Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Giant In Weight In Ton, In Height

The giant in weight in ton, In height in fourteen meters and thickness of a trunk in the meter maintaining Sandy storms, to heat, perishes from reviver. And The person, in the grounds, is capable To flourish everywhere, on all planet. Hence, individual approaches to a feed(meal) can be certain Patrimonial distinctions of mankind. But they can be certain as well Rhythmic, is more exact biorhythmic, features of the person. To me already It was possible to concern(touch) themes of "owls" and "larks", that is those who It is efficient mainly in the evening or mainly in the morning. It is asked: whether is capital nonsense the system of imposing on The people living under so different schedules of activity, the same rigid Dogmas: " a breakfast eat itself, a dinner have undressed(undresse) with the friend, a supper give the enemy? " This declaration is fraught with rough handicapes for health, and those who it(her) Will reject, will be right. But, maybe, it is meaningful to go further away and, Listening only to the organism to break(disturb) strict ostensibly For consumption of food and after eight one o'clock in the evening? Anticipating questions, I dare to tell about myself the following: being "lark", I give morning time to as much as possible active work, and it means, that all Blood should serve since morning first of all either a brain, or muscles, but in Which case not a stomach (if it(him) to overflow with food and to distract significant Part of forces of an organism on it(him)).

Solar Fire The Basic Vital Processes In Us,

Solar fire the basic vital processes in us, but it(he) is capable to execute and Functions of a crematorium. We shall not forget about harmony at dialogue with any of Elements of a planet! about it(this) and on degree not deviating steadfast attention to To those radical reasons which generate in us powerful, pure(clean), alive Energy, we shall address to that elements, with which in friendship, on Ancient , there is fire: to the ground. We shall address, certainly, with attempt Some decoding of its(her) salutary influences. Also we shall for the beginning be passed(shall for the beginning be taken place) on It(Her) barefoot. We shall receive the additional charging going from below, not only from Grasses, not only from a fertile field, but also from the mightiest kernel of the Earth, Which energy starts to join us freely, not meeting Insuperable barrier in the form of rubber or synthetic soles. We shall be passed(shall be taken place) Also we speed up work of absolutely all without exception our internal Bodies for on our soles outputs(exits) hardly probable not seventy are located The various zones directly connected with them.

And Nevertheless Thawed Snow Even From A Refrigerator

And nevertheless thawed snow even from a refrigerator is much better, than usual Water water. However we shall return to , or, in other words, decontaminated To water. Its(her) manufacturing is carried out as follows: Undertakes rather The small amount of water and quickly is possible till 94-96 � With, that is up to Conditions of " a white key " when already rough chain bubbles emerge, but Water as a whole does not boil yet. During this moment the vessel is removed from fire and is located For the fastest cooling in a bowl with flowing water. As a result as, As well as at freezing, water of uniform crystal structure turns out. If graphically to represent process of reception of the decontaminated water, it(he) Looks(Appears), as half of abrupt sinusoid: sharp heating and at once sharp Cooling. We have thought: and if a sinusoid to draw completely, that is in the beginning Water to freeze and thaw, that already leads to its(her) condition and Structurizations, and clearing of a different sort of harmful impurity, and already then On- to heat up and sharply to cool? Thus we have received not Only figure of a full sinusoid, but also recurrence of that eternal cycle, Which water has passed(has taken place) in the nature: it(she) has frozen, and it(she) has thawn, it(she) has evaporated, It was cooled and has dropped out on our guilty ground to irrigate it(her) and to give it(her) a life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Let's Repair Itself And This Way We Shall

Let's repair itself and this way we shall adjust a course incorporated in us Hours, unless not so? And now we shall pass to an individual way of perception(recognition) space Rhythms, to an opportunity of -proper response on majestic The performances played by the Universe, which characters all of us We are. And in fact the same text in the play, the same role everyone Will play in own way, not repeating others. My old correspondent Leonid from city of Kamensk of the Rostov area has sent me carefully The drawn schedules reflecting dependence and a condition of its(his) health as a whole (And each of the major bodies in particular), from successfully applied by it(him) so A named phase feed(meal), that is a feed(meal), most full Corresponding(Meeting) its(his) organism in this or that phase of the Moon. Yes, it is a question of imperous influence of our nearest satellite, Which on force of the influence on course of processes in our organism and To mentality can surpass influence even the Sun, because the Sun- Far, and the Moon - here it(she), a number(line), with all force changeable Attractions.