Saturday, December 15, 2007

. And If Could Not Expect Mother Nature These(thus)

. And If could not expect Mother Nature these(thus) and others similar to them abnormal in behaviour of the mad child so whence to it(her) was To provide systems of self-cleaning for the owner similar Self-destructive - has not told almost "consciousnesses", is not present - disease of feelings And reason? Pollution of the internal environment of the person by the substances getting in Organism with food, medicines, water and air, with a course of history considerably Increases. Since times the medicine was engaged in addition and (addition missing and superfluous). Now a problem(task) constantly becomes complicated. At the beginning were sufficient such Means of deducing(removing) of a dirt and poisons from an organism, as washing of a stomach and Thin intestines, as application emetic, laxative and Means. Till XVII century popular was and . In XX century medicine It has been compelled(forced) to enter into a clinical practice and an artificial kidney. But that To do(make) to medicine now, if, according to the American organization under the control For medicinal and foodstuff, the number of harmful substances reaches(achieves) Nowadays sixty - eighty thousand? And to it(this) it is necessary to add still Growing danger of accumulation in an organism the person terrible radioactive Elements.

Friday, December 14, 2007

An Essence Of Starvation That All Mechanisms Of

An essence of starvation that all mechanisms of digestion Somewhere for the sixth-seventh day are abruptly reconstructed and pass from Digestion of external receipts which stop, on searches of resources Inside of an organism. Needless to say, that submission fruit or vegetable Some juices of a similar turn(turnover) of an internal torch on 180 � will not carry out. To me the people, differing are known for kind health which consider(count) Necessary for itself to starve within day once a week, once in Month - within three day (which, naturally, are imposed on one of Hungry days of week), once in a quarter - to starve ten days (which, Certainly, absorb three quarter days) and once a year go on Long starvation - two-rub(-three) and more weeks. What can I tell about it(this)? For me more habitual is starvation Long. All depends on mood and inwardness, which, as It seems to me, I feel. It wanted - and has hungered three days; has appeared Need(Requirement) - also has lead without food two weeks; it seemed necessary - and three Weeks.

Logic It Is Deep And Consecutive: It(he) Connects

Logic it is deep and consecutive: it(he) connects the signals going from Breath in the corresponding(meeting) center of a brain, with emotional influences The raised(increased) capacity(power) to which effective counteractions resist: crying And laughter. As we know, breath at laughter and at crying short, is carried out It in the fine portions. Thus, frequent, faltering breath reduces influence Excessively strong emotional impulse also counterbalances as process Excitation and braking, and pressure in cardiovascular system. Vitaly Durimanova's breath, certainly, is a fine way By means of a faltering breath and an exhalation to adjust(regulate) physical and Mental state of health. Than badly? In turn, the doctor of medical sciences managing faculty Physical training of the Stavropol medical institute of Century of Century Offers the original technique which too has brought considerable advantage(benefit) Already to thousand people which have passed to it(her). A stereotype of breath on Consists in that it is necessary to do(make) a breath less often, is longer also less deep, Than it is accepted in daily breath.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Here A Fragment From Nikolay Kutsenko's Printed In

Here a fragment from Nikolay Kutsenko's printed in the newspaper letters " the Soviet sports ":" Everyone Morning I with the daughter did(made) jog. Distances in the beginning measured directly on meters. Then month through two we with it(her) could run already a hand in a hand from 1000 up to 1500 m. Not all children at three-year age, how much(as far as) I can judge, so Like to run long on the set distance. And my Natasha it was very much Hard. But I have carried away its(her) fairy tales: cheerful, sad, ridiculous, in which Spoke about everything, that saw around of itself, itself thought out them. The daughter listened and Ran beside. I stopped on most as it seemed to me, an interesting place. And in the morning already I wait - here Natasha itself rises and to me, say, Let's run a fairy tale to listen. Now it(she) is completely healthy ". Such here it is perfect(absolute) Unusual variant of Arabian fairy tales . And further. Unless movement does not lead to growth of culture of our sights on Health? To change of a diet, , attitudes(relations) with time? And unless those kinds of movement which generate beauty of a body, do not change Our general(common) representations about beauty and a sound health as about values, Immeasurably higher, than mercantile vanity and constant fuss around Aspirations to snatch and save up(snatch and collect)? And unless regular movement not Reconstructs all structure of our person, relieving it(her) from predilection to To alcohol and nicotine? Unless those high purposes which we put before ourselves, Wishing to seize(take possession) this or that top in sports, do not force us critically To reconsider all the lacks to be released(exempted) from them? And Unless the life does not act in the is unique true and worthy Embodiment to be long and sanguineous when there is no such trouble as Illness? Eventually movement directly is connected and with economic criteria, And if at us now it , in developed , as I already Mentioned, there was "insanity" on health, for the diversified Kinds of improving movement in relation to manufacture turn around, As it has appeared, not in tens, and hundreds billions dollars which departure Not in polyclinics, hospitals and drugstores, but remain with owners of the enterprises.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Writer Daniel Danin Speaks, That Its(his) Person(face) Was

Writer Daniel Danin speaks, that its(his) person(face) was remembered Much more , than what was represented on portraits, Especially late time. Are evident what it is more difficult difficult to subdue Imagination of a youth: human dullness. And unless not the same attention to associates sees in behaviour and another The great physicist, Igor Vasilevicha Kurchatova? Having rested in bed after heavy Angiospasm, joked: " At me was ". And after the second Insult answered by phone: " Twice listens! " The god you mine, However(As) strikingly it differs from whimsical behaviour any The little significant person around of which furuncule, for example, a round dance should To go all its(her) near, only about which are obliged to think and experience all Relatives and subordinates! And in this connection one more memoirs, and again about the great physicist, about Igor Evgeneviche Tamm. The tragedy of last years of its(his) life consist in that, That it(he), the person who never and anything in a life did not hurt(be ill,be sick), just shortly Before the burdensome illness which has fallen it(him) has left at last on idea so Huge, that it(she) could finish a worthy wreath its(his) scientific efforts of all Lives.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

And Here Now From Restriction Of Caloric Content

And here now from restriction of caloric content we pass directly to Caloric contents zero - to starvation. As it is necessary, we shall begin with experiences on Animals. According to remarkable veterinary , The "aged" hens who have been last starvation, again have started to bear(carry) eggs, at them It was restored a cover and a voice became above and is younger, and a body- More gracefully, more harmonously. Here a photo, which Keeps since times of the experiment. In its(his) hands two "elderly" Sisters-. One starved, another - is not present. After photographing The sister-glutton has lived only month, and the rejuvenated hen - six more years. Was to that to be surprised: from thousand birds written off(copied) on an old age nine hundred ten That day postponed . Yes not idle time! The egg of 68 grams weighed, and Taken down(Demolished) - only forty eight. The biochemical analysis has confirmed: and On quality of an egg it is better. Were afraid, that famine will bring birds to ruin, but they, On the contrary, began to live much longer: on the average eighteen years instead of Released(Let off) by the nature of six.

Monday, December 10, 2007

We Address To A Concrete Technique. I Perfectly

We address to a concrete technique. I perfectly understood those readers, Which angrily also were puzzly asked by a question: " Where to take Olive oil? " I heard, that sunflower oil(butter) made on Kuban "Salad" possesses precisely same set of fat acids, as well as olive, Which already during millenia people facilitate sufferings from Diseases of a liver. If it so it would be desirable to trust, that ours Public health bodies, not getting without need in an import pocket The countries, will manage to create such conditions at which to landowners of Kuban will be It is favourable to make so much "Salad", how many it is required hurting to ours Powers. So I answered earlier. Now the olive oil is everywhere. At Landowners of Kuban of conditions as were not and are not present. While I insist on Application only an olive oil. All the others - a pity substitute! So, we shall reckon. You spend to the first evening cleaning , It is better, if you will accept it(her) twice. Next morning you again make Cleaning , and then within all day eat exclusively Apple juice.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Even Small Shortage Of Vitamin D Conducts To

Even Small shortage of vitamin D conducts to weakness of muscles and , to downturn The general(common) tone of an organism, to infringements of activity of heart, a liver, kidneys, Other important bodies and systems. Lack of dispatching vitamin D and, Hence, irregular submission of calcium affects and that begin To spoil a teeth, fragile there are nails, hair thin. If from mineral Depot which heads of tubular bones are, on disturbing signals " with Places " calcium constantly gets, but does not act there again, joints Begin , to swell and expand due to escalating others The elements delivered on construction of bones. Amazingly thus, that food stuffs, including such, Which initially contain a greater(big) doze of vitamin D, for example a liver of a cod Either the Atlantic herring, or sprats, cannot compensate its(his) lack in Organism if there was no corresponding(meeting) ultra-violet irradiation. More 90 % to an organism of vitamin are synthesized in our leather(skin) only under Influence , and observed attempts to compensate avitaminosis D Products, it is superfluous this vitamin, have led only To adjournment of calcium in those bodies where it(him) is better to not be besieged.