Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Centers For Wide Weights Of The Population.

The centers for wide Weights of the population. These Centers can work can work in a mode as Dispensaries, and sanatoria. In due course the Improving Centers should To form a comprehensive network in territory of our country, where each of The centers works, leaning(basing) on specific features of the district and in Same time for the general(common) for all Centers strategy of health. 2. Fertile influence of the Center is based on the complex approach to To health of the person. In this complex influence taking priority value It is given improvement first of all mentalities and the person, To development in it(him) of the humanistic beginnings. 3. The complex approach assumes work above health of the person in Resonance with powerful forces of the Nature. 4. All employees of the Center should pass(take place) a full rate of improvement, for The fine condition of their health is not only a distinctive sign Prestigious firm, but also one of the major conditions of positive influence The center.

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