Saturday, June 9, 2007

Our Remarkable Disturber Of Public Calmness, The Reformer

Our remarkable disturber of public calmness, the reformer Official medicine Galina Sergeevna Shatalov shows in the Seventy with superfluous years not only own fine, as at The thirty-year woman, a figure ("silhouette" - by definition of the feuilletonist . Century ) but also endlessly shows on own experience really The rational approach to opportunities of a human body. On a twist of fate And to inexplicable paradox for me its(her) clause(article) " To be able to dominate itself " was It is published all in the same " the Soviet Russia " some days prior to the publication The feuilleton of Century (on May, 5th, 1986). I already repeatedly referred to experience , but I can not be kept once again: " Somehow we with friends have accepted in The order of experiment long and difficult enough campaign - from through Passes of the Main Caucasian ridge to lake Ritsa. Our backpacks were absolutely Are not burdened by products, have taken on kg of groats, on one and a half kg Dried fruits and there is some oil(butter).

Friday, June 8, 2007

To To The End Of A Supermarathon They

To To the end of a supermarathon they have lost in weight on five-six kgs, that It is quite natural, for their organism should spend huge efforts not Only on moving to space, but also on chemical splitting Extreme weights of food, which pretty often as eyewitnesses testify This run so up to the end to digest and could not. Ran without any top dressing, and having finished(stopped) day time run, with pleasure Went on cheerful and by the end of a route have added on one-two Kg. By the way, A.Chuprun writes, that the scientists who have undertaken research peep Papuans, have been amazed(struck): it(she) does not provide even albuminous balance, not Speaking already about surplus of fiber, that is the Papuan consumes with food of 20-30 grams Fiber, spending in one and a half time it is more! believes, that necessary Papuans receive fiber owing to the bacteria living in their intestines, which Are capable to fix the nitrogen of air dissolved in digestive juices, and To develop(produce) from it(him) fiber.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

. Alexander Bryansky Was Born In 1882 Its(his) Destiny

. Alexander Bryansky was born in 1882 its(his) Destiny was improbably Rich, even unique: in Peter stormed Winter, in Moscow fought for The Kremlin. Worked as personal secretary Rudzutaka, together with Lunacharsky was engaged Creation of new theatre. It(he) was one of initiators of movement , Has written more than two hundred propaganda plays. Has passed(has taken place) through set of peripetias 30-40- years. Was familiar hardly probable not with all largest writers and Art workers of our country. Is the oldest member of the Union of writers. On a question of the correspondent on, whether performances(statements) are tiresome for it(him) in Greater(Big) audiences (in fact it is necessary it(him) to speak successively till two o'clock, even Not leaning(basing) on a table) - and to it(him) after all by that time hundred seventh has gone, - Has answered: " At all! I now very much am am afflicted with that to me do not allow to act It is so much, how many I would like. Me regret, and me to regret it is not necessary.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

That Means Ours Even Minimal Dialogue With Vegetative

That means ours even minimal Dialogue with vegetative , preparations of a ginseng, , Chinese, manchurian, , a gold root? Same Constant vivacity without any (that is subsequently Worsening a physical condition) effects. Same frequently and the prevention(warning) Every possible and a flu. Whether few(not enough,poorly) one it in scales of a human life, let alone Scales of the whole country?! Where only and only as plants are ready to us! In fact at Burns cabbage leaves enclosed to a leather(skin) or grated very well help(assist) Crude potato or lotions with broth of a bark of an oak. Exist fine grasses which promote allocation of harmful products of an exchange, Clear an organism, support(maintain) a constancy of its(his) internal environment; grasses Are capable to normalize a level of cholesterol, to level arterial pressure, To improve blood supply of a brain and a cardiac musle, to restore microflora Intestines to adjust a dream, to remove(take off) a nervous pressure(voltage), etc.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

. Immediately Also It Is Started This Major Theme.

. Immediately also it is started this major theme. Here a bright example. It is known, that all people share on so-called Larks, owls and pigeons. Larks, as a rule, work in the morning is better, Owls - in the evening, and pigeons - in the afternoon. It is asked, whether it is reasonable biologically To the generated lark to rise from bed somewhere at midday and to work Above the manuscript late at night, till the night? I think, that in the statement This question the answer to it(him) disappears also. At the same time skill To use the features it is extremely fertile for the person. I I recollect the postgraduate head, professor Vasily Alekseevicha which of each calendar day found three various Workers of day. Here its(his) mode: with 6 till 12 mornings it(he) with a fresh mind worked above The most difficult problems, above the manuscripts demanding greatest Pressure(Voltage). Further, with 12 up to 14, it(he) had a rest, had breakfast, made small Walk, and from 14 o'clock till 18 o'clock at it(him) the second working day last, Characterized by other type of loading: it was reading of the scientific literature, Postgraduate works, the periodical presses, answers to numerous letters.

High Morals, External Shape Of This Person, Which

High morals, external shape of this person, which Looks(Appears) on the whole generation is younger than the contempoparies, despite of rather Difficult life, - all this the main and solving(deciding) argument in protection complex The approach to the health in general, to different kinds of movement in particular. Here it will be pertinent to remind, that in concept of " the complex approach " to To health in the image installation on development(manufacture) joins Joint solidary spirit. When the Leningrad veterans, for example, run More than 1000 km from city on Neva up to stadium " Zhalgiris " in Vilnius, they not Only and aspire to inflating the muscles, how many to that not so much, To test convincing feeling of the unity and unity, how many To attach other people to that way of life which brings Pleasure. Also it is possible to be assured(confident), that if veterans on time already Participated and in this supermarathon, and in other run by extent in Hundreds and thousand kilometers just because they took pleasure, Above which it is difficult to present itself, - from difficult and successful joint Business(Affairs).