Saturday, December 29, 2007

One Of Primary Factors For Preservation Or Even

One of primary factors for preservation or even improvement intellectual Abilities there was a social activity of older persons. Preservation Social participation in affairs of the family, the environment, the People gives rather positive result. The major vital principle " Use, differently lose " we shall apply not only to preservation of elasticity Muscles and ability to live of various functions of an organism, but also for preservation High level of intellectual activity. The person among people if it(he) really Person, tries not To cause another of troubles of any sort, at all does not become To show the superiority (even really existing), will be To aspire to that its(his) afflictions did not oppress others. It is possible to tell, That high spirit those people, which as small as possible and less often possess Draw deliberate attention to the , to the The valid importance. Than, for example, it was especially allocated in a life well-known Physicist Nils the Pine forest? The "", in opinion of those who was It is well familiar with it(him), the absolute naturalness, unwillingness To draw to itself the underlined attention, aspiration to avoid though Any pressure the real importance on the interlocutor or Interlocutors.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We Shall Laugh And Shall Lift Up Hands,

We shall laugh and shall lift up hands, similarly to the sportsman who has gained Victory. Really probably after that to not feel pleasure?. Very much The system of Century of Avdeev, in which training of necessary conditions is interesting It is carried out by means of a call at itself the certain sensations. In everyone Case the people suffering from a depression or by the nature from Psychological instability, without any doubts, should on a regular basis To be engaged in this or that system trainings, system Self-improvement of the mentality. In summary I shall tell about such way of auto-training, which description Till now in the scientific literature did not meet, but which, in my opinion, Is rather effective and, the main thing to be trained to which it is possible considerably More quickly, than, for example, to skill to weaken completely the muscles. This Auto-training is based(founded,established) on influence on subconsciousness of the person of color, polar To it(him) on state of health, and, hence, supplementing its(his) condition up to Necessary harmony.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Here Still Strokes. The Paragraph From It(her) Things

Here still strokes. The paragraph from it(her) things " the Old age and a youth ":" About whom to become angry for a gout, for Pain in heart? It is necessary to be treated, suffer(bear) and ask destiny that - is not worse. On Kokchetav (where it(she) was .-.) to become angry for inconveniences? On lovely My Kokchetav? It - how to become angry on the Ball, that the fight with a circuit, bark Prevents to sleep. And who of the Ball will regret? Who will Kokchetav regret? And where, when Was without a flour(torment)? Flours(torments) - the law of things. At the Ball white gloves on paws, all It is elegant, and climbs in such broken, grey, old box. Does not notice! At It(Him) it is necessary to study in a life. " Under the certificate of the people, known to Anastas Ivanovnu, the attitude(relation) at it(her) to To all alive was almost same, as to the maximum(supreme) on the Earth to creation The nature - to the Person. According to professor Lilit Kozlovoj, Anastas Ivanovna Addressed both to a cat, and to the Ball, and to colors(flowers) on "you".

And That Else Does Not Happen On Light!.

And that else Does not happen on light!. Also that is interesting, nobody prevents to be engaged to us on To principle of conformity to the inclinations. If you and besides It is sociable, that best for you - to borrow(occupy) in a slalom for the company with such , as you, adventurouses; if you the person constrained, Patient character why you to not test itself on dashes, Demanding the big endurance and endurance(quotation); if you are mobile and musical, The most successful for you the place is a section of sports dances, etc. But in fact, on the other hand, it is possible to move and opposite By, proceeding from a principle of restoration missing. The person shy and Timid can go to section of boxing, sambo-wrestling or , that To fill what lacks in a life, - with full Comprehension of necessity of it(this) is will go to such kinds of sports, as football Or basketball, where without development of the collective spirit so necessary for High-grade development of the person, there is nothing; the person with powerful and Inactive muscles, , it is capable to realize, that to it(him) just There are no those qualities which are brought with itself with set of jumps or employment(occupations) - they will help(assist) to find to this athlete necessary Harmony.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I Believe Also, That In Each Of Separate

I believe also, that in each of Separate kinds of physical training, for example in run, it is necessary to alternate(interleave) Different distances and different modes of trainings. And the main criterion of yours Correctness there will be a finding pleasure from opportunities of steady increase Loadings. My friend and the adherent, the person of fine soul and perfect(absolute) body, Nikolay Pashnin, in the past the working-modeller of the highest qualification, and Nowadays the public instructor on physical training, has created remarkable The program on which is engaged itself and trains the pupils. In this The program trainings such east kinds of struggle, as and enter, There exercises dynamic and isometric, exercises enter with Burdening and , the whole group of exercises (and first of all on The extension) on a yogi system and a different kind of fight. I any more do not speak, that a technique Nikolay means deep mastering by bases of correct representations about A feed(meal) and breath, about and struggle against stresses and much-in many respects(-much,-many) Another.

At Trained To Rats Stability To Physical

At trained to Rats stability to physical activities and a sharp ischemia of heart raised(increased), Is easier the heart attack of a myocardium and an insult proceeded. They were trained more quickly and better them Relatives also have been less subject to neurosises. Trainings on reduced Also destruction of animals from radiation, allergic reactions and some other Damaging(Injuring) factors. Would be inexcusably, correctly A.Rylov, if approves(confirms) all these(it) The blessings have appeared destiny only laboratory rats and those people, which Has had the luck to live in low and average cities. What from this follows? In Conditions of official medicine - construction chambers or even Interiors where the person stays on hours per conditions of shortage Air. And that it means for us, deprived opportunities to use Similar interiors? It means necessity of such kinds of breath, such Exercises at which we had to overcome constantly owing to To loadings and overloads chronic shortage of air, oxygen.

Monday, December 17, 2007

As You Mentally Will Draw A Flower In

As you mentally will draw a flower in The whole, and then will glance inside and will recreate yellow and black Stamens, and then will leave outside and will draw in the consciousness dark varnish , - pay attention, it became how much easier to live to you! Exercise it It is possible to make in any conditions: though in the overflown car of a tram, Though before solving(deciding) fight on a carpet, though before a dream. And on the contrary. If you Brightly and distinctly(clearly) during the control test(dough) have imagined bright red Flower that means some degree of internal overexcitation Try(Taste), on the contrary, in the form of training exercise in the image With all and cuts(sections) to trace one, two or three -bright Salad leaf(sheet). Certainly, here there can be different variants, different additions, can To differ both flowers, and colors is a business already of individual selection. I I shall result(bring) only one example from practice of influence of similar tests.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

. And If Could Not Expect Mother Nature These(thus)

. And If could not expect Mother Nature these(thus) and others similar to them abnormal in behaviour of the mad child so whence to it(her) was To provide systems of self-cleaning for the owner similar Self-destructive - has not told almost "consciousnesses", is not present - disease of feelings And reason? Pollution of the internal environment of the person by the substances getting in Organism with food, medicines, water and air, with a course of history considerably Increases. Since times the medicine was engaged in addition and (addition missing and superfluous). Now a problem(task) constantly becomes complicated. At the beginning were sufficient such Means of deducing(removing) of a dirt and poisons from an organism, as washing of a stomach and Thin intestines, as application emetic, laxative and Means. Till XVII century popular was and . In XX century medicine It has been compelled(forced) to enter into a clinical practice and an artificial kidney. But that To do(make) to medicine now, if, according to the American organization under the control For medicinal and foodstuff, the number of harmful substances reaches(achieves) Nowadays sixty - eighty thousand? And to it(this) it is necessary to add still Growing danger of accumulation in an organism the person terrible radioactive Elements.

Friday, December 14, 2007

An Essence Of Starvation That All Mechanisms Of

An essence of starvation that all mechanisms of digestion Somewhere for the sixth-seventh day are abruptly reconstructed and pass from Digestion of external receipts which stop, on searches of resources Inside of an organism. Needless to say, that submission fruit or vegetable Some juices of a similar turn(turnover) of an internal torch on 180 � will not carry out. To me the people, differing are known for kind health which consider(count) Necessary for itself to starve within day once a week, once in Month - within three day (which, naturally, are imposed on one of Hungry days of week), once in a quarter - to starve ten days (which, Certainly, absorb three quarter days) and once a year go on Long starvation - two-rub(-three) and more weeks. What can I tell about it(this)? For me more habitual is starvation Long. All depends on mood and inwardness, which, as It seems to me, I feel. It wanted - and has hungered three days; has appeared Need(Requirement) - also has lead without food two weeks; it seemed necessary - and three Weeks.

Logic It Is Deep And Consecutive: It(he) Connects

Logic it is deep and consecutive: it(he) connects the signals going from Breath in the corresponding(meeting) center of a brain, with emotional influences The raised(increased) capacity(power) to which effective counteractions resist: crying And laughter. As we know, breath at laughter and at crying short, is carried out It in the fine portions. Thus, frequent, faltering breath reduces influence Excessively strong emotional impulse also counterbalances as process Excitation and braking, and pressure in cardiovascular system. Vitaly Durimanova's breath, certainly, is a fine way By means of a faltering breath and an exhalation to adjust(regulate) physical and Mental state of health. Than badly? In turn, the doctor of medical sciences managing faculty Physical training of the Stavropol medical institute of Century of Century Offers the original technique which too has brought considerable advantage(benefit) Already to thousand people which have passed to it(her). A stereotype of breath on Consists in that it is necessary to do(make) a breath less often, is longer also less deep, Than it is accepted in daily breath.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Here A Fragment From Nikolay Kutsenko's Printed In

Here a fragment from Nikolay Kutsenko's printed in the newspaper letters " the Soviet sports ":" Everyone Morning I with the daughter did(made) jog. Distances in the beginning measured directly on meters. Then month through two we with it(her) could run already a hand in a hand from 1000 up to 1500 m. Not all children at three-year age, how much(as far as) I can judge, so Like to run long on the set distance. And my Natasha it was very much Hard. But I have carried away its(her) fairy tales: cheerful, sad, ridiculous, in which Spoke about everything, that saw around of itself, itself thought out them. The daughter listened and Ran beside. I stopped on most as it seemed to me, an interesting place. And in the morning already I wait - here Natasha itself rises and to me, say, Let's run a fairy tale to listen. Now it(she) is completely healthy ". Such here it is perfect(absolute) Unusual variant of Arabian fairy tales . And further. Unless movement does not lead to growth of culture of our sights on Health? To change of a diet, , attitudes(relations) with time? And unless those kinds of movement which generate beauty of a body, do not change Our general(common) representations about beauty and a sound health as about values, Immeasurably higher, than mercantile vanity and constant fuss around Aspirations to snatch and save up(snatch and collect)? And unless regular movement not Reconstructs all structure of our person, relieving it(her) from predilection to To alcohol and nicotine? Unless those high purposes which we put before ourselves, Wishing to seize(take possession) this or that top in sports, do not force us critically To reconsider all the lacks to be released(exempted) from them? And Unless the life does not act in the is unique true and worthy Embodiment to be long and sanguineous when there is no such trouble as Illness? Eventually movement directly is connected and with economic criteria, And if at us now it , in developed , as I already Mentioned, there was "insanity" on health, for the diversified Kinds of improving movement in relation to manufacture turn around, As it has appeared, not in tens, and hundreds billions dollars which departure Not in polyclinics, hospitals and drugstores, but remain with owners of the enterprises.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Writer Daniel Danin Speaks, That Its(his) Person(face) Was

Writer Daniel Danin speaks, that its(his) person(face) was remembered Much more , than what was represented on portraits, Especially late time. Are evident what it is more difficult difficult to subdue Imagination of a youth: human dullness. And unless not the same attention to associates sees in behaviour and another The great physicist, Igor Vasilevicha Kurchatova? Having rested in bed after heavy Angiospasm, joked: " At me was ". And after the second Insult answered by phone: " Twice listens! " The god you mine, However(As) strikingly it differs from whimsical behaviour any The little significant person around of which furuncule, for example, a round dance should To go all its(her) near, only about which are obliged to think and experience all Relatives and subordinates! And in this connection one more memoirs, and again about the great physicist, about Igor Evgeneviche Tamm. The tragedy of last years of its(his) life consist in that, That it(he), the person who never and anything in a life did not hurt(be ill,be sick), just shortly Before the burdensome illness which has fallen it(him) has left at last on idea so Huge, that it(she) could finish a worthy wreath its(his) scientific efforts of all Lives.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

And Here Now From Restriction Of Caloric Content

And here now from restriction of caloric content we pass directly to Caloric contents zero - to starvation. As it is necessary, we shall begin with experiences on Animals. According to remarkable veterinary , The "aged" hens who have been last starvation, again have started to bear(carry) eggs, at them It was restored a cover and a voice became above and is younger, and a body- More gracefully, more harmonously. Here a photo, which Keeps since times of the experiment. In its(his) hands two "elderly" Sisters-. One starved, another - is not present. After photographing The sister-glutton has lived only month, and the rejuvenated hen - six more years. Was to that to be surprised: from thousand birds written off(copied) on an old age nine hundred ten That day postponed . Yes not idle time! The egg of 68 grams weighed, and Taken down(Demolished) - only forty eight. The biochemical analysis has confirmed: and On quality of an egg it is better. Were afraid, that famine will bring birds to ruin, but they, On the contrary, began to live much longer: on the average eighteen years instead of Released(Let off) by the nature of six.

Monday, December 10, 2007

We Address To A Concrete Technique. I Perfectly

We address to a concrete technique. I perfectly understood those readers, Which angrily also were puzzly asked by a question: " Where to take Olive oil? " I heard, that sunflower oil(butter) made on Kuban "Salad" possesses precisely same set of fat acids, as well as olive, Which already during millenia people facilitate sufferings from Diseases of a liver. If it so it would be desirable to trust, that ours Public health bodies, not getting without need in an import pocket The countries, will manage to create such conditions at which to landowners of Kuban will be It is favourable to make so much "Salad", how many it is required hurting to ours Powers. So I answered earlier. Now the olive oil is everywhere. At Landowners of Kuban of conditions as were not and are not present. While I insist on Application only an olive oil. All the others - a pity substitute! So, we shall reckon. You spend to the first evening cleaning , It is better, if you will accept it(her) twice. Next morning you again make Cleaning , and then within all day eat exclusively Apple juice.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Even Small Shortage Of Vitamin D Conducts To

Even Small shortage of vitamin D conducts to weakness of muscles and , to downturn The general(common) tone of an organism, to infringements of activity of heart, a liver, kidneys, Other important bodies and systems. Lack of dispatching vitamin D and, Hence, irregular submission of calcium affects and that begin To spoil a teeth, fragile there are nails, hair thin. If from mineral Depot which heads of tubular bones are, on disturbing signals " with Places " calcium constantly gets, but does not act there again, joints Begin , to swell and expand due to escalating others The elements delivered on construction of bones. Amazingly thus, that food stuffs, including such, Which initially contain a greater(big) doze of vitamin D, for example a liver of a cod Either the Atlantic herring, or sprats, cannot compensate its(his) lack in Organism if there was no corresponding(meeting) ultra-violet irradiation. More 90 % to an organism of vitamin are synthesized in our leather(skin) only under Influence , and observed attempts to compensate avitaminosis D Products, it is superfluous this vitamin, have led only To adjournment of calcium in those bodies where it(him) is better to not be besieged.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Their Presence Characterizes Teeth Of The Person, The

Their presence characterizes Teeth of the person, the maximum(supreme) primates, the majority of monkeys and as it will seem Strange, even a bear. It means, that during evolution the Nature Has prepared us for much wider scale of opportunities, than predators and . It(she) has provided for the person of an opportunity of pantophagy, that The design of a teeth and , and also complex opportunities confirms Our gastroenteric system. This(thus) historically fixed Universality also assumes an opportunity of an individual approach to everyone Separately taken human individual to the feed(meal), that opportunity, which Wolves, on the one hand, are deprived a sheep - with another: they are within the limits of Enough a narrow spectrum of the abilities released(let off) by it(him). Individual displays of the person are practically boundless. Here Question: as it is possible to not understand distinctions in a feed(meal) between eskimos, with one The parties(sides), and, say, arabs - with another? On conditions of a life meat for Inhabitants of the Far North was and there is a basic source of fibers, fats, Carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

And The Organism Uses This Pause For Reception

And The organism uses this pause for reception of emission "free-of-charge" Proton energy. Now I ask special attention! The Pulse heat which is jumping up up to Temperatures 42,2 � With, arises owing to action of electric impulses Reflex arches, that the most important, sick cells(cages). Similar high The temperature exceeding 40 � With, is pernicious for the overwhelming majority The viruses correcting ball in bodies captured by them or systems of an organism. It is those One of the most secret secrets of not simply improvement, but also in some cases And preservations of the life by means of regular procedures. I think, after the set forth above physical substantiation any more will not be To seem monstrous use of such way of treatment for cold, Pneumonias or any other disease connected with Easing of an organism, as regular douche by two buckets of cold water With intervals at two-rub(-three) o'clock. Rout and full will not seem a fantasy Capitulation even heavy disease for a day-ones and a half - in fact in the help By way of fast reaction reserves have been delivered to the weakened(the grown weak) bodies Hardly probable not space power.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

But Honey Which You Have Bought(purchased) At The

But honey which you have bought(purchased) at The pure(clean) and accurate old man from under Luga, will be completely with you To resound, etc. And so endlessly without edge(territory) - opening one For another, I shall not begin even to list(transfer) them, it is impossible. The main thing in that you find a practical opportunity to eat in Conformity with deep properties of own structure. About One only very much and very much I ask: prompt nothing in advance to the ! Whom will you deceive? Anybody, except for itself. Full detachment, Full readiness to apprehend the truth and only the truth - here that from you It is required. I shall remind here of L.Shilina's magnificent results, which Has achieved significant strengthening of the health, defining(determining) by means of a plumb Conformity of products to, considering this or that phase of a night star. But we shall admit(allow), at you goes or starts to write out a different sort Uncertain . Be not afflicted! Ask, that at initial Lessons, at the first trainings near to you there was that person, at Which it(she) works faultlessly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Yes, Certainly, For Many Thousand Years Of The

Yes, certainly, for many thousand years of the dialogue with terrestrial flora The person has taken already experience of improvement which criminally would be To bury in, but the life goes forward and appear all new and new Data about those reserves of health which disappear in our ground. So, For example, the eight-ten-five years' doctor of biology the professor Agricultural academy in (Poland) Stanislav Tolpa has managed To find such fractions in the most ordinary peat which liquidations promote(assist) Malignant tumours. From hundred patients was under supervision, Accepting its(his) preparation, positive result has exceeded a little Tens percent(interests) that means absolutely distinct(clear) law Actions of this strong biostimulator, capable to mobilize protective Forces of an organism. Who knows, maybe, a preparation of the professor of Crowd is capable To help(assist) restoration of immunity and with that case when in its(his) loss results(brings) Disease by AIDS. Here one more example from rather recent opening: .

Saturday, December 1, 2007

However What To Do(make), If This Whale Is

However what to do(make), if this whale is not found in my pond Or, say, it(he) is sick long ? Where, in what shops sell them To the one to whom on account of avaricious limits they or where in what have not been released(have not been let off) Clinics encourage them?. " I shall answer so: my difference and my adherents from a position of an inert part Official medicine consists that we do not reduce the person to To mechanical set of bodies and physiological systems, but it is visible Role of its(his) mentality, its(his) spirit at creation of its(his) firm health. Difference My sights and members of my group from concepts of some visible, gently Psychics favourite and esteemed by us consists that we do not consider(count) Possible(Probable) to be limited to only biofield influences, having met with The hurting person. For us it is important to clean(remove) material, organic, corporal The reason of the arisen shifts, field influence on the damaged(injured) body for Us is the important part of the necessary complex help to the patient, but not Unique way.

We Have Gone(send) The By. Have Cleaned Its(her)

We have gone(send) The by. Have cleaned its(her) liver (about it(this) speech still ahead), then have begun The general(common) cleaning of an organism - starvation. And here this air grace, this(thus) young The beauty in weight in 63 kgs has passed(has taken place) through 28-day's starvation. It(she) Received only water and . Every day two . And that it(she) Nothing ate, it(she) was left daily with fantastic quantity(amount) of a miscellaneous Sorts of slags. As a result it(she) has grown thin up to 40 kgs. It is asked, how many Kgs of dross and a dirt was inside of it(her), inside of its(her) cells(cages)? Could Whether it(she) to hurt(be ill,be sick)? And to restore it(her), to build its(her) health anew we have begun From clarification of an organism. I believe, that a similar parity(ratio) pure(clean), and a dirty substance It is characteristic almost for each of deeply dear readers of this book. Only one are genetically stronger, that allows them to cope with troubles Easier, others are designed more poorly, and it is necessary them is worse.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

That Is Why Run And Others Physical Exercises

That is why run and others Physical exercises are returning to initial, basic norm(rate) of the general(common) Health, and returning not only in those situations, in which we Are raised(excited) (yes then simply it is required any physical action - though Around of the house to walk - to unload the excited condition), but And as means preventive. Employment(occupations) by run and other exercises, Demanding active movement, are capable mentality of the person, for They first of all counterbalance it(her). Besides, they are capable regularly To bring to it(him) sensation of happiness and even euphoria. This fine condition is connected with the strengthened allocation in blood The hormones named : they are actively developed(produced) by a hypophysis at The employment(occupations) directed on development of physical endurance. is On the chemical condition substances, but their influence on The organism undoubtedly is more useful, for they natural sensation Cheerfulness. (Efficiency of salutary influence also, In K.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Exactly At Nineteen O'clock You Accept The First

Exactly at nineteen o'clock you accept The first portion of an olive oil - three table spoons - and wash down its(her) with one The table spoon of a lemon juice. So will proceed until you You will not drink all oil(butter) up to the end, and with last doze of this oil(butter) also up to The end will drink all remained lemon juice. After that, all time laying on The right to a side, on the hot hot-water bottle which is warming up your liver, you everyone Fifteen minutes - about one second precisely - accept a following doze: oil(butter) plus Lemon juice. So will proceed until you will not drink all Oil(Butter) up to the end, and with last doze of this oil(butter) you as up to the end will drink All remained lemon juice. After that you lay and wait, that with you will be. It is necessary to tell also, That you in advance should prepare for a pot to see, that surprising You will leave. And here after a while - can be, in an hour, can To be, through two, maybe, in eight-nine hours (at one my friend And in Twenty one hour!) - channels of a liver will start to reveal, and it(she) Will begin to extort vigorously from itself all that monstrous earth flow, Which will fall in your pot.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Therefore On Call There Should Be A Sal

Therefore on call there should be a sal ammoniac, maybe, the fan, maybe, Even . To be afraid of anything especially does not follow, for after an attack Weaknesses you again will feel well and will sleep, as innocent The child. But the main thing - you will warm consciousness of that for this night you Were released(exempted) from such explosive bomb in the hold which could not To unload any resorts, any expensive procedures during Many years.) When to my father was eighty years and it(he) after the second heart attack, about Which I mentioned, was still weak, we have persuaded it(him) all the same to be cleaned. Certainly, there were doubts, there were fears, shall not dismiss and Age conservatism, but eventually it(he) was solved. It(him) has left Sixty greater(big) stones and up to two hundred small! It is asked, how it(he) could be healthy at such impurity?! Among our friends there is a woman whom more than five years chased for Tatyana Aleksandrovnoj Burevoj across all Soviet Union as to it(her) was It is offered to cut out a bilious bubble for in a picture it(he) looked(appeared) as long in which contained more than sixty huge -beans, and It(She) did not want operation.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Let's Recollect, That "tiny" Athletes Lift Three Weights,

Let's recollect, that "tiny" athletes lift three weights, and Superheavyweights - an one and a half-two. If we shall turn the look to such distance which demands The raised(increased) endurance on all extent of the way, - by a life, It will appear, that is optimum, without excesses the designed organism of the person Average growth allows to move and overcome this(thus) long and uneasy Distance more effectively. And if similar functionally successful device It is supplied also by talent, diligence and will for achievement of the purpose, it Is capable to result(bring) the owner not only in a long life, but also to To significant professional successes. Certainly, who wishes to sunbathe until black, its(his) this private affair; Certainly, who has small growth, has the right to increase it(him) considerably, Using modern techniques: whether succeeding in jumps in Height or for the sake of popularity among lovely women is also its(his) private affair, But strategically would be never more correct to let out(release) from a kind verified And very convincingly sounding instructions(indications) of the Nature.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

In It(her), In Black To Radish, Also All

In it(her), in black To radish, also all sense of the given mix - first of all it(she) contains And will influence on and on in your kidneys. All should be mixed and put these four glasses in a dark place at To room temperature on two-three day: that there was a full diffusion All components. After that it is necessary to accept half an hour up to meal one The table spoon of the given medicine. It is not necessary to be surprised or horrified, that After a while you will feel painful echoes or even in Kidneys; quite probably, that at you emission or will begin at - as a matter of fact, to it(this) we also aspired. portions will suffice you on two and a half - three weeks. If To you became well and comfortably this(it) can and be limited. Is is Need(Requirement) during treatment in weeks three renew all Procedure, but this time enter into structure not one glass, and one and a half glass Juice of a black radish. Certainly, actually immeasurably it is more than ways, I have named Only what possess universal enough and soft influence, Bringing thus significant and obvious effect.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Giant In Weight In Ton, In Height

The giant in weight in ton, In height in fourteen meters and thickness of a trunk in the meter maintaining Sandy storms, to heat, perishes from reviver. And The person, in the grounds, is capable To flourish everywhere, on all planet. Hence, individual approaches to a feed(meal) can be certain Patrimonial distinctions of mankind. But they can be certain as well Rhythmic, is more exact biorhythmic, features of the person. To me already It was possible to concern(touch) themes of "owls" and "larks", that is those who It is efficient mainly in the evening or mainly in the morning. It is asked: whether is capital nonsense the system of imposing on The people living under so different schedules of activity, the same rigid Dogmas: " a breakfast eat itself, a dinner have undressed(undresse) with the friend, a supper give the enemy? " This declaration is fraught with rough handicapes for health, and those who it(her) Will reject, will be right. But, maybe, it is meaningful to go further away and, Listening only to the organism to break(disturb) strict ostensibly For consumption of food and after eight one o'clock in the evening? Anticipating questions, I dare to tell about myself the following: being "lark", I give morning time to as much as possible active work, and it means, that all Blood should serve since morning first of all either a brain, or muscles, but in Which case not a stomach (if it(him) to overflow with food and to distract significant Part of forces of an organism on it(him)).

Solar Fire The Basic Vital Processes In Us,

Solar fire the basic vital processes in us, but it(he) is capable to execute and Functions of a crematorium. We shall not forget about harmony at dialogue with any of Elements of a planet! about it(this) and on degree not deviating steadfast attention to To those radical reasons which generate in us powerful, pure(clean), alive Energy, we shall address to that elements, with which in friendship, on Ancient , there is fire: to the ground. We shall address, certainly, with attempt Some decoding of its(her) salutary influences. Also we shall for the beginning be passed(shall for the beginning be taken place) on It(Her) barefoot. We shall receive the additional charging going from below, not only from Grasses, not only from a fertile field, but also from the mightiest kernel of the Earth, Which energy starts to join us freely, not meeting Insuperable barrier in the form of rubber or synthetic soles. We shall be passed(shall be taken place) Also we speed up work of absolutely all without exception our internal Bodies for on our soles outputs(exits) hardly probable not seventy are located The various zones directly connected with them.

And Nevertheless Thawed Snow Even From A Refrigerator

And nevertheless thawed snow even from a refrigerator is much better, than usual Water water. However we shall return to , or, in other words, decontaminated To water. Its(her) manufacturing is carried out as follows: Undertakes rather The small amount of water and quickly is possible till 94-96 � With, that is up to Conditions of " a white key " when already rough chain bubbles emerge, but Water as a whole does not boil yet. During this moment the vessel is removed from fire and is located For the fastest cooling in a bowl with flowing water. As a result as, As well as at freezing, water of uniform crystal structure turns out. If graphically to represent process of reception of the decontaminated water, it(he) Looks(Appears), as half of abrupt sinusoid: sharp heating and at once sharp Cooling. We have thought: and if a sinusoid to draw completely, that is in the beginning Water to freeze and thaw, that already leads to its(her) condition and Structurizations, and clearing of a different sort of harmful impurity, and already then On- to heat up and sharply to cool? Thus we have received not Only figure of a full sinusoid, but also recurrence of that eternal cycle, Which water has passed(has taken place) in the nature: it(she) has frozen, and it(she) has thawn, it(she) has evaporated, It was cooled and has dropped out on our guilty ground to irrigate it(her) and to give it(her) a life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Let's Repair Itself And This Way We Shall

Let's repair itself and this way we shall adjust a course incorporated in us Hours, unless not so? And now we shall pass to an individual way of perception(recognition) space Rhythms, to an opportunity of -proper response on majestic The performances played by the Universe, which characters all of us We are. And in fact the same text in the play, the same role everyone Will play in own way, not repeating others. My old correspondent Leonid from city of Kamensk of the Rostov area has sent me carefully The drawn schedules reflecting dependence and a condition of its(his) health as a whole (And each of the major bodies in particular), from successfully applied by it(him) so A named phase feed(meal), that is a feed(meal), most full Corresponding(Meeting) its(his) organism in this or that phase of the Moon. Yes, it is a question of imperous influence of our nearest satellite, Which on force of the influence on course of processes in our organism and To mentality can surpass influence even the Sun, because the Sun- Far, and the Moon - here it(she), a number(line), with all force changeable Attractions.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

And What Can Be Above Kind Real Results?

And what can be above kind real results? So, we enter solar republic and with interest we begin To look back around. Why I have named this republic solar? Yes Because a primary essence of any product which we absorb, Presence (or opposite - absence) in it(him) of the sun is. It Generates both all energy, and all specific information (we shall recollect Chizhevsky), pawned in food stuffs. We shall name its(her) information of the first Steps though it and is not absolutely exact because the Sun - too derivative Product, original first step-it Space, but in our terrestrial conditions Let's consider(count), that. The first step, a primary step of the information and energy Is the Sun. The second step, most on the Earth , all is rich That grows directly under beams of the Sun that appears on Light, exists and develops owing to biochemical processes, The Sun directed directly. These are cereals, fruits, vegetables, fruit, Seeds, grains, bean, nuts, grasses. All this bears(carries) in itself energy, Qualitatively necessary for us.

Friday, November 2, 2007

By Technique , A Breath Not Should Be

By technique , a breath not Should be full and the person should keep an opportunity at desire To continue it(him) some more seconds. As if to an exhalation it(he) should To be made involuntarily, it is passive and also it is stretched(is dragged out). The general(common) with a technique that is in a similar way liquidated excessive here is Excitation of the respiratory center of a brain. Experiments have shown, that Gymnastics it is possible to achieve that the breath is stretched(dragged out) twice on To comparison with initial,-breath becomes less often and the charge of oxygen It is considerably optimized, that is this kind of breath is Physiological for an organism as the organism with readiness perceives Also remembers all trained loadings. There is a number(line) of the systems directed on using Various systems in various circumstances and at various times day. There is also such recommendation: during physical activity, for example Long run, in general to forget about all recommendations, as The organism itself will adjust both consumption of oxygen, and necessary for Abilities to live stocks of carbonic acid.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Operated With The Purpose Of Influence On Oncological

Operated with The purpose of influence on oncological diseases is a serious branch Serious science.) I shall not be to approve(confirm), certainly, that by means of intensive Thermal influence to which we are exposed in a pair bath, it is possible Ostensibly to outwit, surpass the guarding forces of our organism costing(standing) on The guard of safety of fibers and to leave on a level of the temperature exceeding Pernicious threshold for them. No, the above external temperature, the More intensively cooling an organism, automatically Protecting internal bodies from pernicious for for them an overheat. But! The matter is that already on a threshold and 41-42 � With, up to which protective forces of an organism Are lawful to admit(allow) rise in temperature, that already and in these conditions start to feel , in them occur(happen) Irreversible changes for them. These changes it is already capable to master Or the organism if, certainly, to help(assist) its(his) owner by way of mental, Or with them will much easier and easier finish corresponding(meeting) medicinal Influences.

Alexander Chizhevsky Wrote In " Russian-German Medical Magazine

Alexander Chizhevsky wrote in " Russian-German medical magazine " in March 1928 .: " Really, as have shown my researches, epoch of maxima are basic stages of world-wide-historical process, in Which current historical problems of mankind are resolved and New historical epoch are established. During maximal Intensity the greatest spontaneous movements took place Broad masses - revolutions and the greatest collisions of people ". Chizhevsky's thesis that when activity of the Sun sharply raises(increases), That simultaneously rises also a level of psychological excitability Greater(Big) human weights, allows not only to explain, but also To predict excitability of human weights and human epidemics. Influence it speaks that process the Sun It is accompanied by sharp strengthening(amplification) radioactive and electromagnetic Activity of the Sun. Powerful streams of various radiations, having reached(achieved) the Earth, Cause a lot of the phenomena and an organic life. However, not only in Organic: the polar lights, magnetic storms, thunder-storms, typhoons, tornados, Tropical storms.

Friday, October 26, 2007

In A Basis Of Its(his) Sights The Facts

In a basis of its(his) sights the facts of influence laid Solar activity on all without exception of the party(side) of a human life: and Mental, both physical, and public. Already one it was enough That the part of scientists has concerned to it(him,them) with a sneer Or irritation: what communication(connection), say, between the Sun and flashes of epidemics on To the Earth? The sun and mass human movements? For example, campaigns Crusaders? What can be considered the facts, even them there was one thousand, if in Doctrines of " the Brief rate " not only it was not mentioned about any there natural Influences on mass psychology, but it was directly specified, that the only thing Source of wars, revolts and revolts is discrepancy productive Forces to relations of production! What to speak then about "scientific" Chizhevsky's to foresight about presence among sunlight and Such which ("zero-radiation") possesses bioactive properties! In fact up to These times titled by the science , not having managed to catch iron (or ) devices something besides the fact that these(thus) iron (or ) Devices catch, inform, that there are only physical fields Biological objects and anything moreover!.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Have Come To Them By Long Theoretical

I have come to them by long Theoretical and practical searches, and, apparently, they not only remove Conflicting contradictions of extreme ways, but also are so simple, that Allow to seize(take possession) quickly automatic skills really Rational breath. First about a platform. The need(requirement) of an organism is indisputable in Sufficient dozes of oxygen. What means "sufficient"? K.Butejko believes: Oxygen to the person quite suffices at the norm(rate) equal of 15 % from those, that it(him) It is given by the nature on a sea level (it approximately as much, how many in Mountains at height in 3 thousand meters). Necessity of presence of carbonic gas of 7 % is indisputable also in Air of lungs that optimum function all interfaced(integrated) with Lungs of system, and first of all cardiovascular. And as it is valid so as it is required both that and other(another,others), That what sense in dispute with ? Logically To assume, that that egg, in which, figuratively speaking is full only, There are both stupid(blunt), and sharp ends.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

And You Quite The Healthy, Lean Subject, And

And you quite The healthy, lean subject, and what for to subject itself voluntary To torture?. - do not go there! - the colleague tried to block a restaurant door The partly already .-the Same celebration of calories above Common sense!. " Further the feuilletonist scoffs with all my heart and at the enthusiast, " Propagandized run as panacea from all illnesses and even monetary Problems "; it(he) informs, that " once has crept out on walk " and even without the help The lift somehow on the tenth floor also has refused a supper. " Then mine House somehow it was possible to put me on a head and to east To wall. Second or two I tried to not breathe, but in time have understood, that this all Can terminate fatally. Goaning and groaning, and members of household have returned me to To position natural and peculiar to me - absolutely horizontal To lying on a soft canape I was betraid not so much to self-scrutiny, how many To reflections about all methods and systems ". Result of these reflections There was such deep thought: " To take, for example, the same Tibetan medicine.

It Is Already Lead Enough The Indicative Experiences,

It is already lead Enough the indicative experiences, convincing that Limited, but qualitatively high-grade diet increases duration Lives up to 100 %! The grown fat, corpulent people live not only is worse than people with normal weight, But also it is much less. By means of a diet of the moderate undereating it is possible To achieve not easier prolongation of a life, but active, active behaviour Growing old persons(faces). Before to pass directly to starvation, I wish to emphasize it(him) Vital sense: starvation - only logic display and end more The general(common) law of moderation and even limitation of a feed(meal) as bases of health And longevity. Already repeatedly experiments on various kinds of animals Have shown, that the limited diet not only is capable essentially To extend a life, but also steadily constrains occurrence of illnesses. For example, Tumours at experimental animals arose six times less often, than at control At the same age; diseases of heart were found out in 92 % of cases at "Normally eaten rats, and among the same animals with the limited diet - Only at 26 %.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Special Theme Conversation On Those Ennobled(raised), Certainly, Could

Special theme conversation on those ennobled(raised), certainly, could make Aesthetic and ethical experiences which bring to us kinds of movement, Especially closely interfaced(integrated) to participation to great elements of the nature. The mountaneering is a continuous sharp pleasure by power and beauty protogenic The Earth; parachutism - navigation in an immense atmosphere; a water ski, Rowing or any of versions of sailing - what indissoluble Merge to water and the wind, what feeling of constantly extending soul The person! And I professing unconditional superiority(championship) and a priority of the first whale, Insisting on findings by the person of spirituality, with delight I swear on fidelity of that pleasure of diverse movement, owing to which Our small life is dissolved in enormous life of the world surrounding us. And here an example of concrete interrelation of movement and emotional and Spiritual development, moreover, returnings of the person by a life. No, I shall not be Now again to recollect phenomenon and , it will be a question about The three-year person, girl Natasha Kutsenko, which cool Professionals from medicine have sentenced to inevitable death from pulmonary Diseases, but parents contrary to a verdict have revived the girl.

Friday, October 19, 2007

So, For Example, We Shall Extinguish Contactless Massage

So, for example, we shall extinguish contactless massage sharp Toothache, but we shall ask to descend(go) tomorrow in the morning to the stomatologist- To remove rotten a tooth. In a word, we, similarly to graceful French Natalia Vladimirovne , speech about which went a little bit above, are firmly convinced in indissoluble Communications(Connections) of a body and spirit. And if we see health of the person as complex Size firmly we speak: ours (and yours, the reader) mentality in the same Degrees tests influences from our organism, our body, that And our internal bodies from normal, trouble-free work Mentalities. Hence, any "repairing" of our mental condition It is necessary to begin with the careful analysis of those possible(probable) defects, which and Generate a depression of our spirit. I already had to mention about Infinitely irritable people, which irritations inside of ours Organism, terrible it(him) , perceived as The signals hostile to them acting from the outside, from surrounding people.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I Emphasize Especially, That This Procedure It Is

I emphasize especially, that this procedure it is necessary To carry out after clearing a liver. And again I come back to a bay leaf for its(his) properties are surprising and Are diverse. We shall admit(allow), at you the pancreas is a little bit weakened(easied), Any malfunctions with sugar in blood are marked(celebrated). Try(taste)- in small Thermos to make abrupt boiled water (300 ml of water) ten laurel Leaf(Sheet) and to leave this solution in the closed kind for day. In a day, when It(He) will be insisted, for half an hour before meal drink on 50 grams. As to you It is required to drink it(him) within at least two weeks, prepare, Hence, two thermoses on 300 grams with which will play this Original leapfrog. It would be correct, if you prior to the beginning of procedure Have made the analysis of blood on sugar and in its(her) end too - that with deep By pleasure to be convinced, how much(as far as) this parameter became better. However, the curing recipes based(founded,established) on various actions Various plants, set, and it now special branch Knowledge.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I Repeat: The Principle Is Important, And Its(His)

I repeat: the principle is important, and Its(His) updatings can be various, up to that after Long run or the size of this or that pause can be extremely It is insignificant. Tests on on a delay of breath after an exhalation show, that Mastering by the schedule "fortification" allows to maintain easily a pause and in 60 seconds, and are much more (working in a collective floor(field) with the "Collective farms", we could hold the breath and for some minutes). I Would like to add still, that direct lines of this schedule can quite be Are decorated both on a breath, and on an exhalation by vibrations on or . Is available, the truth, the "secret" allowing with the maximal degree Efficiency to define(determine) a parity(ratio) of all elements of "fortification",- Each time various depending on a degree of test of loading. Business in The volume, that in base size, the original module in this construction is Rhythm of impacts of heart. Automatic adjustment(option) of all organism for this Uniform defining(determining) and a rhythm create so surprising, Concordant resonance of all these systems, that physical activity causes Satisfaction, pleasure and pleasure, and not simply muscular pleasure, and Absolutely special condition of an organism and, hence, mentalities.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

. To Me, For Example, On A Shower(soul)

. To me, for example, on a shower(soul) K.Dinejki's book " movement, breath, Psychophysical training ". A.Filatova's book " is interesting Training ", specially written for perfection of sportsmen. Are worthy numerous grants(manuals) on influence on own The subconsciousness, published abroad. In a word, who searches, that will always find. I would like in end The chapter(head) to stop only on two moments. The first is the general(common), that exists In all practically without exception techniques. The second is a way, which with I use success during already many years and even decades. As to that general(common) base upon which the principle is based Trainings at many and various systems differing in particulars, but Uniform in the main thing, this main thing, - influence on millet-night a condition Our consciousness. The most typical kinds of the given condition is time, When we or already depart to a dream, we fall asleep, or when we only still Have woken up, but yet have not started to be awake.

. Truly Great Logic: As IV Class Does Not

. Truly great logic: As IV class does not take neither short waves, nor a range of VHF, So far as they in the nature do not exist. But more and more people start to understand, That only so immensely complex(difficult) system, as the person - a wreath of all alive,- It is capable to perceive the Sun, so complex(difficult) formation(education) adequately, The proparent of all alive on the Earth, including person. Coming back to the proofs of collected by A.Chizhevskim that The pulsation shone influences a pulsation of all life on the Earth, in all it(her) Diverse displays, I shall emphasize, that the extensive statistics gathered Scientists, since sources still bible legendary times, in The Middle Ages, during new times. It(she) incontestably testifies about Distinct(Clear) correlation , ulcers, waves of the suicides horrifying The cruelty of wars and . Item with periodic formation(education) of spots(stains) on the Sun. Numerous tables and schedules illustrated a conclusion of the scientist.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It Has Appeared, That In Some Areas Of

It has appeared, that In some areas of this city the maintenance(contents) of lead in air exceeds norm(rate) In nine hundred time!. But unless it only our all-union trouble? It is heavy Illness of all planet. Let's address only to two leaders succeeding, in general(common) opinion, To the capitalist countries. An enthusiastically-choking story is recollected One of our known statesmen about supermarkets and Shops of the USA - here- inaccessible, though a desired level for us!. Amazes absence whether knowledge, whether elementary logic at this(thus) new The leader. In fact in the USA there live only 7 % of the population of globe, but by estimation of The American scientists, these(it) of 7 % burn in the machines(cars) and automobile motors 40 % of all oxygen developed(produced) by a planet. It is asked: whether it is treasured Way for all mankind? And if all so? And if everyone of 7 % will start to burn down 40 % of oxygen where can take Mankind of 560 % of it(this) gas, especially if it now Actively destroys " green lungs " planets, cutting down woods everywhere and In every possible way the World ocean?.

Tell On Conscience: How Many There A Primary

Tell on conscience: how many There a primary solar energy? As to chemistry - it is a lot of. As to Natural product - painfully a little. Let's take an egg. The hen on rural street here goes, pecks to itself kernels, Lives with the master a normal matrimonial life and as a result Gives out to us eggs - the materialized clots of a solar energy. Now Let's compare it with products. In premises(rooms) practically is not present Sunlight - only artificial; to hens give dead mixed fodders and Chemical hormones for acceleration of growth of a body. Cocks for similar hens- Only the dreamboat, and their instinctive superfluous melancholy is transferred(transmitted) and It is coded in that egg which we exceedingly successfully eat. And that refers to and it refers to . But in fact it is absolutely different products, precisely Just as honey natural which put(rendered) is essentially different Bees from meadows, either from a linden, or with , and that its(his) imitation on sugar, Which is sold to us by unscrupulous speculators.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yes, Has Helped(assisted), The Truth, And An Extreme

Yes, has helped(assisted), the truth, and an extreme case: to it(her) It was necessary to rise to extinguish fire on a gas cooker, differently has occured(happened) Misfortune. " I have suddenly felt force. Could raise itself and dump(reset) From a bed. A pain has not felt, though I very much. On kitchen(cuisine) has somehow managed To climb up a chair stood about a plate, teeth has turned the switch Gas, has then spread back ". So it(she) was convinced of opportunities, Has believed, that will go. And further the formula to us is known: extreme work, Weariness up to exhaustion and the surprising victory confirming, that force Spirit and opportunities of a human body are boundless. To general(common) our pleasure, and the official medicine gradually turns To the person not as to the sum of the functions inherent in various isolated bodies Or systems, but as to not which integrity incorporated and Mentality, whose alive energy is capable to promote(assist) its(his) recover. Here One message: on top of Mont Blanc the ascention by group Japanese is accomplished The citizens who are ill(sick) cancer diseases.

Monday, October 8, 2007

With Some Grief I Interrupt Myself - With

With some grief I interrupt myself - with Grief because, certainly, it would be desirable to overpersuade as much as possible The people who have jammed on macaroni, a potato and meat because them To prepare easier. And in fact I words have not told about salads from vegetables and Fruit, from plants both cultural, and wild-growing, a word not Has mentioned about mushrooms, has not told anything about magic dishes from Cereals - one consoles: that already was issued and in due course will see even more Grants(Manuals) for development in people of original human taste, practically Useful to prolongation and improvement of their life. Whether poorly(worse), for example, to learn(find out) from Them, that carrots, eggplants, even leaves of a burdock contain substances, Overwhelming development of malignant tumours! And in fact I have not concerned(touched) still such marvelous, infinitely various Themes, as a feed(meal) by juices, certainly, , not Preserved(Tinned) by means of terrible for them and for us chemistry.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Much Of Us It Is Memorable, As Space

Much of us it is memorable, as space mission hardly has not stopped Huge, expensive station " -7 " of that insignificant on To size the gauge of one of batteries has appeared faulty: it(he) showed on Full charge of batteries when they have not been charged. As a result The equipment of all station has ceased to work - was absent . The station became , to freeze. To cosmonauts to Vladimir Dzhanibekovu and To Victor Savinykh, arrived for repair in Space, it was necessary to show the present Courage. In the heaviest conditions with high carefulness they have lead all Operations on restoration of station (that cost, for example, fear Concerning durability of the designs which have tested temperatures, close to To absolute zero!). Eventually insignificant malfunction which could To lead to catastrophic consequences for the enormous ship, was It is found out and eliminated(erased,removed). I have resulted(brought) this example, meaning(keeping in mind) an organism of the person, As analogy to show, what insignificant sometimes the reasons Conduct to tragical consequences in scales of the whole system.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

That Is Why Careful Finding-out The Come(stepped) Troubles

That is why Careful finding-out the come(stepped) troubles should be begun From consultations at professionals of a high hand. And having eliminated(erased,removed), or having replaced The unusable "gauge", failed "detail", we have an opportunity for Normal functioning of all floors of our supercomplex(superdifficult) device. Pretty often, however, there are and so, as genetically we "Are faultless", and damages special are not present, and a morbid depression, despondency, depression Or, on the contrary, hypererethism, whether with aggression accompany hardly Not each our step. To me there were in the scientific literature data that up to 80 % of all people are in a condition of chronic stress, that is Emotional . And, hence, liquidation of this it is constant Spoiling deformation of our person there is a problem(task) for strengthening and revival Psychological, so, and physical health. About it(this) now and Let's talk at a level quite practical: in what hospitals accept on Treatment of the first, most important of whales? First about the central clinic under the name "Movement".

Monday, October 1, 2007

I Understand, That The Given Thesis Will Cause

I understand, that the given thesis will cause a wide derisive smile on persons(faces) at Those readers who immediately will recollect also quantity(amount) of the wars accompanied To mankind during its(his) fixed and unstable history, Quantity(Amount) of cases of cruelty and the vandalism, known to everyone. In a word, To deny these regulations about of humanity as basic tendency human History as if will not make the big work, especially in conditions Present revelry of cruelty. However we shall not hurry up. We shall consider the problem In scales of larger, than the facts laying on a surface. In foreign Philosophies as is wished can be counted proceedings, in which much It is proved, that the person has adopted from the biological predecessors Aggression, the cruelty, constantly aspiring to prove held down Sexual energy, etc. But in fact it is known also, that natural selection Has generated processes and other order, connected with care of all communities about Young growth, with collective protection against dangers of a different sort, with signals about To a coming nearer trouble.

In The Same Plan - By Way Of

In the same plan - by way of Attempts of some decoding and other ancient symbols, I shall try To continue this conversation on our communication(connection) with other elements with which gives Us our planet. And so far as we speak about a successful practice, again and again Let's emphasize, that one of its(her) major conditions is the belief In close, indissoluble communication(connection) of all bodies among themselves and all of them together with The Universe which has generated them. As though it would be desirable, that these ideas material Unities of the person and the Universe, idea of dynamic balance of all Functional systems of a human body and their communications(connections) with processes in The installed steel leading tendencies and modern medicine. Whether become Ever for us supervising regulations about application of medicines, Made of natural raw material, instead of synthesized from chemical The products, differing other isotope sign? Whether Is ever Solving for improvement and healing the person the concept Priority influence on it(him) of natural factors? It would be desirable to trust, That in the foreseeable future on change modern another will come, originally The human medicine, capable to see the person in a complex of mutual relations With Wednesday, its(his) generated, and capable to support(maintain) its(his) worthy life in Volume, certainly, a case if it(he), certainly, accepts it(her) .

Saturday, September 29, 2007

. Doctor Redzhester And Its(his) Colleagues Have Lead On

. Doctor Redzhester and its(his) colleagues have lead on rats quite logical Researches to find out, how the typical diet acts on them The American schoolboys and as it(she) corresponds with consumption of alcohol. The basic diet of rats consisted of the glazed doughnuts, sweet rolls, Sausages, coca-colas, a spaghetti, meat products, an apple pie, chocolate Pie, white loaf, green beans, salad with mayonnaise, sweets, cakes. This diet is limited from the point of view of a high-grade feed(meal), for for It(Her) deficiency of natural fibers, vitamin A and other vitamins is characteristic, There are no also necessary microcells and some other nutritious Substances. The control diet consisted of vegetables and nuts, bean, products from Flours(Torments) of an integral grinding, vegetable oil, milk (that further we shall name "Alive" food), contained adequate quantity(amount) of all nutrients, Corresponding(Meeting) the norms(rates) necessary for teenagers. And so, this(thus) control The group consumed the dissolved spirit offered to it(her) in small dozes; the same Experimental rats who fed with a diet, characteristic for modern Schoolboys, in took alcohol in greater(big) dozes.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I Has Put Now - To Share Some

I has put now - to share some reasons about Different sort , necessary for us as continuation and harmonious Half of normal image of a feed(meal) to prepare to us " crystal Vase " for really human meal which we shall load into it(her). Here one more way having a general meaning: clearing of kidneys. The most correct Would be to not be too lazy to live during a water-melon season only on water-melons. Certainly, on healthy, natural, not water-melons. It washing so will improve your kidneys, that you will get rid Even from memoirs on those troubles which they delivered to you. I suppose, that during it(this) about a week session you can for Feelings of satiety if absolutely will be , sometimes to accompany Water-melon chunk a piece-other(-another,-others) of a fresh white loaf. There is one more rather vigorous way of dissolution of stones in kidneys- It if in any way till a water-melon season. It is necessary To prepare for a mix consisting of one glass of original honey; one Glass of the vodka cleared of fusel oils (for this purpose it is necessary on a bottom of a bottle To throw a little usual potassium permanganate and formed at the bottom , some kind of a dark cloud, in a glass, certainly, to not merge); one Glass of juice of a fresh red beet (sustained not less than three-four hours In a refrigerator); one glass of juice of a black radish.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

. " The Wife Has Patiently Asked : Whether

. " The wife has patiently asked : whether closely(attentively) it(she) listened Jury Andreevicha's performances(statements)? Whether has paid attention that it(he) recommends Also asks from time to time sterility of a principle to break? That especially Opportunities for similar infringements are friendly feasts And holidays where reign enthusiasm and rise where in fine To emotional conditions all burns down completely unsuitable in Production?. Each person can and should eat how it is necessary to it(him). It(he) Can be the vegetarian, can be , can be omnivorous, can To be from time to time that, another, the third. It is necessary to tell, that True vegetarians could and be proud of this quality not especially, As (I already spoke about it(this)) their organism makes significant Quantity(Amount) of organic fibers, by the nature absolutely adequate to volume To meat which they reject. All has put only in that we aspired To feel taste first of all solar food, but so that, figuratively Being expressed, in our organism there was no eclipse because of opposition Incompatible products.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And For What It Is Necessary, Actually Speaking?

And for what it is necessary, actually Speaking? First, for prospects near. This joint spirit, this as I can already judge by long enough experience of the Groups, leads to that its(her) members actually are not ill(sick). With current Time our children, and then and grandsons join us, and it is wonderful to observe On joint concourses and as people for which such look(appear) Tiresome burden as illness, gradually becomes something forgotten. Certainly, we give considerable attention to movement, training, rational To a feed(meal), but a taking priority role in this excellent condition plays Joyful, cheerful, friendly spirit of people which are ready to share With each other all best, that at it(him) is. This spirit well-known To climbers, participants of festivals of clubs of an amateur song (in everyone Case, the last years), it(he) is inherent in many groups "" (in those Cases, certainly, when at supporters of its(his) fine system is absent religious ecstasy). I repeat, that the spirit in collectivist groups is Fine means of maintenance of the health at a kind level.

As To Resist To It(this)? And How At

As To resist to it(this)? And how at the same time to resist ferro-concrete To construction under the projects rather far from , that is Conformity to human nature? And how to achieve disposal of manufacture Synthetic clothes so convenient in a life, ruthless and antihuman On the not so to the remote consequences? And how to change mass Errors about principles of a balanced diet about what at us speech still(even) will go? On these(it) and many other things questions similar to them the answer we should give all, Meanwhile surprisingly similar to the mad herd, headlong The run to a precipice, whence do not come back. Let's admit(allow), however, that my readers, having heeded a voice of common sense, Will agree in the name of preservation and augmentation of the energy to follow laws The nature to adhere to the rhythms dictated by a star. But, as they Diligent readers and retentive exactingly should set to me now Question: and where the promised conversation on individuality of everyone With reference to the general(common) laws when speech about authenticity will go The person to itself?.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

With Special Pleasure I Pass To Perspective Conversation

With special pleasure I pass to perspective conversation about an organism by means of the raised(increased) temperatures. Normal ours The temperature +36,6 � With - is result of an optimum combination huge Quantities(Amounts) of the internal processes incorporated chemical and physical Properties of water - the main component of our organism. At higher To temperature separate processes in an organism proceed much more actively, Than at 36,6 � With, but they demand and is disproportionate a greater expense of energy. So, for example, the temperature which has flied up up to 41 � With, devours about ours Two-day power diet. And at the same time - I turn on this(thus) special Attention!-external warming up of an organism, not demanding from it(him) any Own Additional expenses, however, brings the same activization in Course of vital processes, as at internal warming up. Having accented on this thesis your sight, the reader, I shall begin conversation on those Advantages which are given us with regular intensive warming up Organism.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

True, That Small Quantity(amount) Of Products Can Bring

True, that small quantity(amount) of products Can bring satiety immeasurably greater(big), than their significant heap On a plate, absorbed with supersonic speed. Poor children! How many time They had to hear a hail during the childhood: " Eat more quickly! " We prepare for them whether for a gastritis, whether to a stomach ulcer. Installation on that is it is necessary in a benevolent condition and not run, Gives us not only economy of products (and, hence, strengthens ours The family budget), but brings also something more powerful: sensation, feeling Pleasures by fine taste of that natural product, which you up to It(This) did not notice. That is before you opens one more new, Emotionally sated(saturated) party(side) of the validity - extraction of pleasure from Meetings with old which you, appears, did not know. And more That, we shall return mentally to that place of the book where it has been shown how ours Whether admiration of the person, whether a subject increases its(his) power, which, in The turn, this person or a subject sends us.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

It Is Thought, That From All Kinds Of

It is thought, that from all kinds of art the most serious curing The effect is comprised with specially picked up music. As a matter of fact, still ( -) one thousand years ago has left original works on Theories of music in which gave great value emotional To its(her) influence on an organism of the person also recommended to use music with The medical purposes - not without reason it(him) consider(count) as the founder of psychotherapy. Pretty often removal of stressful conditions now is recommended By means of audiovisions, through stereophonic headphones and Special glasses(spots). Before eyes there are color figures which vary In a step of a melody flowing through headphones. Frequencies of music and visual effects Are picked up so that they acted on the loosened nerves Visitors. it is enough session, that after strained(intense) The working day to come to norm(rate). The set of the foreign companies is sold already now with " freshening capsules ", That is the devices reproducing calming melodies and sounds, Called to increase a stream so-called an alpha-waves, radiated by a brain in That moment when the person is in the weakened condition.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It Only One Example, And In Fact Them

It only one example, and in fact them can be Set, darkness. However we shall move further. The third: by estimation of , capillaries in Us so many that if them to extend in one line it(she) will reach(achieve) the Moon Is it will be stretched on 400 000 kilometers. A role of these thin vessels for Maintenance of normal health to overestimate it is impossible - it(she) huge. But In due course it turns out so, that capillaries start to be hammered, waste of a metabolism (ability to live of cells(cages)), and in Result gradually, gradually, in a direct communication with their output(exit) out of operation, Naturally and naturally processes of blood supply and an exchange worsen all Substances. That vigorous expansion of capillaries which is connected with visiting Pair bath, there is a blessing for them, and consequently, and for all organism, Down to its(his) latest section, for it(she), this(thus) the latest The section, has an opportunity to pass to supply on the highest To norms(rates) necessary for it(her), instead of on the norms(rates) which have been Cut down in connection with transition on System of the reduced rations.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It Is Really Terrible Poison. The Severe Experimenters

It is really terrible poison. The severe experimenters who have poured out it(her) in Cabbage and fed this cabbage to a goat, have led an experimental animal Painful death. Other goat, much more hardy, has lost after Similar "meal" a wool which was showered from it(her) by pieces. Thus, cleaning(removing) on a regular basis poisons from the blood, we promote not Only to its(her) regular clearing, but also appreciable simplification of an operating mode of ours a liver - it is as though substituted to it(her) crutches. About that, how much(as far as) For a condition of all organism business the care of a liver is grateful, The remarkable opening, concerning(touching) unexpected function testify Liver. The term " portal heart ", existing in the literature, registers(records) That fact, that vascular system of a liver is important additional The pump of blood system (the main pump is, as is known, Heart), pumping over blood from the basic bodies of a belly cavity in the general(common) Venous channel.

Now Owing To We Have An Opportunity To

Now owing to we have an opportunity to leave on understanding That ancient united in uniform elements "metal". - The mineral, and its(his) example deduces(removes) us on open spaces practically vast and Extremely fine theme: curing influence precious, Semiprecious and simple stones, the most various minerals and metals, Which pretty often live in the natural kind unseparably, Mutually interwining (nuggets, that is separate ore formations(educations), Meet infrequently). The eyes I saw healing chronically not Grown fistula after unsuccessful operation on a throat: the fistula has disappeared in Few hours under salutary influence suspended near to it(him) on a cornelian. I think, not far off that time when will appear Again also will be serious works about surprising attitudes(relations) of people and Stones, people and metals. And I, and my near repeatedly used Copper or copper coins of release up to 1961, that To remove(take off) consequences of a bruise, to clean(remove) any inflammation, say, on a gum or To dip a beginning cold.

Friday, August 31, 2007

It Is Possible(probable) And Compromise Way, Which My

It is possible(probable) and Compromise way, which my close comrades: first Three-five day of dry starvation, then transition to starvation with Consumption of water. Personally I, notwithstanding what possess experience enough Long starvations (about thirty two day), to dry starvation not It is adapted in connection with full confidence in young years to official To medicine when to me have been removed in view of frequent , and shortage Secret greasing to a drink, simply speaking, causes at absence of water The present(true) tortures, certainly, excessive for this procedure. Can be and other individual differences. So, for example, devout starve on a regular basis from a supper on Friday till a breakfast on Sunday, There are 36-42 hours. And the most advance from them add also starvation on To environments, and anything, feel excellently. It speaks that them Internal bodies during absence of meal in a stomach are on vacation, on Repair, on preventive maintenance. I emphasize: starvation not is a diet, it is absence of meal, and Therefore it is terminologically incorrect to name this word, say, yours Stay on juices, on curdled milk or kefir or on any other mode The limited feed(meal).

Repeatedly And Regularly Having Tested This Influence Of

Repeatedly and regularly having tested this influence of ice water on To itself, observing the same effect at familiar and unfamiliar, at those who and Without preliminary training ventures to jump in an ice-hole (and it is fast Leaves it(her)) or pours out on itself with small intervals one behind another Two buckets of cold water, or for a short while in a bath with cold water, I I proceed as from absolute and a unbiased fact, that all these procedures Come to the end with significant emissions of internal heat. Moreover, heat Such quality which is capable to cure a various sort illnesses, and At all only character. I offer in the form of " information for reflection " original, documentary The fixed(recorded) case from this of some. Tested symptoms catastrophic Poisonings during following in train No 184 Mariupol - Leningrad, The popular writer and the fighter for a natural way of life, radio engineer Jury Georgievich Zolotaryov who completely has been weakened(has been grown weak) by shock pains, nevertheless Has refused urgent offer of the doctor to land on the nearest Stations and immediately to be hospitalized.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

2. The Eyes Usually Inflamed, - In Normal

2. The eyes usually inflamed, - in normal The condition, new sensation of heat in centuries. 3. Became less in Premise(Room). 4. There was a sensation of flexibility and greater endurance in joints And muscles. 5. Yesterday before a dream some small weight in temples. 6. The uncertainty connected with absence of lavatories in public has disappeared Places. Pleasant sensation in a stomach(belly). On March, 5th. 5-th day: Time of wakefulness has sharply increased. Time of a dream was reduced till 5 o'clock Instead of former 12-14 hours per day. Especially good state of health during Movements or it is simple findings in the street. Feeling of fear before possible(probable) Fatal consequences of starvation was gone. Calmness, more truly, self-control Has got constant character. The hearing has improved, sight was restored up to Normal. Have ceased hands and legs(foots). A stomach(belly) soft. Sensation of heat In internal bodies. Attacks of appetite considerably much less Painful, than in usual days.

Should Tell, That Our Group Managed To Find

Should tell, that our group managed to find that key to definition The physiological type about which in ancient manuscripts it was recommended " To ask the teacher ". I am not going to do(make) a secret from this surprising Key. I shall tell only, that mastering and using it(him) has some complexities, Overcome at presence of the certain endowments and a certain experience. But we Have gone(Send) further: in fact there will be no each time at a meeting with a new product, To catch at the thick book in searches of advice(council), as any circulations This rare book you will not save enough on all population of globe. Especially you will not become, as the same dish today in the morning to you goes, and By the evening already is not present - in the slightest degree . An essence of our method that we If necessary we have an opportunity there and then on a place to define(determine), Whether this or that meal approaches(suits) us or it is better to manage another. Here about what Wonderful ability of the person connected with a biolocation, now also will go Speech.

On The Contrary, At Splitting A Cereal Porridge

On the contrary, at splitting a cereal porridge It(She) allocates repeatedly more calories, than it is necessary for it(her) Digestion. Hence, a mechanical alignment on a calorie for an alive organism It appears unsuitable for it does not consider specific to us Properties of that product which we consume. I ask each of dear(expensive) Readers to recollect what drowsiness attacked it(him) as stuck together Its(His) eyes and as it(he) would like "to press down" hour or so-other(-another,-others) on a sofa after Plentiful, diverse, nourishing, celebratory meal. And really, The organism has no superresources simultaneously to spend energy On active wakefulness, on physical and Brainwork and on Digestion of those extremely dishes, with which with all the heart Hospitable owners treated us. Well all right, holidays happen seldom, it is possible Somehow and to be interrupted in these extreme circumstances of times in a quarter or in Half a year. Well and if these force majeure, that is , or, Let's tell more softly, , last years, are system, a way of life? Then it is asked, where in scales of the term released(let off) to us leaves The significant part of internal energy of an organism, on what it(she) is directed? Probably, rich the last century with deep bewilderment Would look at present television competitions of beauty: high, long-legged, With a thin waist of the girl in any way did not answer its(his) representations about beauty.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Way Of The Person And Mankind The Stenogram

Way of the person and mankind The stenogram of performance(statement) on October, 7th, 1989 in a Bishkek on The solemn assembly, devoted to 125-years anniversary great Kirghiz . Dear comrades! I shall try to outline strokes such portrait of yours The great fellow countryman who to me was prompted with stay here, on its(his) native land, in Multicomplexities of the problems costing(standing) nowadays both before you, and before all Union, and Before all world. About what I wish to tell, has the direct attitude(relation) to a theme of ours Celebrations for vital example sees to me as concentration of that Decision which is offered the best, outstanding people of each nation to all To the mankind which has appeared in a difficult situation. As we know, about searches Output(Exit) from ideological deadlock thinkers Old and New painfully reflect Light, the West and the East, for a technological civilization already closely Has brought people to ecological accident. Meanwhile the output(exit) is: clear and bright light of a beacon shows us true Way to a fog, and this beam in night - a life of remarkable people of spirit, Immortalized the name in memory national.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here Absolutely Other: Happiness Which Is To Share

Here absolutely other: Happiness which is to share with others. Complex character is shown as well that The person who has stepped into a way of expansion of the opportunities, already should- There is no place to disappear - to conduct approach on all front functional Opportunities. Really, as contact with sharp Significant differences of temperatures causes sharp clearing Organism at a cellular level from the every possible slags which have collected in Organism so far as process of a metabolism in an organism is intensified. Hence, the quantity(amount) of products of the disintegration demanding carrying out increases From an organism. Therefore induces and demands strict Changes of a mode of clearing of this dross - or by regular Starvations, or by use of a different sort (about what speech still Ahead), or a significant intensification of movement, by means of which The powerful blood-groove strengthens selection of the deposits which have formed there from all bodies (Result of an active metabolism), that is products of disintegration, or, that Is better, all means in aggregate.

Differently, It Is A Symptom "", That All-devouring

Differently, it is a symptom "", that all-devouring mankind Moral illness which underlies all without exception tragical The troubles experienced now by our poor small planet. And if Soon all we are connected among themselves for we float in one boat which name The Earth, and so far as creation of our health is work system, in the chapter(head) To which there is a care of spirit healthy and benevolent, smoking as The disgusting certificate(act) which is carrying away prematurely thousand and thousand of lives daily, As a symbol of defective spirit on our planet, as the fact egoistical Neglects interests of others, should be eliminated(erased,removed) from our life. Otherwise What sense to speak us about principles of healthy breath? More Unnatural and disgusting show, than the smoker on skis, To imagine difficultly, nevertheless a plot widespread. To not finish the light chapter(head) a dark stroke, I shall tell about one Original way of refusal of smoking. It(he) is curious that here The reflex arch "crime-punishment" is extended not for twenty years, Somewhere in abstract far where for me whether waits, whether is not present cancer The precipice, but delay of punishment is measured only by several hours, and That and minutes.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Shall Not Begin Even To Conceive Conversation

I shall not begin even to conceive conversation on that To ecological chasm, which already before mankind because of Acts of the similar wise men who are starting with a postulate on permissiveness and Manic representation about ostensibly existing human nonpunishable Omnipotence. So to understand as laws of the nature, following which, Certainly, it is necessary for us? How to decipher that cheerful pioneer " The sun, air and water - our best friends " above which, it is remembered, Frankly Anatoly Fedorovich laughed? I Shall try to offer the version. First of all, this following to great rhythms of Space, which so or Otherwise constantly influence all our life. Secondly, this immersing in Great, the nature everywhere surrounding us, constant dialogue with all it(her) Elements, that is an openness to all salutary influences of the Earth and the Sky. Thirdly, this movement as the general(common) law of an organic life. Fourthly, It, certainly, skill to adapt all the systems to natural To influences (it is besides recollected cheerful : " a frost to us not It is terrible, a heat ").

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

If The Person - The Talented Composer, Is

If the person - the talented composer, is gift(for nothing) to people. If the person- The uncommon executor, is a gift to associates. If the person - the original thinker, the convinced democrat, the avocate Validity and advantage, this celebratory phenomenon for people. And if in one nature another is combined both that, and, both the third, and fourth, And still many other things? And if this person besides possesses indestructible The strength of mind allowing it(him) to not break and survive in prison, in the reference(link) and on To will after runaway when it has appeared, that the wife has not waited it(him) and has left to To another? And if this person besides is many-sided sincerely and its(his) songs Are surprisingly various: from is playful(playfully)-enticing (which for some reason not Print in popular collections) up to pathos, -declarative?. If all this is combined in the uniform person it is the person of the Person, and More truly - the person such what it(he) can and should be.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

As Approved(Confirmed) Ancient, The Astrology Is Only A

As Approved(Confirmed) ancient, the astrology is only a picture of district, which Helps(Assists) us to understand, where it is better to each of us to go or to not go. In Astrological schedules there is nothing fatal, but is sober, objective Judgements about opportunities, propensities and lacks of the person. Knowing them, It is much easier to define(determine) the true way. For me is doubtless (For it(this) is easier for reaching(achieving), than refusal of synthetic stockings and Ferro-concrete boxes for habitation), that soon in all serious firms and Offices astrologists become permanent members of staff of a staff department and in various Bureau on vocational guidance they also will take the worthy place: from influence On us of near Space to disappear there is no place. Well, suppose, influence of planets It is possible to deny obstinately, their our beams do not tickle, influence of the Moon To deny, the truth, more difficultly, however it is possible to put forward indestructible argument- Let sleepwalkers obey it(her).

Saturday, August 11, 2007

When People Joke Or You Laugh At You,

When people joke or you laugh at you, and Pick up their tone it means, that you have considerably promoted on Ways of self-improvement, on a way of mental stability and ability to To kind mood. It is not necessary to hurry up eternally and, not having finished(stopped) one business(affairs), at once to undertake For another. As though successfully there was your activity, it is necessary to have Time and opportunities to take pleasure in pleasure of a victory to test Emotional comfort to feel the success, sensation successful Activity. Joyful experiences, holidays, which are necessary to people Would put in everyday lives. And here we, perhaps, approach(suit) to that cabbage stump, Which can be found in depth of any vital cabbage. This cabbage stump- Knowledge of that fundamental reason which underlies individual Reactions to stress. As suppressed, or mentality (one The word, sharply deviating norm(rate)) it is fraught with the whole bouquet heavy Diseases, so far as doctors of all countries of the world, especially last time, Began to pay significant attention to studying of stressful conditions of the population.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Simultaneously You Lift The Right Elbow On A

Simultaneously you lift the right elbow on a level of a shoulder, and The big finger turn inside to itself so that your palm looked Outside from you, and the shoulder would form together with a forearm certain rigid Design. Having tamed above an object of research, having achieved it(her) Full immovability, you ask a question: whether " there Is to me this product? " That from You at this time it is required? Full indifference! You should nothing To prompt the plumb, you do not know and to know should not before The plumb will come in movement, what true attitude(relation) of this product to you. And Here at a significant part of people, at at what atavistic property Perception(Recognition) of other subjects yet cunningly it is final, has not atrophied, will start to move. At the overwhelming majority of people positive The answer looks(appears) as from you to a subject, negative - as longitudinal, in parallel a plane of your body. However, there is an opportunity for exact this(thus) subconscious The certificate(act) transferred(transmitted) through of microfluctuation of muscles of a hand.

Hence, If We Do Not Wish To Test

Hence, if we do not wish to test muscular weakness, not We aspire to vegetative neurosises, if to us not on customs of a spasm, destruction Teeth and decline of mental faculties in no event it is impossible for us To refuse constants, close, friendship with generated us Fire. And what to do(make) in the long winter when the star obviously is lazy to show The protection? First, to not hesitate to show to it(him) the The naked(exposed) torso during ski walk, for example, and, secondly, To practise dialogue with quartz lamps that the chain did not interrupt So vital metabolism for us. From the experience I know, that The sun is capable well us "to get" and through clouds, and even through clouds. Therefore it is not necessary to neglect solar top dressing and in cloudy days. Skill to be behind city at a minimum of clothes - a fine way in the summer Even during a bad weather to receive in enough that irradiation, without which There is no normal state of health. Hardly earlier I frightened of dangers of search, now I warn Inadmissibility of shortage of heavenly Fire - where, eventually, Sequence? And it(she) - in that great harmony of all factors and them The optimum coordination to which the nature aspires.

Monday, August 6, 2007

As A Teeth Are Very Seriously, I Would

As a teeth are very seriously, I would like to concern(touch) slightly and Such moment, as hygiene of seals and . I had to collide(face) somehow With a case of hospitalization of the person with a heat, with all Attributes of a poisoning and - full uncertainty of a source of a poisoning. Careful has shown, that accumulation of dangerous poisons and their emission In an organism occured(happened) because of a tooth, not submitted any painful Signals in view of full and old death. I shall not speak now about Quality of work of that "expert" which has put in pawn in a mouth to the patient Fatally dangerous weapon of the slowed down action, I shall emphasize the main thing: ours The constant attention to sanitation of a mouth is preventive maintenance of set Diseases both all digestive path, and all others internal Bodies. When we address necessarily to clearing intestines, We appear before enough complex(difficult) dilemma. The contradiction consists in Volume, that, on the one hand, , hardened, centuries-old blockages, Disgusting , covering from within gentle fabrics our thick The intestines, interfering its(his) normal ability to live almost on 99 %, cannot be removed differently, than by means of powerful and repeated Washings.

And Moreover, Just On Concrete To The Originator

And moreover, just on concrete To the originator of a harm to get it is not possible, for it(he) just in this(thus) most Time also has left to sleep somewhere in deep rear. To Official medicine It is already known (I read works on this theme), that all medicines are acquired Human body to some efficiency in dependence From time of their reception. So, a part sick of a hypertension during treatment in To clinic accepted the appointed(nominated) preparations traditionally: two-rub(-three) times a day, Another - in view of daily dynamics(changes) of parameters of blood circulation, for one-two Hour before the maximal rise of arterial pressure and increase intimate Emission. Group of scientists under direction of professor S.Zaslavskoj (A scientific research institute of biological tests chemical Connections) has established(installed), that in the first case the medical effect attacked The tenth day, in the second - for the fourth day. As they say, " it is powerful, Roughly, ". I dream of that all medicine has left on this level of reception Medicines which, however, has been reached(achieved) a little thousand years ago Medicine Tibetan, and also medicine Chinese.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Arsenal Of Knowledge Collected At Absence Writings

The arsenal of knowledge collected at absence Writings by old people, led to that they inevitably became For a tribe an esteemed clan. Thus, authority of old men, rendering It(Him) of the help do not concern to a category of the feelings, imparted it is artificial, - this form Altruism too it was fixed by severe natural selection in struggle for Survival, and with education it was only supported. Further: unless widely observable fact of carry by parents of love from children On - unless this switching of emotions on the object more requiring in To care, did not give advantage in a survival of a tribe? And unless aspiration of the person and mankind to novelty, to thirst of knowledge, Doomed considerable number especially on victims and even on death, not Gave to their sort any finds, which though not much more, but nevertheless Raised(Increased) chances of group of a survival? And unless in conditions of famine, a cold, an attack of predators often changed Partners of the woman and the man lead up the children to a maturity not less often, than Those who possessed strong family instincts? Already since times Prehistoric era almost each incidental contact has been connected with Great risk of venereal disease, and these illnesses powerfully eliminated(erased,removed) From a human genofund hereditary predisposition to sexual To excesses in the form of frequent change of partners.

First I Was Surprised, Believed, That It Is

First I was surprised, believed, that it is accident, and not Rose to not feel weak and broken to the end of day. But with these(it) Awakenings to cope it was impossible. I have started to rise after five hours Dream and the following nineteen hours of veins also worked without any attributes Weariness. Here what huge, with what not a gift - two-rub(-three) hours (Morning hour!) water has presented me! Subsequently this effect became To be washed away and decrease, nevertheless in five-six years after It happens, it is required to me of a dream less on an hour-one and a half in comparison with that, That was up to this gift of destiny, and already this quantity(amount) of a dream is Steady. Anticipating a statement, I shall tell, that feeling of famine during starvation at Me substantially recedes because I drink these days and weeks Exclusively structured, thawed snow. It is asked, how in our conditions it(her) to receive? It is possible, Certainly, by means of the big refrigerator where through a freezer moves Turn of the enameled saucepans: two a freezer, the third thaws.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Unfortunately, Around Of Moscow The Rehabilitation Center There

Unfortunately, around of Moscow The rehabilitation center there was conditions other, than around of that The Japanese rehabilitation center: believed, that the methods applied , do not deserve that on mental activity was under construction Rehabilitation process. Meanwhile in the United States America, for example, has left already a little Books about treatment cancer sick of psychotherapeutic methods. The head of the All-Union center psychiatric the doctor Medical sciences, professor A.I.Belkin, has told: " several years ago in Time of the first trip across the USA we have visited(attended) one of clinics where are applied Psychological receptions of treatment of cancer patients. Have frankly admitted To colleagues that we do not trust in efficiency of this method, but we shall change opinion, If we shall see change of dynamics(changes) of cancer diseases. And to us have given such Opportunity. Recently we have again visited this clinic and were convinced: patients, Which two years ago, in opinion of doctors, it was necessary to live some months And even weeks, now looked(appeared) absolutely healthy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It Is A Question Of A Metaphor Of

It is a question of a metaphor of plug-in nested dolls therefore, further, that various Levels of meditation about which I now shall tell, by our technique exist Also cooperate all together, similarly to combined together, inserted one in Another to supplementary nested dolls. Yes, they can separately exist, and everyone The own unique shape, but design can show to the world Is integral and as much as possible dense only when all five (six, Seven) nested dolls on hierarchy of growth are enclosed one in another. And in depth of depths initial - the heart capable to a long hard work. And besides by my experience confirmed (and constantly confirmed) My associates, efficiency of similar system of influence of spirit, an idea, Fancy, a strong-willed message on itself and on world around repeatedly Surpasses (with other things being equal) influence of the nested dolls working One by one. What levels of meditation we can allocate? The first is that unites the person with its(his) predecessor on Evolutions.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

They Became Attribute More And More Rare, While

They became attribute more and more rare, while I not Has continued run already without them in general. During active movement in an organism as a whole, and in blood in Features, are made numerous biochemical processes. So business Not only in that the blood-groove increases, but also that varies it(him) Quality, nevertheless postulate for me remains firm: the blood- The best doctor for it(she) just also delivers this improved blood to To place of treatment. I shall afford small deviation. From unbridled imaginations recent The past there was an image of the person of the future as certain unreasonable Tadpole. Sociologists have tried even to work similar models on All-Union anthropological conferences. But as time and logic show, The essence of evolution consists not in a hypertrophy of a brain, and in improvement The human society allowing more and more and more successfully to involve those Reserves already existing in the central nervous system, which while Function only in a weak, few(not enough,poorly)-slightest degree.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Reasons Of Aggression At Normal People Leave

The reasons of aggression at normal people leave in more often Infancy, in the childhood lead at absence of caress and kindness. In such Conditions ability to responsiveness is lost is almost irreversible, arises Impetuous , breaking in daily aspiration to To shameless self-affirmation. However the overwhelming majority of people Are kept within the limits of universal ethics if only are not created Special circumstances. What? We Shall pay attention that inquisition, Hitlerism, , any totalitarian mode never proclaimed The rascally purposes. On the contrary, they put forward before people of the purpose most Noble and high, and severe means justified only necessity Their prompt achievement. That is spiteful, egoistical persons, Aspiring authority, lean(base) just on fundamental features The altruism, incorporated in our genes, also provoke bloody actions, Made ostensibly in interests or the majority, or the future generations! To direct aside, opposite to humanity, mass Altruistic promptings, enemies of humanity refined speculate with them ! So we shall start with original, not deformed(distorted) spiteful, Self-interested politicians of bases of human morals, from Objective laws of development of all alive, including the person and Mankinds, in the name of preservation and strengthening of the health.

It(she) Has Created Even Original Boarding House For

It(she) has created even Original boarding house for colors(flowers)-veterans. " I drying up and fading flowers I do not throw out, at me specially for them here this bank, I here put them- To live ". I Wish to remind here only that, having passed(having taken place) through all Cataclysms which can fall to a lot of the person in XX century, Anastas has approached(suited) to the century: whether this communication(connection) - longevity and Kindness? Now in the kind most naked(exposed), maybe, methodology My understanding of problems of health. The matter is that all our behavioural Motives should as it is possible to approach(suit) more close to those objective laws and To correspond(meet) to them which just and approve(confirm) itself during all Lives of human community, approve(confirm) themselves practically. The most reasonable Is to live and act in a resonance with the basic laws of life. To what It I? And to that altruism, either philantrophy, or goodwill, Or the humanism, - is one of leading vectors of evolutionary development of all Alive on the Earth, the person including.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

To Which We With Pleasure Resort In A

to which we with pleasure resort in a sweating room, It is pernicious as well for all other viruses which have loved us. Diversive break of this or that virus through multilayered immune Protection of an organism there is a certificate of that this system was essentially It is punched and . And the main thing the reason of its(her) similar pitiable condition Is it(her) . That occurs(happens) to muscles of our legs(foots), if we Practically we stop to move and all our movings it is carried out with The help of different types of transport and the lift? Muscles of legs(foots) in these conditions Will naturally atrophy. That occurs(happens) to system of immune protection in that Situations when to an organism most do not allow to develop(produce) enough and macrophages, but in blood artificial formations(educations), Which should accept on the shoulders the responsibility for struggle with Hostile interventions? Natural immune forces, , die away(go out). And The vicious Ferris wheel starts -spin: than more we are ill(sick), The more plentifully in us of a different sort ostensibly protective means, and in The end of the ends we reach full, zero absence of immunity, that with Celebration also has proved regal procession of AIDS.