Friday, April 6, 2007

How It Is Possible To Forget About It(this)?

How it is possible to forget about it(this)? Let's track(Let's look after) increase of this tendency on an evolutionary chain. Ours The known psychologist of Item Simonov, referring to experiences of foreign researchers Raisa, and . Green, and also on own experiences, has shown Original background of sympathy of one individual another at behaviour of rats, When pressing the lever irritated with a current the next rat. Two levers opened Feeding trough and as one of them was a lung, and the second heavy, rats Preferred the easy(light) lever. The question has been put so: whether there will be a rat To pass to the heavy lever, to receive a forage without irritation of another Animal? It has appeared, that change the lever eighty percent(interests) of rats, earlier Tested for itself influence of a current. Moreover, even among rats, which not Were exposed to painful irritations up to that, similar transition was carried out In twenty percent(interests) of animals. In the experiments put on dogs, Also it was found out, that their considerable part independently adapts To switch off a current irritating other dog.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

And That To Clear And Legalize The Given

And that To clear and legalize the given general(common) statement while it is far not for all Habitual, I shall start it(him) to concretize with reference to real questions Our health. Generation of Space surrounding us, children of the Universe(Installed), tiny Power structures, we can develop and live normally only in that Case, so far as our actions according to(agree) resound, sound in with The laws established(installed) for by greatest of us The nature. Haughty confidence of the ostensibly independent of it(her) Independence there is an illusion more than ridiculous, testifying about Necessities for associates as soon as possible to cause for the help similar " To the giant of an idea " the cheerful guys supplied by a shirt with very long Sleeves: and how still(even) differently urgently to help(assist) the madman? In fact it(him), it(this) Self-thinking pettiness, neglect to our mother of the Universe Pretty often turns around not only pathological infringements Own health, but also ours.