Friday, March 9, 2007

Expansion Of Vessels Is Decrease(Reduction) In A Blood

Expansion of vessels is Decrease(Reduction) in a blood pressure, is the essential help to hypertensive persons. Irrespective of K.Butejko Cand.Tech.Sci. A. Rylov has offered Method of training by oxygen starvation from stresses. It(he) fairly approves(confirms), That , winter bathing, run, a sauna, and others Training stresses it is necessary to hold stress-limiting in a tone Systems to be ready to impacts of the present(true), destructive stresses. It is a lot of with rabbits and rats, scientists send(have come) to unexpected To conclusion: consequences of different kinds of adaptation for an organism differed as Strikingly, as well as influence on it(him), for example, validol and penicillin. So, intensive employment(occupations) by run strengthen ability of heart and Raise(Increase) its(his) survival rate in case of corking coronary vessels. But Electric stability of this body, conductivity in it(him) worsens The excitation causing co-ordination of reduction of muscles. Therefore grows Probability and even cardiac arrest.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

For What? I Wish To Remind, That, Being

For what? I wish to remind, that, being with a head shipped in universal Ocean, We it is a pity and silly we try to be fenced off nevertheless from it(him) - whether By means of the synthetic clothes isolating us from beneficial influence The nature, whether getting into the ferro-concrete dwellings which are greedy pinching(are greedy licking off) all Free from the inhabitants, whether investing cities in could, separating us from a ultraviolet and at the same time it is terrible Corroding sentry layer of ozone. Logic here such: so far as so It is accepted, from this track to not get out; so far as the pistol is already bought(purchased), It is necessary to be shot from it(him). Yes, certainly, where, for example, to be typed(collected) woods Or a brick at industrial scales of construction of habitation in the country? Here and We drive ferro-concrete. And meanwhile very long time ago there is a technology constructions, and meanwhile in cosmogonic quantities(amounts) There lies in Siberia almost weightless mineral , houses from which Would turn to progress all technology of construction and favoured To our dwelling in dwellings.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Not Small Poor The Terrestrial Ball Endlessly Tormented

Not small poor The terrestrial ball endlessly tormented by powerful mechanisms, nuclear explosions, Chemically poisonous emissions, but huge, inexhaustible in the Internal resources a sphere of a head - here a source of our power and Infinite development in a direction of humanism and progress! The mankind will not return from city in , to poor agriculture, to To the patriarchal simplicity fraught besides despotism and spiritual Backwardness. No, its(his) direction other, and life shows, Which shepherds can leave on the horses before the mad herd And a flat arch to allocate(remove) it(him) from a precipice (though, I think, a considerable part The dispersed horses cannot moderate the mad inertia and will fall Downwards). Person Toktogula shows to us an example of that, however(as) the person much can To show to itself, to people, and however(as) it is not enough all surrounding validity to it(him) It is required from it(her). If the person - the presented poet-improvisator, is pleasure for others.

Monday, March 5, 2007

For It(him) Venus - , Majectic Was Beautiful

For it(him) Venus - , majectic was beautiful . Completeness, certainly, communicated in aesthetic preferences of the past with Representation about a prosperity and non-participation to humiliating the person physical To work. We shall recollect, how , servant Oblomova, more all appreciated in misters Portliness, seeing in it(her) cleanly lordly attribute, that is an accessory(a belonging) to To the maximum(supreme) layer of a society. " And we shall recollect, how Ilya Ilich Oblomov, when became angry has dared to compare it(him) to someone "another". " I - another, - was indignant . - yes unless I aim, unless I work? I eat a little, whether that? It is thin or It is pity on a kind? " We shall pay attention: it is thin or pity on a kind - in this case Synonyms. In our use two serious problems: the first - where to get Scarce, especially high-calorie products? The second - how to grow thin, that is as To get rid of the excessive weight found owing to consumption of these(it) Products? And again about distressful rats.