Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hence, We Shall Not Apply The Formula "instead

Hence, we shall not apply the formula "instead of", we shall start with Formulas "together". Powerful radical means of a burning out all harmful, Potentially dangerous accumulation ruining health in ours Organism,-starvation is the most necessary part in the general(common) system of reduction Organism to ideally pure(clean) condition. I shall dare to speak about starvation by the raised syllable, to that is The reasons. And first of them that, that the person who has passed(has taken place) in some Serious kind school of famine, it already another, more perfect(absolute) in The world outlook plan the person. Why? Because has proved first of all To itself, that it(he) the owner, instead of the slave to the passions, that its(his) will is capable To overcome and subordinate to itself the changed needs(requirements), that put by it(him) The purpose is capable to ennoble it(him) above vanity of vanities, and all vanity. It is impossible not To note, that, having left from a condition of famine, the person in a new fashion sees the world, it(he) Finds that completeness of life which did not notice earlier, did not appreciate, and now Together with food and drinks it(he) in a new fashion sharply perceives the broadest scale The diversified sensations, liquidating touch famine, which Accompanied with it(him) during famine physical.

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