Friday, March 2, 2007

After It(This) It Is Removed From A Plate,

After It(This) it is removed from a plate, we wrap up it(her) in newspapers, in a blanket, we cover From above a pillow and thus three hours. After that we merge tartly a liquid in a glass and fine we drink it(him), not hurrying up, up to The night to finish drink before a dream. We eat thus everything, that is inherent To our usual diet. For tomorrow - the same. Next day- Again the same, with manufacturing since morning and its(his) use in Current of day. I ask to not be surprised, if at the some people will appear sharp , maybe, even in each half an hour. The matter is that salts Start to be dissolved so intensively, that at some people they it is appreciable Irritate a bladder. In a week I ask to repeat all all over again: all same first day, The second, third day. In a year this double session it will be necessary again To repeat. To be convinced of that, however(as) vigorously there is a dissolution of salts, It will be already possible through -two. If at you did not turn or hurted(was ill,was sick) Joint, or the neck was not bent, or you without assistance could not put on Jacket you evidently will see how your joints became more mobile, Will feel, that pains leave.

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