Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Skeletal Muscle Incorporates And Forces Blood Like

The skeletal muscle incorporates and forces blood like heart and carries out It the more actively, than is more on it(her) necessary physical activity. The nature For greater reliability of blood supply has gone on a way not increases in quantity(amount) Hearts, and the help to this(it) - significant number of reliable assistants. factors of blood circulation - venous a pomp, the belly pump, The thorax and a lot of other devices - operate(work) as independent Pumps. At the person more such six hundred additional hearts, six hundred The hearts which have been released(which have been let off) by the nature! It is a little bit more, than two or three refined visionaries, is not that so? Yes, we know giants of reason who have managed considerably to surpass EFFICIENCY 4-6 % from potential opportunities of our brain, describing a level of activity of intelligence The person. But why to us to not pay attention and to those people, which Have lifted as well the EFFICIENCY of muscular activity, having increased opportunities up to The heights, capable to admire? (and unless is not quite achievable ideal Increase in EFFICIENCY and reason, and cardiovascular system, and at close and Constant these systems?.

When One Has Thawn, It(she) At Once Is

When One has thawn, it(she) at once is used, for is suitable on the maximum(supreme) measure during Five-six hours also it is still good till twelve o'clock. After that term it(she) Satisfies only with that in it(her) there was an active process of clearing: on a bottom It was allocated, all that dirt which up to that has been dissolved in it(her) has dropped out, and on Surface a grey foamy cap those easy(light) connections, which water have emerged At freezing and the subsequent thawing has fastidiously torn away from itself. Such In the image instead of receiving all this dross of a civilization inside and that Most ecologically to pollute the organism, which and without that desperately Suffers from in it(him) of gifts(for nothing) of a civilization, you have an opportunity Or to drink in a crude kind, or to prepare for teas and soups from certainly cleared Waters. How, how for them to prepare? It becomes clear after we Let's familiarize with principles of reception of water on a method of brothers .

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Problem Of Strengthening Of Immunology, In Particular That

Problem of strengthening of immunology, in particular that expediency or Other vaccination, at all abusings medicines, but it is simple them The uses, it is so complex(difficult) and independent, that I to concern(touch) it(her) I shall not begin. Hardly-hardly distracting, to all appearances, aside, but actually Remaining on a mainstream of the reasonings on necessity Natural training of all systems for development(manufacture) of the most effective, Absolutely impenetrable immunity, capable to protect us hardly probable not From all terrible diseases, practically it is not undertaken anything - I have In a kind ? There Are fulfilled techniques, is present The magnificent practice, which results are capable to cause admiration, and who Even heard what similar treatment somewhere is applied?. Billions Roubles and tens millions dollars flow away on manufacture chemical Medicines, those "crutches" which do(make) us dependent on them and Helpless at their absence, but anywhere and nobody development is stipulated "" - the most effective means of our internal protection, Way of creation of such opportunities in our organism which allow it(him) To finish with the most terrible diseases at full autonomism from Drugstores and any other medical institutions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Once Having Arisen, It(she) In Any Way Does

Once having arisen, it(she) in any way does not wish to leave from Memories and, on the contrary, importunately, it is over and over again projected on internal Sight, on consciousness. And a picture such: all we, mankind, in , long echelons, with accordions and songs, tasting from and Other pleasures, we rush forward, not seeing, that just there, where we so We hurry up-, pipes of a crematorium densely smoke. We drive directly in and, not having had time to look back, we appear already in these furnaces Unprecedented throughput. The Small company, however, has descended(gone) with This echelon up to a gate and on a train which moves to return The party(side). It is a magnificent train, in it(him) a compartment of the raised(increased) comfort, and it(him) Serve polite conductors. The group of passengers all moves from further These pipes with a black smoke, everyone are become better(are) and more perfect(absolute) with its(her) life, all More precisely and joyfully its(her) thinking functions.