Friday, December 19, 2008

The Message " I Drink Pure(clean) Water "

The message " I drink pure(clean) water " (" Physical culture and sports ", 1989, No 7) the author finishes Following words: " the way I use about three years. I feel Recovered (though to me seventy seven years), vigorous and physically got stronger The person as it should be at each person who normally eats and Uses only good-quality water ". Dear reader! And if to us to act(arrive) consistently and in a complex: To take solar water, to create from it(her) thawed (without ) water on , Then to enrich with its(her) ions of silver on , then to take advantage Technique , then ?! What for in general will be necessary Medicines if we can use this life-giving elixir? Besides All other, similar water is surprisingly tasty, and it is refined, gentle The taste, granted to it(her) all salutary forces of the Earth and the Sky. In reply to repeatedly asked question, whether it is possible to prepare on thawed To water, I answer: the tea received at a level of " a white key ", causes admiration At experts of this area of knowledge.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ability To Play The Fool - All These

Ability To play the fool - all these qualities possess medical value. Time negative Emotions are capable to lead to disease, whether that reasonably to assume, that Positive emotions are capable to help(assist) to recover to an organism? " It was naturally asked by a question: why, getting tired from an emotional pressure(voltage) Or even with boredom, you do not feel weariness if employment(occupation) carries away you?. How it should affect(influence) our representations about intimate diseases? Unless it is impossible to assume, that when all this will be understood, at treatment Illnesses of heart to a sincere spirit it will be given, at least, such Value, as well as to medicines? Whether It is impossible to assume, that such illnesses, As or even a hypertension, will be successfully treated not only chemically, But also first of all emotionally and spiritually? has carried in the sense that with it(him) in partnership with the big hunting The professional doctor, which during its(his) stay in hospital has entered To time has not let know, that finds questions of patients on the mechanism of recover Importunate, on the contrary, if considered(counted), that the patient offered reasonable things, Without hesitation agreed with it(him).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To Put It Briefly, It(he) Has Shown, That

To put it briefly, it(he) has shown, that with 5 up to 6 o'clock in the morning, with 11 up to 12, with 16 up to 17, with 20 up to 21, with up to an hour for the person is Characteristic condition of rise of its(his) physiological functions. On the contrary: with 2 up to 3 nights, with 9 till 10 mornings, with 2 up to 3, with 6 up to 7 and with 10 till 11 evenings of its(his) function Are characterized by recession of parameters. Newspapers have informed, that some academicians of Academy of medical sciences of the USSR Have noted basic theoretical novelty of work of L.Glybina, that it(him) Data are capable to bring serious advantage(benefit) for the practical organization Many and many parties(sides) of our validity (the same newspapers, however, Have presented opinions and other authorities which aspire to deny The arguments factual, system of well fulfilled spells). I would like to give the information(inquiry) here: the schedule of human activity in Dependences on activity space were published in the beginning of 70th years with A.

Cooper's Opinion, It Is Connected With Allocation In Blood

Cooper's opinion, it is connected with allocation in blood . Many years Chineses used as anesthetic in Time of operations, including even operations on the open heart!) After the intense physical activity increase in a level Reaches(Achieves) the fivefold sizes as it has been registered in big Series of experiences by the Italian experts. By the way speaking, a level Tends to raise(increase) especially sharply during sorts. It, possibly, and Explains, why the woman is capable to transfer(carry) without serious consequences unpleasant Sensations during pregnancy or the strong sufferings connected with sorts. With Other party(side), psychiatrists have paid attention that at depression a level it appears abnormally low, and, hence, in such Situations physical activity has especially great value for their rise Level and overcoming of a depression. Thus, physical Exercises are the best, created by the nature physiological Tranquilizer. What from this strictly follows? That the person, On a regular basis engaged physical exercises, certainly, mentally , than that which physical activity is weak.

Monday, December 15, 2008

To Tell Hardly Costs(stands), How Much(as Far As)

To tell hardly costs(stands), how much(as far as) this illness is amazing and It is unpleasant. It is not so chronic tonsillitis, and simply physical inability any. Sight has sat down. Has written out glasses(spots) +0,75, however to read could not any more, as earlier, Day. 15 minutes - and full maladjustment. With notes - the same. Has achieved Removals(Distances) . It became better not. Without validol did not leave any more, and from it(him) in To mouth all is burnt also a teeth decay. Has stopped to smoke and began to upholster a threshold of a department Cultures. The work-record card chubby - for work to take do not want. Through six Months all the same have taken pity. Have given an employment in to the House Cultures. I and now there work. , and has lit(smoked) that wife to not tease. No, And on everyones there tea drinking under . But in general all Decently. I go as a duck, I roll over, to put on I try become warmer, Appetite even during illness. With the physiognomy it was coped.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

As To "Normal" People Only Three Persons From

As to "Normal" people only three persons from them have managed to overcome all Route. One participant has been removed(has been taken off), and two men have been compelled(forced) because of Bad state of health a part of a route to pass by the machine(car). At all at them The raised(increased) blood pressure, the speeded up pulse even in rest was marked(celebrated), The suppressed mood and bad state of health. It seems to me, that comments to this conclusion it is not required. These(it) Four days if to look at them under a microscope of an analytical idea, Are quite equal to that estimation which to a way of life of each of us puts The whole life during decades. I can return here to most To the beginning of this chapter(head). I spoke about close dependence of character of a feed(meal) and Character of diseases, in particular, about communication(connection) of such illness, as an alcoholism, with The use first of all dead food. It appears, not only bent for to alcohol, not only schizophrenia It is provoked by her(it), but is has proved recorded transition - and The general(common) instability of mentality, falling of strong-willed elasticity, propensity to To panic.

Also Ate Alive Food On Rational, Really To

also ate alive food on rational, really To method natural to the person, represents small, unfortunately, Part of mankind. Other group which in this transition consumed in all that represents a subject of desire of any of inhabitants, Showed a collective portrait of an overwhelming part of mankind. These(it) Gourmets-cheerful persons (by what they are represented themselves, though as it appears, them Love to a life at all not mutual) have typed(collected) with itself everything that wanted: Meat and fish canned food, meat, cubes, canned food, Concentrate of a mashed potatoes, puddings chocolate and rice, albuminous, Cookies, cocoa, dry juices and is not enough dried apricots and walnuts - only To emphasize power of the high-calorific food rich Fibers, sugar, fat and salt. Total on the person it was necessary at them 4100 - it is a lot of kcals. Daily consumption of water on everyone The participant of this group was up to 10 litres. That concerned(touched) groups Experimental at it(her) caloric content did not exceed 1000 kcals in Day, and waters in day there drank(saw) women about 2 litres, men - up to 2,5 Litre, and not waters, and hot green tea.