Thursday, February 1, 2007

All This It Is Caused Genetically. Continuous Protection,

All this It is caused genetically. Continuous protection, continuous Helpless children and pregnant women could be carried out only Community of people as a whole, and consequences of growth of greater(big) hemispheres more increasing(more and more) And all strengthened dependence of preservation of posterity on presence strong longer Solderings inside of a tribe. Hence, survived and those continued a sort only Communities in which similar care was more. The nature and circumstances Ruthlessly exterminated communities in which were insufficiently protected it(her) Helpless members. The system of those instincts and emotions inevitably grew, on Which conscience leans(bases). What is the conscience? It is group of emotions, which Induces the person to make acts, probably, personally to it(him) not only Unprofitable, but even dangerous, however benefitting community of people. Aspiration of the person to make self-denying acts in significant Degrees its(his) natural evolution. Why in a human society long since there was a respect to Old age? The matter is that crucial importance in struggle of a tribe for a survival Had the experience saved up(saved) by ancestors.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And In Fact The Energy Received From Food,

And in fact the energy received from food, us Suffices and when it is not enough of it(her). Hardly-hardly to constrain itself, slightly To not give itself will, and we shall see, how much(as far as) actually it is less to us It is necessary meal, than we consume. Now the second remark: medical starvation with obligatory application Cleaning (and even two in day) is surprisingly effective Means at the slightest hint on any disease: though , though Cold, though a bronchitis, though something. The matter is that having cleaned(removed) from Intestines the toxins which have collected there and having released(exempted) an organism from necessity To spend forces for digestion, you with the surprising energy which has risen From within, will cope with the artful enemy, inside of you. We shall pay attention On that sick animals avoid to eat. But, however, that to us lessons The wise nature? If we were ill, it is necessary to stuff us huge Quantity(Amount) of high-calorific products, even more to pollute ours Interiors products of disintegration of chemical medicines and to deduce(remove) us on Long mode of disease even in a trifling occasion though we could To cope with it(him) within day-two, under that condition, the truth, that It is necessary to support(maintain) really - we shall tell, a glass of tepid water with honey.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Candidate Economic Sciences A.Semenov, Analyzing Similar Results,

The candidate Economic sciences A.Semenov, analyzing similar results, emphasizes, That the people working in , that is greater(big) are surveyed Part of time on open air. Even if to such people wood walks Bring , authentic advantage(benefit) what, think, the reader, The improving effect should be expected for working chemical combines, For miners, for serving numerous offices or for scientific The employees locked in concrete boxes! Here thus from conversation on necessity to live in a resonance with Space rhythms we naturally send(have passed) to the interfaced(integrated) theme: to filial To attitudes(relations) with the Nature, with our mother- the Earth, with all it(her) Elements. the medicine recognized that our internal bodies Depend on one of five elements surrounding us: a tree, fire, the ground, Metal, waters. Accordingly and those or other diseases are caused Infringements in attitudes(relations) of these elements among themselves with reference to bodies. It is known also, that the traditional Chinese medicine has reached(achieved) rather Significant successes in healing the person, not resorting to chemistry; Tibetan The medicine - a child of old indian medicine - proceeded in the representations About functions of bodies and the nature of diseases also from similar installations, Naive in our opinion, and, similarly to traditional, also Achieved outstanding successes in treatment of people.