Saturday, December 6, 2008

As Have Revealed Researches Of The Healthy Feed(meal)

As have revealed researches of the healthy feed(meal) possessing curing Mentality influence, within day there are more 10 % of the calories consumed The person, can be "empty". It means, that 90 % of consumed calories Should enter into an organism as alive, natural, not processed chemical In the way products and then at sick people bent for to consumption will decrease Alcohol. I hope, the reader still remembers the diet which has allowed group With. to keep forces, and the main thing, sincere vivacity in extreme Circumstances! And now compare it(him) to recommendations of those foreign Experts in narcology who aspire to prevent illness or to cure mental Deviations(Rejections) at the person. In their fair opinion, basic products, Containing active substances in greater(big) dozes, are: honey, citrus, Cranberry, cowberry, apples, especially , sea-buckthorn berries, a sauerkraut, Fresh and dry greens, onions(bow) and garlic. The sea kale contains 39 Microcells. Flower pollen represents the whole pantry Vitamins, microcells and amino acids also it is used as additional Means in psychiatry, at .

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some Boxes With Ready For A Press(seal) Manuscripts,

Some boxes with ready for a press(seal) Manuscripts, with reports of experiences, with sketches of scientific ideas and calculations Also have got lost completely. This person after many years of an imprisonment for the first time There was without an escort on street only in 1950 It(He) has been dressed in an old pea jacket and Torn boots, long beard hid its(his) person(face), but in a bag behind shoulders Tables of new calculations laid. This member of many foreign academies, To which went then fifty third, has begun to restore the mark Scientific life also has started to recollect, where it is necessary to search for its(his) works and books, where It is possible to find those or its(his) other tables and publications. Together with the wife, Last the same tests, they have found and have restored, maybe, only 20-30 % from all number of the documents concerning to its(his) scientific Activity, but from among establishing(basic), fortunately. This surprising person entirely betraid to a science, and in camps Was engaged in research work - in rescue of people from a typhus to it(him) was It is allowed to work with a microscope.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

From Cells(cages) , Instead Of It(him) Sodium Is

From cells(cages) , instead of it(him) sodium is deduced(removed) from intercellular space inside of cells(cages) Gets - in it(this) . Yes, reserves of a life at all alive are extremely great. The case is known with The dog who has got in a blockage on time of earthquake who has lived without food Hundred three days while it(her) have not released(exempted). But, maybe, it is already enough about Animals, we shall address to starvation at people? There is an extensive literature, Summarizing the experience reached(achieved) by mankind in this fine way Updatings of the health. Works of Item , A.Suvorina, Y.Nikolaeva is Only the beginning of the remarkable list. Remarkable, but completely not simple For studying and following to its(his) installations. The one who will plunge in its(his) bowels, Certainly, will collide(face) with a lot of opposite recommendations: - Starve only in clinical conditions - is not present, starve, not changing Habitual way of life. - Any during starvation - is not present, without your organism Will receive a poisoning.

Above Absolutely Material Bases Of Mentality, Natural Selection,

Above absolutely material bases of mentality, natural Selection, gradually and naturally arises a majestic building of emotions, Connected with feeling of individual love. By the way speaking, on supervision of the professor of anthropology Colombian University Ralfa Soletski spent excavation in the well-known cave (the Iraq Kurdistan), neanderthal men were much closer to us on the Morals, than we considered(counted) before. Botanical research of remains of plants, Found in neanderthal burial places, has shown, that ancient buried The dead men or on a box from colors(flowers), or in garlands from colors(flowers). Emotional and the inner world " neanderthal men was, thus, much More human, than it was supposed before careful researches. Humanity, kindness, the knightly attitude(relation) to women, old men, children, Aspiration to knowledge - here properties which inevitably developed under Action of natural selection also entered into fund of hereditary attributes The person. Altruistic emotions were fixed under laws social Continuity, but there were they on a genetic basis.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

When It(him) In A Feed(meal) Added Coffee, Poor

When it(him) in A feed(meal) added coffee, poor animals it is even more to To alcohol. So, abusing the refined carbohydrates, sugar, white Bread, rolls, sweets and . The item leads to sharp fluctuation of a level Sugar in blood, causes functional . This broken(disturbed) The metabolism creates biological need(requirement) for alcohol. Pathological The metabolism of sugar can decay for many years, before a fire Will flash in shape of an alcoholism. It occurs(happens) from too plenty Insulin which is allocated with a pancreas in reply to fast rise Quantities(Amounts) of the sugar circulating in blood. The caffeine containing in coffee, Chocolate, drinks of type of coca-cola, alongside with nicotine also promotes To development functional . As a result, on American data, In the USA it has been registered about 100 million the persons(faces) inclined to an alcoholism. Their treatment basically was based on medicines, on psychological Suggestion, even on an electroshock, but in fact to eliminate(erase,remove) it is necessary first of all The reasons, instead of consequences(investigations)! To include a strong-willed impulse and to cause at The decision to stop to drink, it is necessary to change the alcoholic first of all chemical The balance of an organism, and is not so much medicines, how many by means of Normal diet.