Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Further Some Absolutely Practical Principles Will Be Informed

Further some absolutely practical principles will be informed also . But that you, the reader, have begun to apply them, it is necessary all over again To solve for itself, that it is necessary for you, that this business costing(standing), that it is necessary, Perhaps, to test, etc. My text, my statement is first of all Aspiration to give(allow) you psychological installation on necessity , That is on creation and finding of an organism energetically powerful, well Adapted for possible(probable) surprises of the nature, whether it be temperature drops Or atmospheric pressure, influence of magnetic storms, etc. Even more to strengthen influence defining(determining) behaviour Psychological installation, I shall increase pressure directly on a little Your rational centers, the dear reader. Knowing, that you the person Formed, gradually I shall start to pay your attention to messages Theoretical. For example, really it is not interesting to you, whence, from what bowels Organism abundance of "gratuitous" heat after douche cold rises Water? In fact it like would contradict the absolute law of conservation of energy, But nevertheless at rise in temperature we cause reserve " forces The order " by means of cold douches and - it is recovered.

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