Saturday, May 23, 2009

Well, Too An Individual Approach To The Health.

Well, too an individual approach to the health. So, you have started real business. Very much I ask to remember, that all The sense of the book was in proving and approving(confirming) the complex approach to To the health, in going, figuratively speaking, on from three Whales. Many believe as if enough to take out one from one a fin as the required purpose will be reached(achieved) by them. No, mine Dear(Expensive)! It not the approach, and the antiapproach, opposite to mine and even Compromising that I profess. What sense, for example, in Lymphatic system if pollution will proceed still Your poor organism alcohol, nicotine, a unnatural feed(meal), Chemical medicines if our mentality will be excited and concentrated On petty, egoistical interests if all movement will be reduced to Three-minute hands before a window leaf of times in a week, etc.? And here: Have lead cleaning, say, from salts, for some time , then at all Have relaxed, and as a result - is much worse, than up to that! " Ah, it(he) such-, The author of these(it) of " Three whales "! And I to it(him) have believed ()!.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Certainly, From Movement Greater(big) Blessings Will Receive Also

Certainly, from movement greater(big) blessings will receive also all the others Systems and bodies of our multipurpose organism. But me it is important now To bring to a focus to the law of laws, on a key of keys: on Necessities of creation and constant strengthening first of all powerful heart. I shall dare to tell even more: and all previous reasonings on growth and Development of our spirit, and all present reasonings on diverse ways Increases of power of our organism, and all the subsequent behind that of a reasoning About a balanced diet and accompanying it(him) an organism - all Set of these data and all the actions directed on increase by ours Viability, our health, - all this is a pedestal for erection On it(him) ideally healthy, strong, fine in the Multifunctionality of heart! Here there is that pulsing point, From which there are uphill opportunities of multicomplex(multidifficult) and universal system Health for which I stand up on pages of this book. Here is That pulsing point from which we are capable to send absolutely Surprising impulses by efficiency in the country new, other-wordly Opportunities of the person.

And Though To A Problem The Special Attention

And though to a problem The special attention there where it will be a question about will be paid movements Power resources of an organism, right now without it(her) it is impossible to manage in The plan logic. We appear involved in a disputed situation on manufacture, at us It is not got on in family, we prepare for examination, we prepare for protection of the project, To performance(statement) at assembly, we prepare for performance(statement) on responsible(crucial) Competitions, we prepare, prepare(are going, prepare). And in the meantime at us increases Arterial pressure, raises(increases) a lot of(many) intimate rhythm, rises from Depths of soul irritability. Since the earliest childhood (in fact kids straighten out, not including With their vanity) we assiduously and diligently build serious base for Atherosclerosis, and at what there, to , cheerful and Benevolent spirit! And meanwhile similar mental and spiritual It is possible not only to cure inferiority, but also to not admit(allow).

Monday, May 18, 2009

It Is Asked, What I Have Still Forgotten

It is asked, what I have still forgotten to name? Perhaps, Brains, and can be, spoiled by a wrong metabolism cellular Structures, but, maybe, internal secretion, but, probably, and without Measures the polluted appendix, obviously, and a bladder suffering from Losses of a different sort of the salts irritating it(him)? To put it briefly to tell easier, that in an organism it is not polluted. It seems, It only the unique body, unique not only on a structure, But also to destination, which sense is not clear and till now,-only solar The texture remains pure(clean) under all circumstances our mental and Ecological impurity. Whether it is not enough for such abundance of the systems created There is no time with their obvious tendency to constant To autopurification? So, we shall talk about preparation of " a crystal bowl " our organism to The subsequent, it is good and to rationally thought over principles originally A human feed(meal). Before pure(clean) to fill, it is necessary pure(clean) to make; Before to fill a well I freshen spring water, it is necessary to clean(remove) from it(him) Old, collected in it(her), a dirt.