessary to mass a gum and a teeth from above Downwards and on their forward surface and on rear, and this procedure not Should be short-term. If we begin to give it(her) not less than two-three Minutes we shall achieve not only cleanliness in a mouth, but also it is fine gums, to which during this procedure blood, Allowing them it is normal, is high-grade to function. Thus it is inadmissible To slip a brush downwards and to nake(expose) that teeth. Would like to turn General attention as well that many important points, in Volume number making active and our internal bodies, and our sexual power, Are on gums, therefore has direct sense serious and Correct work with a tooth-brush not for empty ceremonialism, and in the name of Cleanliness, vivacity and increase of our health.