Friday, December 7, 2007

Their Presence Characterizes Teeth Of The Person, The

Their presence characterizes Teeth of the person, the maximum(supreme) primates, the majority of monkeys and as it will seem Strange, even a bear. It means, that during evolution the Nature Has prepared us for much wider scale of opportunities, than predators and . It(she) has provided for the person of an opportunity of pantophagy, that The design of a teeth and , and also complex opportunities confirms Our gastroenteric system. This(thus) historically fixed Universality also assumes an opportunity of an individual approach to everyone Separately taken human individual to the feed(meal), that opportunity, which Wolves, on the one hand, are deprived a sheep - with another: they are within the limits of Enough a narrow spectrum of the abilities released(let off) by it(him). Individual displays of the person are practically boundless. Here Question: as it is possible to not understand distinctions in a feed(meal) between eskimos, with one The parties(sides), and, say, arabs - with another? On conditions of a life meat for Inhabitants of the Far North was and there is a basic source of fibers, fats, Carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

And The Organism Uses This Pause For Reception

And The organism uses this pause for reception of emission "free-of-charge" Proton energy. Now I ask special attention! The Pulse heat which is jumping up up to Temperatures 42,2 � With, arises owing to action of electric impulses Reflex arches, that the most important, sick cells(cages). Similar high The temperature exceeding 40 � With, is pernicious for the overwhelming majority The viruses correcting ball in bodies captured by them or systems of an organism. It is those One of the most secret secrets of not simply improvement, but also in some cases And preservations of the life by means of regular procedures. I think, after the set forth above physical substantiation any more will not be To seem monstrous use of such way of treatment for cold, Pneumonias or any other disease connected with Easing of an organism, as regular douche by two buckets of cold water With intervals at two-rub(-three) o'clock. Rout and full will not seem a fantasy Capitulation even heavy disease for a day-ones and a half - in fact in the help By way of fast reaction reserves have been delivered to the weakened(the grown weak) bodies Hardly probable not space power.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

But Honey Which You Have Bought(purchased) At The

But honey which you have bought(purchased) at The pure(clean) and accurate old man from under Luga, will be completely with you To resound, etc. And so endlessly without edge(territory) - opening one For another, I shall not begin even to list(transfer) them, it is impossible. The main thing in that you find a practical opportunity to eat in Conformity with deep properties of own structure. About One only very much and very much I ask: prompt nothing in advance to the ! Whom will you deceive? Anybody, except for itself. Full detachment, Full readiness to apprehend the truth and only the truth - here that from you It is required. I shall remind here of L.Shilina's magnificent results, which Has achieved significant strengthening of the health, defining(determining) by means of a plumb Conformity of products to, considering this or that phase of a night star. But we shall admit(allow), at you goes or starts to write out a different sort Uncertain . Be not afflicted! Ask, that at initial Lessons, at the first trainings near to you there was that person, at Which it(she) works faultlessly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Yes, Certainly, For Many Thousand Years Of The

Yes, certainly, for many thousand years of the dialogue with terrestrial flora The person has taken already experience of improvement which criminally would be To bury in, but the life goes forward and appear all new and new Data about those reserves of health which disappear in our ground. So, For example, the eight-ten-five years' doctor of biology the professor Agricultural academy in (Poland) Stanislav Tolpa has managed To find such fractions in the most ordinary peat which liquidations promote(assist) Malignant tumours. From hundred patients was under supervision, Accepting its(his) preparation, positive result has exceeded a little Tens percent(interests) that means absolutely distinct(clear) law Actions of this strong biostimulator, capable to mobilize protective Forces of an organism. Who knows, maybe, a preparation of the professor of Crowd is capable To help(assist) restoration of immunity and with that case when in its(his) loss results(brings) Disease by AIDS. Here one more example from rather recent opening: .