Saturday, June 30, 2007

But In Fact Frozen Meat (The Main Source

But in fact frozen meat (The main source of our satiety) - fresh(stale), and would be desirable, so Whether to us for an acuteness(a witticism) this beaten off and roasted piece? And if we Have already got used to such sensation will seem insipid and all, That below already rods. And?. As the candidate of medical sciences informs. -back in the To joint clause(article) with Cand.Tech.Sci. A. I.Shirvanly, with 1940 on 1985, that is for 45 years, we began to eat salts in 2,4 times more, if To judge only on purchases of salt through shops and its(her) consumption through Public catering. But true consumption salt has increased even more, For for same time in our country began to make sausages in 7,9 time, cheese And in 3,2 times, a canned meat almost a hundred times it is more than brynza, fish Canned food in 34 times, vegetable canned food in 17 times. And in fact all of them much Initial products are more sated(saturated) by salt, rather than. For example, sausage in 25 times , than meat, cheese - in 20 times more, than cottage cheese, and preserved(tinned) The green peas contains salts in 250 times more, than fresh! Besides many salts feed a pet, and through Dairy products and their meat it(she) gets on our table.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Also That We Shall Note: In Fact Externally

Also that we shall note: in fact Externally usurer Chakyrbaj, - and five its(his) sons - wild boars, Derided forever , lived much more richly, much more magnificently, than (slighted, by the way, and stupid(blunt) officials already at Soviet Authorities). Each of them guzzled in three throats and owned extensive , and Each of them sufficed, seized, got everything, that was on its(his) forces and To opportunities. Here two opposite models of the person, here two ways Mankinds: one - in a precipice self-valuable , another - uphill Self-improvement, self-development, self-disclosings, self-realization for the good of To itself and people. - a clear beacon ahead. It(he), , one of those it is dazzling bright sparks which fly from the past in The present to shine(cover) to us road to the future to disseminate novel Gloom ahead. Having eyes - yes will see. The having reason - yes will understand. Thanks of mother the Nature that has created such light soul that To explain to us, in what meaning of the life human! (the Strong applause.