Saturday, February 9, 2008

Take Paints And Draw Before A Dream, Trying

Take paints and Draw before a dream, trying to represent that you now more precisely Disturbs. You are surprised to improving effect which will come(step), and Marvel to the figure. Employment(Occupations) by a calligraphy - excellent means to recover from Consequences of nervous shocks. This fact was established(installed) by the Hong Kong doctors. They Approve(Confirm), that when the person diligently writes out hieroglyphs, it(he) completely Relaxs, frequency of its(his) pulse decreases. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, in garrison hospital, successfully The color method offered by the senior warrant officer Nikolay Tokmakovym is approved Treatments of neurosises sick of various forms. It is known, that bright, hot Paints influence the person excitingly, and gentle, pure(clean) tone, On the contrary, . It also has brought to an idea to offer physicians Series specially created by it(him) from 250 water colour miniatures. Spread out in The certain sequence before patients(patient), they help(assist) to remove(take off) exhaustion, To get rid of a sleeplessness, to lift a vitality.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Empty Porridge Seems To Me Halvah Is

The empty porridge seems to me halvah is more sweet. Now, The truth, I not away it(her) , and to add. And Bringing down as soup misses, and sausage without bread at all is not begins. But after 18.00 even if it will not be possible to eat in the afternoon, till the morning except for thawed snow In a mouth we take nothing. I have entered this evening abstention as Indemnifications for careless kitchen affairs. Once a week Necessarily is has already turned to need(requirement). Before a dream - obligatory jog " in pleasure " kilometers on six (Till now I do not cease to be surprised ease of breath and this only thing To sensation which I test during run, - a touch to a ground). Then a hot shower. With cold water I have made friends. In the summer when have disconnected(have switched-off) water, I have begun To bathe after jogs - and so , that has held on up to the middle October. So it is pleasant to feel the invulnerability that has lost care and up to "physiognomy" which, however, was not frightened: has ceased to eat - through All has passed(has taken place) three days without any medicines.

It(she) And It Is Acquired Worse, And Brings

It(she) and It is acquired worse, and brings energy, and the main thing, the helpful information much It is less, than it has been incorporated in a opportunity of a meal. And what Terrible custom: to argue behind meal, to find out attitudes(relations), to exchange Causticities to recollect any mucks - to put it briefly, to bring in food Negative emotions! It is an attribute of depressing lack of culture, even and was At you a doctor's degree, also you would manage faculty, and even would carry Title of the winner of the State premium. And about calmness and absence of negative impulses behind meal. It is absolutely authentically established(installed), that slow, repeated food, its(her) careful processing and formation(education) at this time Plentiful saliva twice improve mastering that product which is at Us in a mouth. I ask to be late a sight at a word: "twice"! It means, That at such approach to food it(she) can be consumed twice less, than we it(her) Now we consume in daily occurrence.

Do(make) It With Pleasure " - Here One

Do(make) It with pleasure " - here one of the major precepts of Porfiriya Korneevicha Ivanov, And not only verbal precepts, but a real example of all of its(his) concrete life. And unless an ethical principle of other person, also sacred if it to consider(count) To measures religious, Albert Schweitzer, altruism as does not approve(confirm) Strategy of a life? In the curriculum vitae 1931 the philosopher recollected, how once, In the fine solar morning, during a vacation its(his) 1896 has captured an idea about Volume, that it(he) should not accept the favorable destiny as something most Itself understood, and should people give something in exchange. This idea later Has led Schweitzer to the decision to go as the doctor in African Jungle. A principle of goods, compassion, goodwill as immemorial The beginnings of the life disseminated everywhere in the form of intangible molecules, begins Before our eyes to materialize already in vital structure of greater(big) groups The people incorporated by aspiration to real progress, to concrete To embodiment of that best that defines(determines) an essence of the human nature.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Problem(task) Number One, Time Speech Has Come

A problem(task) number one, time speech Has come about a feed(meal), - to make the organism pure(clean), pure(clean), Ideally pure(clean), such that it(he) could function ideally as to it(him) and It is necessary by nature that there were no failures for this reason. And these failures are those, That is more serious than them and to not think up. And a following problem(task) - this(thus) internal Cleanliness to support(maintain) strictly. That else distinguishes an anatomic structure of the third whale from corporal Designs of set of its(his) colleagues, at ocean so it is installation On an individualization. For readers of this book already clearly, that alongside with the general(common) Laws of a feed(meal), certainly, existing for all, everyone The organism is individual so, that it is required to it(him) special, certain Set or selection of the products most corresponding(meeting), authentic To this individual organism. Perfectly I understand, how much(as far as) I complicate a life not only each mistress, But also to each separate person.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It Seems To Me, These(it) It Is Speculative

It seems to me, these(it) it is speculative extracted(obtained) Advice(Councils) do not consider not only centuries-old practice of mankind, which Moves absolutely other by, but also the serious given natural sciences. As to gradual accustoming to a heat and that in a pair bath It is necessary to pass gradually from heat to greater heat, here objections, as It seems, cannot be, for, I repeat, in history of mankind people, Living in an average strip, with a phenomenon of excessive temperatures met Extremely seldom. As if to influences of a cold, here a practice Testifies to that abrupt, sharp, the schedule of transition to To low temperatures not only it is not harmful, but it is exclusively useful to ours Improvements, the truth, under one solving(deciding) condition: contact with Temperature +12 � With and below at the beginning should be very short, not More than minute. Similar short-term appointment to ice water not only not Brings any negative consequences, but, on the contrary, gives huge outside of the internal energy expressed in feeling sharp external and Internal warming up at once, practically instantly after influences Cold water.