Saturday, March 14, 2009

It Is Easy To Understand: If At Us

It is easy to understand: if at us in a stomach neutralization, we will be carried out As a result we shall receive in it(him) the decaying weight which will lay there, Badly digested, till that time, the new portion will not be developed(produced) yet Gastric acid (and it demands greater(big) power expenses of an organism in The whole); , also will act(arrive) already further in bad The prepared kind in a duodenal gut. Further it(she) moves on all To functional departments already with deviations(rejections) accrueing(increasing) from norm(rate). On an output(exit) It will be the horrifying fetid weight for on road infringement was carried out All principles of digestion which only can be. Recollect: "nutlets" The elk, met by you in a wood, do not smell, manure of an omnivorous pig - however(as) Disgustingly it(he) stinks! Whether further explanations are necessary?. All dishes, kinds of products we should divide(undresse) all into three cores Groups. The first are albuminous products which are digested Mainly with application of an acid.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Total Every Day It Will Be Necessary To

Total Every day it will be necessary to drink on four litres of a liquid. How there is a procedure? In the evening you accept (yes, again , anywhere from this way of clearing of intestines to not get to), and next morning you Accept 50 grams (she is the table spoon with top) salts on one Glass of water. It is very important, on Walker's explanation, such structure Laxative salt: it(she) is that which deduces(removes) Specific dirt from an organism. When laxative will work, through everyone You start to accept half an hour on a glass of the prepared liquid, slightly Heating of 200 grams of juice. And except for it(him) - anything! That is you three days of anything Do not accept inside, except for citron juice and some salt, which All forces to work actively by means of this specific liquid Mechanisms of formation(education) of a lymph. In the evening , every day since morning - Salt, and in intervals - twenty glasses slightly juice. As a result there is a remarkable clarification of all organism.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Their Motto - " For The World Without

Their motto - " For the world without famine ". The organization " Runners of the world " has Branches in thirty countries. Dan Dryu spoke the following: " Today any knows About tragedy of Hiroshima, knows that one nuclear explosion dumped(reset) on it(her) Bombs at once has carried away hundred fifty thousand inhabitants. But who knows that Daily in the world of forty thousand person dies of famine? Each three days Imperceptibly and silently in the world the Hiroshima is managed. Each three days! Run and lectures, we aspire to draw attention of mankind to it(this) To the terrible fact. I trust, as a result of awakening consciousness, as a result struggle of a society against famine will be developed(unwrapped) also. As in The world already now there are enough products and technologies of their reception, that To feed mankind ". Dan has added in Russian: " Americans and the Soviet people Long miles can run shoulder to shoulder. It is better, than to quarrel. " Such here strings last between movement - high spirit - and most Opportunity of preservation and consolidation of a human life on the Earth.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Really, As It Can To Exist The Person

Really, as it can To exist the person meatless or fishes, so far as only from them it(he) and It is capable to receive these(it) extremely necessary for it(him) irreplaceable Amino acids? Practice confirmed, that the vegetarianism exists, - and in Tooth a leg(foot), and the theory broadcast till certain time, that it(this) cannot To be, because can be never. The instruction(indication) on fertile for us, the invaluable role of ours absolutely is removed by these(thus) "bearded" Scientific bewilderment. Removes by way of theoretical, but not practical. Business In that our lodgers so useful to us supply us high-grade Products of life-support only in reply to our care of them, in reply to Our supply by their products of life-support what are rough Checkered fabrics, subject of their feed(meal) and processing. Here here we also come back, having made a small hook, to To cabbage for something, and it(she) owns these riches much. Hence, not having sinned against true, only passing one logic Step, we rightfully can approve(confirm), that the cabbage feeds us not Only great vitamin of vivacity, vitamin C, and in the winter and in the summer, but it(she) Feeds us in the winter, in the summer, and also in the spring and in the autumn with the major albuminous Substances without which our life is practically impossible.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

, Maybe, Depends And Here Already It Is Necessary

, maybe, depends And here already it is necessary to choose: or to remain the fair person, Respecting itself and a to speak asked to and to reduce, and Ruthlessly, quantity(amount) of smoked cigarettes (especially at memoirs on that The shameful document which was sent by militia on your enterprise), or To give all up as a bad job and, finally having ceased itself to respect, on Inclined plane to a recognition of the moral negligibility. Whether it is great There will be a price of such "satisfaction"?. To finish these judgements about anatomy of the second whale I would like some Maxim concerning our attitude(relation) to our lacks. In the some people Mines(Shafts) miners have a custom - to take with itself under the ground a cell(cage) with a canary. The matter is that the canary is extremely sensitive to minute quantities Metane and if air in mine(shaft) is pure(clean) the birdy carefree chirps and not Shows any attributes of anxiety. But hardly it(she) , that air Has changed, goes mad literally: starts to shout, squall, run Up legs(foots) on a roof to behave extremely restlessly.