Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Skeletal Muscle Incorporates And Forces Blood Like

The skeletal muscle incorporates and forces blood like heart and carries out It the more actively, than is more on it(her) necessary physical activity. The nature For greater reliability of blood supply has gone on a way not increases in quantity(amount) Hearts, and the help to this(it) - significant number of reliable assistants. factors of blood circulation - venous a pomp, the belly pump, The thorax and a lot of other devices - operate(work) as independent Pumps. At the person more such six hundred additional hearts, six hundred The hearts which have been released(which have been let off) by the nature! It is a little bit more, than two or three refined visionaries, is not that so? Yes, we know giants of reason who have managed considerably to surpass EFFICIENCY 4-6 % from potential opportunities of our brain, describing a level of activity of intelligence The person. But why to us to not pay attention and to those people, which Have lifted as well the EFFICIENCY of muscular activity, having increased opportunities up to The heights, capable to admire? (and unless is not quite achievable ideal Increase in EFFICIENCY and reason, and cardiovascular system, and at close and Constant these systems?.

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