Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hundred Fine Principles Of Breath, Or " Where

Hundred fine principles of breath, or " Where to the poor peasant To move? " With firm confidence it is possible to approve(confirm), that there is no more important, process in our life, than breath, for without meal the person It is capable to live tens day, without water - some days, and without air- Few minutes. No movement, a life are possible(probable) without breath. And At the same time not less confidently it is possible to approve(confirm), that the overwhelming majority The population about any correct systems of breath has not heard and lives in it(this) The attitude(relation) as is, breathes as it is breathed. Similar - the condition promotes premature To withering of an organism, on the one hand, with another - to the slowed down recover in Those cases when it is necessary to win illness. And the reason that the nature Has cut out us in this respect with surprising safety factor: consuming Only 1 % of oxygen from that maximum which we are capable to take the Lungs, we, nevertheless, not only exist, but also we manage to go on Work to be engaged in public work, vigorously to discuss at beer Stall all news internal and foreign policy, and during remained time even To be interested in family problems.

Friday, October 24, 2008

If Still(even) To Add, That In Cabbage It

If still(even) to add, that in cabbage it is a lot of the enzymes adjusting(regulating) an exchange Fats, that in it(her) practically are not present some starch and not a lot of fructose becomes Clear, that is a product to which the prices are not present for diabetics. The cabbage contains , and we already spoke about them in connection with a problem of ordering The information processes going in an organism. And unless it is little significant, that caloric content of cabbage at all it(her) biologically Active properties it is extremely small? It means, that people with excess weight With its(her) help quickly enough can find grace necessary for them and beauty Figures. Whether also it is possible to bypass and such question, as salutary properties of leaves The cabbage, capable to heal external ulcers, wounds, bruises, , pains at joints and crises, at burns and ? As they say, etc., and . Item Certainly, not the smaller right to a similar greater(big) poem in prose have and Apples.

A.Burevoj, A Selfless Life To Which I With Love

A.Burevoj, a selfless life To which I with love have devoted the greater(big) story " New ". I shall be To start with experience and others , and also from fine results, Reached(Achieved) in Army medical college in St.-Petersburg. I shall proceed, At last, from that already considerable experience which is saved up(collected) by me and my friends. For the beginning I shall tell, that I repeatedly had to collide(face) with Furious and categorical refutations from doctors in occasion of Presence of any other stones in channels of a liver, besides . Really, stones, which approximately in 4 % of cases from Total of these stones, according to the Medical encyclopedia, are In a liver, can be taken from it(her) only operative by. But It is asked, what for to subject to resections of 96 % , . . Practically all mankind, so far as liberation from them can To be made so-called conservative by, i.e. without intervention Knife, not on an operational table? When for the first time I could pass(take place) clearing of a liver at Tatyana and it(she) has combined left of me green and brown Stones- in mayonnaise to bank (they have filled it(her) more than half), I Has gone to the academic polyclinic on island Vasilevym in Leningrad, Where then was on service, and has asked a question to doctors, Supervised my health: - What is such? - we do not know, - there was a direct and fair answer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

But, It Appears, It Is Possible To Receive

But, it appears, it is possible to receive water even more qualitative, than that, Which arises at all to this complex procedure! In what image? Engineer- Alexey Labza advises during process of freezing Waters to interfere with it(him) to remove from water those small dozes Heavy water harmful to the person () which contains approximately 150 milligrams in one litre. As heavy water freezes at +3,8 � With at artificial freezing in a freezer it(she) freezes the first. It(her) Ice on walls and at the bottom of a vessel and besides forms thin Openwork plates an ice in all volume of cooled water. Specifies: if freezing occurs(happens) slowly it is possible without difficulties To trace a phase of formation(education) of crystals of an ice and to pour yet water In intermediate capacity. The ice which has remained on walls of heavy water to kindle In any way and to send in the water drain. In released(exempted) from Ice utensils it is necessary to return water and repeatedly to establish(install) it(her) in Deep-freezer, this time finished already freezing.