Thursday, February 8, 2007

Personally I By Means Of Regular Movement Have

Personally I by means of regular movement have managed To restore capitally broken, strongly damaged(injured) numerous Traumas knees. How? I started with one important for myself Postulate: the blood - the best doctor. The logic is those: than more active The blood-groove will pass(take place) through the damaged(injured) body, the it is more, hence, this The body will receive the every possible regenerative substances necessary for it(him) for Normal ability to live. All question was in how to organize this The increased blood-groove, knee joints so far as have been damaged(injured), Source of the most active movement. The output(exit) has been found that I ran, Or trained on skis, having put on on knees kneecaps from elastic Bandage which incured some functions for all time of movement Damaged(Injured) and the damaged(injured) meniscuses. I can not tell, that revival took place very much quickly - there were years, But somewhere after the fifth and sixth year I have felt, that I can already run and Without kneecaps.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

In What Here The Reason? In My Opinion,

In what here the reason? In my opinion, in Gradual the processes made in an organism and mentality The person under influence of adverse factors of its(his) life and life. No Doubts in that the validity is capable to wash away clearness and The regularity of our rhythms in the event that the person lives Unnaturally, that is not on mothers of the Nature. In such here Case to apply for the validity of indications of the hours, handed over to it(him) most The nature, apparently, it is not necessary. Really: we shall beat them, To bang, throw, forget, get(start), and they should implicitly and Smoothly to execute the duty(debt)?. Where an output(exit)? I think, it(he) is obvious: than more quickly we shall come back in The bosom of the Nature, the is more at us than chances of repairing of that meek(unrequited) The mechanism which has been granted to us at a birth. It is not necessary to take offence on Discrepancy of ideal schedules to that turns out actually if We have used our best efforts to bring down normal passage of these(it) Schedules infringement of all intellectual and physiological functions.