Saturday, February 17, 2007

That This Harmony, This Frequency Rate Of Breath

That this harmony, this frequency rate of breath means practically To impacts of heart? I shall explain very simple example. Certainly, it is possible to start with Time and for each breath, for example, to spend 6 seconds, for a delay of 12 seconds, On an exhalation, say, too 6 seconds, etc. It is possible to start with rate of steps and on Each breath to spend three pairs steps, on a delay of six pairs, etc. But it is better In total in a basis of scale to put a rhythm of intimate impacts, that is most Organic for the person, for everyone the rhythm defining(determining) by the way, Condition of its(his) mentality. And so, when the base basis is always New, caused by conditions of readout and loading the size and when breath Works in the parity(ratio) of a breath set by it(him), an exhalation and a pause, Being guided by this unconditional commander-in-chief, effect (I proceed From own practice, from the sensations) is the best. There is one more aspect of a problem of breath. It(he) consists not in, how We breathe, and in what we breathe.

Friday, February 16, 2007

So, For Example, To Me Can To Object,

So, for example, to me can To object, that frequency of reductions of a cardiac musle in the certain conditions (For example, at end of run on 400) can exceed not twice hardly probable The borders specified by me so, this sprinting to not consider(count) Movement? Or other refutation: in favourite me Russian To bath can on a shelf after it(he) will be notably steamed brooms by colleagues on To common cause, considerably to exceed the named numbers. So - it(he) Moved?, etc. and . Item Dear colleagues, adherents, and also opponents, I am fine I understand unscientific nature of the definition, but I aspire in this case, passing The long fence accurate informations to leave at once on the essence: Secret sense of the movement leading to optimum improvement ours Organism, it is connected with increase of loading on the -muscular device such In the image, that the main muscle of this device, that a regal muscle, Defining(Determining) all and everything that heart has left on an operating mode, on the average twice More intense, than at ordinary conditions, and that a similar mode Regularly last such time which is necessary for finding this The main muscle of a good degree .

I Would Like To Begin " With A

I would like to begin " with a trump ": according to opening Soviet Scientists, the temperature 43,5 � With kills cancer cells(cages). We remember, that Instant influence of temperature in sick cells(cages) after Influences reaches(achieves) 42,2 � With - and it much. In what image To break this insignificant barrier in 1,3 � With, how to rush(rush into) into this where our deadly enemy has hidden with the weapon , and Unconditionally to destroy it(him)? The matter is that rise in temperature, Stay of an organism at a limit 44 � With, leads its(his) to the extremely dangerous To changes of albuminous structures. Hence, how to solve this dialectically Inconsistent problem(task), figuratively speaking: both innocence , and the child To give birth, and own albuminous cells(cages) to not damage(injure), and to liquidate Cells(Cages) inside of an organism of the artful enemy? (a special question, not in Mine, certainly, the competence, is a special technique on a warming up The areas amazed(struck) by oncological diseases.